Subject: Prediction -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Dear Subscriber, I almost didn't want to publicly post this, but it's not like the tyrant establishment doesn't know any of it, so here goes. The Republican party has a bunch of presidential hopefuls: one actual constitutionalist, and a whole lot of socialist/fascist clones. What little enthusiasm there is for any of the plastic neocon crooks is the result of superficial rhetoric and a bit of salesmanship. There is no significant substantive enthusiasm for ANY of them. And why should there be? What are they all offering? More of the same collectivist central control we've had for the past century. Who is insane enough to be excited about that? And then there is Ron Paul. He actually believes in something, and it's something significantly different from the status quo. (Every politician pretends to want "change," but Ron Paul actually means it.) True, it's different enough that is may scare a lot of the American sheeple, who tend to be emotionally attached to their familiar chains, but it's something that a lot of people actually WANT, not because it's slightly less evil than the other choice, but because it's something actually GOOD. It's called "freedom." Anyway, my prediction is this. In the first few primary elections, Ron Paul will do far better than any mainstream polls are indicating. Why? Because the people who support him REALLY support him, and will show up to vote. Meanwhile, the public support for the self-appointed establishment control freaks is not only weak, but it is split half a dozen ways. Really, who would bother to show up (in a primary, especially) to vote for "Generic Tyrant #4," instead of "Generic Tyrant #2"? What's the point? It's kind of like getting excited about deciding whether to get hit in the head by a wooden bat or by an aluminum bat. And since the numbers show the LEADER having percentages in the low twenties, and since turnout for primaries is often low anyway, it wouldn't take much of a turnout of Ron Paul supporters to upset the apple cart. (Here is a little statistical example, even using the probably- bogus mainstream media stats. Suppose 6% of Republicans support Ron Paul, 25% support Fuhrer Giuliani, and 25% support Mr. Totalitarian Huckabee. Now suppose 50% of those Ron Paul supporters actually show up to vote, and only 10% of other supporters show up, which is about normal. Guess who wins. Ron Paul.) Then, after Ron Paul starts looking like a real threat, the true nature of the self-serving system will shine through. You will see several of the establishment-appointed megalomaniacs dropping out of the race, in an effort to keep Ron Paul from having a chance to win. Though each of those in the collection of would-be tyrants wants to hold the reins of the machine, their first priority is to preserve the system of power. They would rather drop the entire facade of "democracy," and have all but the chosen tyrant drop out, than let Ron Paul have a shot at the White House. You will see the candidates drop out, one by one, each throwing his support behind anyone OTHER than Ron Paul. The good news is, the modern American tyrant, while plenty vicious and power-happy, seems to be rather stupid. The general public distrusts and dislikes both major political parties, which is the result of bad tyrant propaganda. (A competent tyrant can oppress people AND make them love him at the same time.) And the current tyrants just might be stupid enough to waste enough time fighting over the throne that someone who doesn't WANT to run everybody's life will sneak through. Hey, I can dream, can't I? Sincerely, Larken Rose -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Note: This signature can be verified at Charset: UTF8 Version: Hush 2.5 wpwEAQECAAYFAkd76eAACgkQGmVFo/iGj300mgP+JQWwPf1hDQXScMpKirScfQwpz3sv qPgTPbtRakbzbzzen6eJI09PeXiNdf2FAYJLxvsu05pLt0IA6sZUyyAuxR6yMt9TEk5B MUc7lAyIuMP6/CBqPPh3AoGate4BBiYngJhs7wsR6HCwbBh8oMm1wLZYSNYBiIq6cBQb 4IJzq1k= =OLOy -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- --------------------------------------------------------------------- To subscribe, send a blank message to