Subject: Bad Intentions -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Dear Subscriber, How's this for a cynical statement?: Even on those rare occasions when the government does something apparently good, it's always for the wrong reasons. This is something the people hate to acknowledge about the tyrants in their own country. People like to feel attached to a pack, a club, a team. Americans like to say "WE defeated Hitler!" But they don't add, "and then WE gave Stalin half of Europe." Pack mentality makes most people want to be proud of their "side," and feel some comradery with their fellow countrymen. When people celebrated the end of Saddam Hussein's reign, they WANTED their "team" to be the good guys. They WANT the war to be about liberty and justice for all. It's not. War is never about anything other than preserving or increasing the power of the people who started it. To the soldiers it may be about something noble, and to the people watching from home it may have some righteous meaning, but to the people who make war HAPPEN, there is, and has always been, only ONE agenda: maintaining or increasing their own power. The "Operation Northwoods" documents give a fine example of control freaks having an agenda, and creating a plan to mislead and manipulate the peasants into supporting their agenda (in that case, a military invasion of Cuba). And Castro was so easy to hate, and kicking his butt seemed so worthy a goal, that had the plan succeeded, the American "team" wouldn't have WANTED to ever question the motives of the American tyrants. And so it is with those who support the war in Iraq. Saddam was a butthead of the highest order, and I'm glad he's dead. And doing the right thing is probably why many American soldiers fought there, but it is NOT why they were sent there. In short, the American tyrants had their agenda, and came up with a good lie to dupe the American public into supporting that agenda. If you doubt this, take a peek: As my "Tyrant" book explains ( ), this is one of the most effective tyrant tricks there is: using the GOOD intentions of the people to increase authoritarian control. When the tyrants promise to help the poor, or fight illegal immigration, or improve education, or fight drug abuse, or make our country secure, or fix health care, or reduce crime, or defeat a nasty tyrant (a non-American one), or anything else they EVER say, their real goal is ALWAYS their own power. Amazingly, in our one-party-with-two-faces system, half of Americans can see through the propaganda of one side, and the other half can see through the lies of the other side. But they can't see through the lies of their own preferred politician. Republicans WANT George W. Bush to have good motives. But he doesn't. He is an evil, megalomaniacal lunatic who will commit extortion, terrorism, torture, and mass murder if it gives him the glory and power he craves. When he claims to be doing those things in the name of some appparently noble goal, HE IS LYING. The same is true of Bill Clinton. The leftists really WANTED to believe that he meant well. He didn't, nor does his psychotic witch of a wife. These are EVIL people. Good people DON'T WANT to rule everyone else. Love of dominion is the best mark of EVIL there could possibly be, and it is the driving motivation of EVERY politician in Washington... with one possible exception. After the 1994 "Republican Revolution" (back when I was still a recovering statist), I was thoroughly convinced that the newly elected "conservatives" really did have the goal of REDUCING the size and power of "government." Well, if any of them actually went in with that agenda (which I doubt), they lost it very quickly. (If you want an example of why I'm a bit cynical about the supposed heart-felt, genuine beliefs and principles of politicians, look no further than that great champion of "family values," Senator Larry "Romance-in-the-Restroom" Craig. How many people fell for his disingenuous, vote-fishing tripe?) Politicians don't seek positions of power in order to NOT use it. Even Ronald Reagan, one of the most outspoken "limited government" advocates ever, turned around and built up the heinous, fascist police state under the guise of the "war on drugs." As for politicians who have NOT changed their tune once in office, I can count them on one finger. They're all named "Ron Paul." (No, I still don't advocate engaging in the cult ritual of elections, though I sympathize with those who knows it's a farce but do it anyway as a form of self defense.) There is a very real, very valid "us versus them," and it is completely missed by almost all Americans. It's not rich versus poor, or black versus white, or American versus foreigner, or Republican versus Democrat. The only "us versus them" worth mentioning is: those who value individual freedom, and those who don't. With that one really weird exception, the latter category includes EVERYONE currently in the House and Senate, and EVERYONE who has been President in the last two centuries (at least). It feels silly to have state something that is so painfully obvious, but about 300,000,000 Americans still fail to recognize it. Sincerely, Larken Rose -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Note: This signature can be verified at Charset: UTF8 Version: Hush 2.5 wpwEAQECAAYFAkcHCVkACgkQGmVFo/iGj31DwAP9H59A8BICaZM6CRQWUDDmrKK3zlX/ 0clCQ0IanU//tJOV2v9H9m71DQv6+H6aJyN2kZplHw/eon4z9+iiceCguN04C6Ijzi7K rO8xa+fopkUEHKuIfSLN5gHKrEOmFDbPiN0PvbkNsZ/axjdKEoBH3fAxTm2tJLxOUlLe 0KdNDUo= =cmpz -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- -- Take control of your computer with great spyware removal. 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