Subject: Choosing the Choices -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Dear Subscriber, What is your favorite color: mauve, chartreuse, or beige? After all, those are the only possible "legitimate" answers to the question. Because I said so. If, two years ago, you asked everyone in the country who they wished would be President, if it could be anyone they wanted, how many people do you think would say Mike Huckabee? Approximately none. Mitt Romney? About zero. Fred Thompson? Pretty much no one. Ron Paul? A puny percentage, but probably several thousand at least (which wouldn't include me--my choice would be "no one"). So where did those supposed "choices" come from, because--with the exception of Ron Paul--it sure as heck wasn't from any sort of popular demand. How did those options just magically appear out of nowhere? It was, of course, the two factions of the collectivist ruling class that told the people who the "choices" would be. Basically, the royal family trotted out a few of their power-happy offspring, and said we could choose which one would be oppressing us for the next few years. (The fact that the ruling "family" in our country is linked by an insider's political club, instead of by blood, only makes it worse. After all, it's possible for a king to accidentally have a kid who isn't evil, but you won't ever catch a political establishment accidentally appointing anyone to a position of power who actually likes freedom.) So a club of collectivist control freaks will let you "choose" which one of THEIR approved collectivist control freaks will have his jackboot on your neck for the next four years. And we're supposed to feel empowered because of that? At this point, the Tyrants R Us brigade in DC, and their propagandists in the mainstream media, aren't even trying very hard to hide the truth of just how "democratic" our insane system has become. (Incidentally, democracy itself is a really bad idea, but what we have now is even worse.) Take, for example, the decision by Fox "News" to exclude Ron Paul from today's Republican primary presidential debate in New Hampshire. The all-knowing Fox "News," in its wisdom, declared Rudy Giuliani the leader in the race. In Iowa, Giuliani came in SIXTH, at about 3%, while Ron Paul more than TRIPLED that, with just over 10%. Nonetheless, the Fox News bigwigs, having just demonstrated their less-than-stellar powers of prediction, decided that Ron Paul is not a "legitimate" candidate, and so he wouldn't be included in the debate in New Hampshire. There are two options here: 1) Fox "News" is unbelievably bad at predicting elections, or 2) Fox "News" is not discovering and reporting what the people want, but is reporting what Fox "News" WANTS the people to want. Either way, letting those morons and/or liars decide who should be in the debates is ridiculous. In fact, it's so ridiculous that even the New Hampshire Republican party removed its sponsorship of today's debate because of the exclusion of Ron Paul. (Being the cynic I am, I think the party mainly did that, not because of any actual principle, but because it wanted to stop the avalanche of angry letters it was getting for being part of the political censorship agenda.) Even on the comments on Fox's web site, most of the anti-Paul comments were based entirely on the argument, "He can't possibly win." How do people think they can possibly know such a thing? Because the wildly inaccurate "polls" tell them so? You mean the same polls that said that Giuliani was the frontrunner? And the same ones the put Hillary way ahead of the pack in the Democratic race? After Ron Paul got THREE TIMES the votes in Iowa that the supposed "frontrunner" got, and Hillary came in THIRD, why would anyone ever base anything upon the polls ever again? But what makes Fox "News" win the Orwellian award of the week hands down is the fact that it's tightly controlled, substance-avoiding, all-collectivist propaganda agenda is presented under the ridiculous banner of "You Decide 2008!" Amazing. Sincerely, Larken Rose (P.S. Ron Paul did far better in Iowa than polls predicted. Tancredo is now dropping out of the race, and endorsing Mitt Romney. Please remember my prediction, because this is only the start.) -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Note: This signature can be verified at Charset: UTF8 Version: Hush 2.5 wpwEAQECAAYFAkeBtEIACgkQGmVFo/iGj31sZAP/fOHQPppuD5D185sMOlQmAYnYgifP C8UxaJOfcfkCf3svcQ9Za12p25yjlkLbpeYBWRL7u5Me6FbKUhE9uEYy+ycVRC9oWCUG ik70L+/zPW4ZOI1JGSFpM4usPjI7YX7cmvo1POKkCRFRG3eMkmCfBxZAZGBwww2nRGST 1Z2CFrA= =W5zy -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- --------------------------------------------------------------------- To subscribe, send a blank message to