Subject: Frank the Carjacker -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Dear Subscriber, Frank is a carjacker. But unlike most, he's a swell guy. You see, he doesn't steal cars. If you pay him a few bucks, he'll change your car's oil for you. He's also good with tune-ups and filter changes. He's a good, honest guy, and charges very reasonable prices for quality work. What do you think of Frank so far? Well, you might be thinking, "If he doesn't steal cars, why do you call him a carjacker?" Good question. Now that you've met Frank, I would also like to introduce you to a local government. But it's not your usual bunch of control freak politicians and their hired guns. No, these guys never violate anyone's individual rights. In fact, all they do is defend people's rights. If you choose to pay for their services, they can do investigations, arbitration, track down and capture thieves and murderers, and so on. They don't rob you, or boss you around (unless you're robbing or assaulting someone else), or do anything else obnoxious or oppressive. What do you think of them so far? Well, if you thought about it for a while, you might think to ask, "Why do you call them 'government'?" Good question. The Declaration of Independence says that governments are formed to defend the rights of individuals. With all due respect to Thomas Jefferson, that's a load of bullpoop. You might as well say that carjackers are instituted among men to help them keep their cars running well. If someone doesn't steal cars, he's not a carjacker, and if a certain group of people does nothing more than defend individual rights, they are NOT a "government." What would a purely defensive organization look like? Well, it wouldn't "tax" you, for starters. Nor would it pretend to have any rights that YOU don't have, like the right to tell you what you can eat, drink, smoke, watch, say, produce, sell, build, etc. And since we ALL have the right to defend ourselves and others, it would need no constitution, no legislation, no elections, and no political process at all to do what it does: defending individual rights. It also would have no right to forcibly deter competing defense organizations, so it would have no monopoly. There could be (and probably would be) dozens of such organizations competing for your business. It would have no rights that YOU don't have, so it's commands wouldn't be "law" any more than your commands are. It's agents would have no "authority" that you don't have. It would not be above you in any way, shape or form, and you would be under no obligation to treat its agents any differently than you treat anyone else. Does that sound like "government" to you? Such an organization is no more "government" than the above-mentioned Frank is a carjacker. If it doesn't claim the right to rule you, at least in a limited way, it's NOT GOVERNMENT. What the Constitution describes, on the other hand, IS a "government," and is NOT a purely defensive organization. It pretends to have the right to "tax," for example. Would you like me to come and "defend your rights" by forcing you to give me some money? The contradiction should be obvious, despite the nonsensical civics propaganda we've all been fed. You can either have an organization that just defends individual rights, OR you can have a "government." By definition, the two are mutually exclusive. If it has the right to rule, control, and rob me--even in a limited manner--then it's not my DEFENDER. I almost feel silly pointing that out, since it's so patently obvious, but since we've all been trained to believe the ridiculous, the truth needs to be said. The Constitution is a document which pretended to bestow upon Congress rights that you and I DON'T HAVE. So to pretend that the system described therein is merely one for protecting individual rights is utterly absurd. However limited and reasonable you try to make it, "government" (by definition) is ALWAYS a ruling class, and therefore is ALWAYS the enemy of liberty. To pretend otherwise is to deny the obvious. Sincerely, Larken Rose -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Note: This signature can be verified at Charset: UTF8 Version: Hush 2.5 wpwEAQECAAYFAkd9jdsACgkQGmVFo/iGj30xXwP/YmhaB2cdxBnB4XatX5M0xYcG7GQJ 76emdvwysWNBiPntdmXcwiLgeKXcCRVrxQXWlkO/WUDXKZq+C1CLnONFkK7QKTaFxtdm LB93v3xex5xiF+CAI1GRVoTSnZOe2Sfeg/1CsECw284EBqGmAPXl+e0z3mSQW9vIEsov ul0JaiU= =Ynt+ -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- --------------------------------------------------------------------- To subscribe, send a blank message to