Subject: Retroactive Unretracting -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Dear Subscriber, I hereby un-retract my second-to-last e-mail. (Did that make sense?) It turns out that Fox "News" DID decide to EXCLUDE Ron Paul from a January 6th event--though it was a "forum" rather than a "debate." Now the New Hampshire GOP is saying they want Ron Paul included, which I tend to think means, "Well, we don't ACTUALLY want him there, but we don't want to look like the establishment insider's game that we really are." Incidentally, why do they call them "debates" at all? There is basically no back-and-forth. I would love to see Ron Paul be allowed to ask the other candidates questions. THAT would be a "debate," and would actually be entertaining. Of course, then actual IDEAS might be discussed, and the status quo brigade certain can't have THAT happening in public! Here are a few questions that I think would be fun to ask: 1) Mr. Politician, what level of taxation do you think would justify forcible resistance? 50%? 90%? 100%? Or do you believe that if government demands every penny we earn, we should comply? 2) Mr. Politician, do you believe that when a government becomes the violator, rather than the protector, of individual rights, that it is the right and duty of the people to forcibly overthrow that government? 3) Mr. Politician, please list for me five things which the "commerce clause" does NOT authorize the federal government to in any way regulate or control. (With the exception of Ron Paul, good luck finding anyone in DC who thinks there is even ONE thing.) 4) Mr. Politician, do you believe that the Second Amendment was written so that, if you bastards get too tyrannical, we can blow your damn heads off? Well, now you know why they won't be asking ME to be a presidential debate "moderator" any time soon. Sincerely, Larken Rose -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Note: This signature can be verified at Charset: UTF8 Version: Hush 2.5 wpwEAQECAAYFAkd596kACgkQGmVFo/iGj30eCgP/ahoxlZHwGQnKwgQgvm2PzEx+s4lN 07VSqYCNa3m77r335/vVBTcTk1SmfrkQGbS9Qv72bDJHAVwDG60PgTsQIpExpPrrNPYF kBeNu/V/RFWdk7MMKrdL9e7OsdFcboI2AgkbB1LCjv+huGAzM6A/lQtcTfLAqka9S9QW 8oehPrA= =3AUj -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- --------------------------------------------------------------------- To subscribe, send a blank message to