Subject: Feel Safer? -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Dear Subscriber, I feel much safer knowing that federal fascists are "protecting" me. If anyone thinks the "Department of Homeland Security" and the TSA have ANYTHING to do with making us safe, let's do a little "compare and contrast": 1) Yeah, I look at this girl, and the first thing I think is, "Terrorist! Please protect me from her!" 2) Oh well, if fascist, police state harassment, warrantless searches, assault and constant surveillance are the price for our safety, then yippee! And just look how hard the TSA is working to keep us safe!: Incidentally, to the people of Phoenix, if you were hoping to win the "Sleezeball Mayor" of the year award, I think you did it. Could Phil Gordon possibly look any MORE dishonest, slimy, condescending, and arrogant? Heck, in comparison he almost makes Mayor Street (Philadelphia) look like something other than the crook he is. All the "national security" bunk has ONE goal: to train us to be subservient and obedient, and to put up with all manner of unjustified intrusions, interrogations, searches, and harassment. If you think it has ANYTHING to do with "fighting terrorism," you need to watch less mainstream media and search YouTube for "TSA." Sincerely, Larken Rose (P.S. Based on the last flight I took, several years ago, I believe I am on the TSA's "list" of people to give a little extra attention to. Don't criticize the American tyrants, or you might get on the list too. Personally, I don't fly anymore, because I doubt my ability to humbly and quietly put up with the fascist oppression that "good" Americans seem to take in stride.) -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Note: This signature can be verified at Charset: UTF8 Version: Hush 2.5 wpwEAQECAAYFAkcaoNEACgkQGmVFo/iGj31QQQQApKWNRLmx004leGQgz1DVIh0tx2u5 dBFINYdSD96Iun5xEmRlPBfADAlHwXVCXOuRMoEcKpRUL52F8d8pYHa0bdw+DrJgmanA odax50KPv0EKAiC0Hudp8Y+LuUi1wb8eB4pZlHDi9JCXQNWV2G5pFx/a8uxORK8bX7Qt PE9Zn0Q= =HtHe -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- --------------------------------------------------------------------- To subscribe, send a blank message to To contact the list owner, send your message to