I am not a Tax Lawyer, Nor do I play Dan Evans on the internet.
I am not a Certified Public Accountant, Nor do I play Paul Thomas on the internet.
I am not an Enrolled Agent, Nor do I play Richard Macdonald on the internet.
I am not a Pulitzer Prize winning tax reporter, Nor do I Play David Cay Johnston on the internet.
Go look it up for yourself.

U.S. Federal Income Tax

Subjugation by taxation

Table of Contents

The Latest by David Cay Johnston

Facts Refute Filmmaker’s Assertions on Income Tax in ‘America’

This story title is itself an assertion.

Aaron Russo, the producer of films like “Trading Places” and “The Rose,” promotes his new film, “America: From Freedom to Fascism,” which opened Friday, as having had its international premiere before a packed audience “during the Cannes Film Festival.”

I’m not checking the facts on this assertion, since memory indicates this one might be correct.

The film was not on the program at Cannes, however, not even for screenings made under the festival’s aegis without being in the awards competition. Mr. Russo, the film’s director, writer and producer, just set up an inflatable screen on a beach. Photographs posted at one of Mr. Russo’s Web sites depict an audience of fewer than 50 people spread out on a platform on the sand.

How many times was the film shown?  When was the first showing?  When was the last showing?  Which showing was photographed?

I personally watched the free pre-screening of this movie in St. Charles, Illinois with about 700 others.  This figure of 700 came from the theater operator.

Hyping films with fanciful claims is nothing new in Hollywood. But examination of the assertions in Mr. Russo’s documentary, which purports to expose “two frauds” perpetrated by the federal government, taxing wages and creating the Federal Reserve to coin money, shows that they too collapse under the weight of fact.

Again, Mr. Johnston has made an assertion.  Mr. Johnston has asserted that what Mr. Russo shows in his film is not correct.

Mr. Johnston asserts that the facts contradict Mr. Russo.  Which facts Mr. Johnston?  The facts you believe on faith? The facts you believe that the actual written words of the Statutes and Regulations contradict?

Since this is assertion by a well known name from a well known paper, are the people to just accept your assertion that the facts do not support Mr. Russo?.

Dear reader, let us move on and see what Mr. Johnston presents to substantiate his assertions.

Still, at free showings the film has drawn long lines of people eager to watch a documentary that feeds on the estrangement many Americans feel from their government, especially those who believe they played by the rules and yet see their finances strained or broken. Many of the reviews in major newspapers have accepted as having some factual basis the film’s main contention, that the government illegally extracts income taxes, even though every court that has ever ruled on these issues has upheld the constitutionality of the income tax.

Mr. Johnston acknowledges that there is an “estrangement” of “many Americans … from their government.”  Perhaps, Mr. Johnston, some of that estrangement comes from people like myself, to include Mr. Russo, who have looked into the issue, and have actually taken the time to study what the written words of law, Statutes, and Regulations actually say.  When the law says one thing and the government ignores the law and does what it wants, then estrangement is on the mild end of what is going to happen if the government does not get back into its legal Constitutional box.

Mr. Johnston then makes one of his signature deliberate misrepresentations of what the issue actually is.  The issue is not, nor has it ever been, “the constitutionality of the income tax”.  The issue is the misrepresentation of what the tax laws actually say, and the misapplication of those very same laws.  But then, misrepresentation is what you have been all about ever since you LIED about Mr. Larken Rose’s position, even after he, and others, have corrected you on your misrepresentations.

If the government does not follow the written law when it “extracts taxes”, then such extraction of taxes IS ILLEGAL. When the government does this, it violates due process, and thus violates the Constitution.

The film’s appeal, Mr. Russo said during a phone interview last week, is not left or right, but concentrated among those who see the United States evolving into a police state ruled by an oligarchy that has tricked Americans into paying taxes.

Once one has their eyes opened by seeing the deliberate violations of due process by the government, then the other tyrannical actions of this government become easier to see.

Not mentioned in the film is that Mr. Russo has more than $2 million of tax liens filed against him by the Internal Revenue Service, California and New York for unpaid federal and state taxes. Mr. Russo declined to discuss the liens, saying they were not relevant to his film.

They are NOT relevant to the film.  They ARE indicative of the very problem the film seeks to expose. What you are doing here is poisoning the well.  You are attempting to sling mud on Mr. Russo because you don’t want the general public to view this movie and start asking questions. You are attempting to discredit Mr. Russo in an attempt to discredit the film.

Early in the film Mr. Russo, the narrator, asserts that every president since Woodrow Wilson and every member of Congress has perpetrated a hoax to tax people’s wages and issue them dubious currency. All of the federal income tax revenue, the film says, goes to these bankers to pay interest on the national debt, even though by the broadest measure the federal government’s interest payments are less than 40 percent of the individual income taxes, according to an examination of every federal budget since 1995.

More assertions by Mr. Johnston.  Please provide citations where folks can find such numbers on the internet.

The film opens by calling the 16th Amendment and its subsequent income tax and the Federal Reserve the product of a “silent coup d’état” in 1913 by “international bankers.” In the style of low-budget television documentaries, photographs appear on screen of J. P. Morgan, Paul Warburg and John D. Rockefeller.

In the style of low-budget…”  More mud slinging Mr. Johnston?

The documentary includes interviews with a host of people who are presented as experts, scholars and whistle-blowers. All deny the legitimacy of the income-tax laws, including Irwin Schiff, now serving his third prison term for tax crimes.

Mr. Schiff’s kangaroo judge Dawson is quoted as saying to the effect, “The law will not be discussed in my court room.” The jury never did see the law that created the duty that Mr. Schiff failed to execute. Perhaps Mr. Johnston, you would care to engage with me on those laws that Mr. Shiff was alleged to have violated? I know you won’t because the last thing you can have happen is for me to shred your credibility by showing you the written words of law do not support your position.

The cornerstone of Mr. Russo’s case is whether any law requires Americans to pay income taxes on wages.

Well Mr. Johnston, Which law requires payment of income taxes on wages?

Near the film’s beginning Mr. Russo says, and others appear on screen asserting, that the Internal Revenue Service has refused every request to show any law making Americans liable for an income tax on their wages.

Did you ever get an answer from Mr. Everson?  You asked him that question and he just gave you blather. He did NOT answer the question, did he? Perhaps I missed it. Would you care to send me the answer? I want Statute, Regulation, chapter and verse that makes me liable for an income tax on my wages.

Yet among those thanked in the credits for their help in making the film is Anthony Burke, an I.R.S. spokesman. Mr. Burke said that when Mr. Russo called him asking what law required the payment of income taxes on wages, he sent Mr. Russo a link to documents, including Title 26 of the United States Code, citing the specific sections that require income taxes be paid on wages. Title 26 says on its face that it is law enacted by Congress, but Mr. Russo denied this fact.

Office of the Law Revision Counsel states on their website:

Certain titles of the Code have been enacted into positive law, and pursuant to section 204 of title 1 of the Code, the text of those titles is legal evidence of the law contained in those titles. The other titles of the Code are prima facie evidence of the laws contained in those titles. The following titles of the Code have been enacted into positive law: 1, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 17, 18, 23, 28, 31, 32, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 44, 46, and 49

Prima facie (at first glance) means that the Statutes-at-large are the final authority of what the law is.

“Title 26,” Mr. Russo said in an interview last week, “is not the law, it is I.R.S. regulations and to be a law it has to be passed by Congress.” Mr. Russo added that he had studied the matter closely and was confident that he had the facts.

How do I know you are not making this stuff up? Didn’t Jayson Blair used to work for the paper you work for?

Arguments made in court that the income tax is invalid are so baseless that Congress has authorized fines of $25,000 for anyone who makes them. But even though the penalty was quintupled, from $5,000, it has not deterred those who assert this and other claims that Congress and the courts deemed “frivolous arguments.”

Again, you are misrepresenting what the true position is.

Should I use Section 861(b) of the Code, and regulation 1.861-8 to determine my domestic taxable income?

If the answer to the previous question is no, please state which statute or regulations says who should, and who should not us those sections to determine domestic taxable income?

Perhaps you can answer those two questions with your (alleged) superior knowledge of the tax law, Mr. Johnston.

Do those two questions look “frivolous” to you, the readers of this open letter to Mr. Johnston?

Here is the website URL where I have posted those 2 of 6 questions, and the governments response:

Mr. Johnston, since you speak for the government (much more than a reporter should) perhaps you can justify such a response to six simple questions about the law?

The film also states repeatedly that people are tricked into paying income taxes because no law makes them liable for taxes. The tax code uses the word impose, whose definition includes the concept of liability, courts have held in published decisions.

And the citation numbers of the court cases that support Mr. Johnston’s naked assertion is?

The film includes the voice of this reporter, off camera, asking the I.R.S. commissioner, Mark W. Everson, to answer protesters outside the Treasury building who wanted to know what law makes them liable for taxes. Mr. Everson then makes rambling comments without, as the film notes, answering the question.

If my memory serves me, the film had the footage when YOU asked Mr. Everson that question.  No, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Everson does not answer the question. And Mr. Everson did ramble about, the entire time NOT answering the question. Dale Hart then stepped in and gave the URL for that UNOFFICIAL pack of lies on the IRS’ website.

So, for the record, Mr. Johnston, what law makes a Citizen exchanging labor for money in any of the several states, “liable” for paying the “income tax”?

Mr. Russo also said that “Congress has no authority to tax people’s labor.” Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution begins with the phrase “The Congress shall have the power to lay and collect taxes.”
Only three limitations are placed on that power, none of which bars a tax on wages. One limitation, however, was a requirement that taxes be “apportioned among the several states.”

The old “bait and switch” Mr. Johnston?  Labor is NOT wages. Wages is NOT labor.  And since we are on the subject of wages, would you care to discuss the STATUTORY DEFINITION of WAGES?

You also seem to be ignorant about the difference between a “direct” tax and the “indirect” forms of taxation.  I do look forward to that civil discourse if you have the guts to engage on the facts of the WRITTEN STATUTES and REGULATIONS.

The 16th Amendment repealed apportionment, …

“The 16th Amendment repealed apportionment…”  No Mr. Johnston, it did not. The following was from STANTON v. BALTIC MINING CO, 240 U.S. 103 (1916)

But, aside from the obvious error of the proposition, intrinsically considered, it manifestly disregards the fact that by the previous ruling [Brushaber v. Union Pacific Railroad] it was settled that the provisions of the 16th Amendment conferred no new power of taxation...

And what did the previous ruling of BRUSHABER v. UNION PACIFIC R. CO., 240 U.S. 1 (1916) say?

We are of opinion, however, that the confusion is not inherent, but rather arises from the conclusion that the 16th Amendment provides for a hitherto unknown power of taxation; that is, a power to levy an income tax which, although direct, should not be subject to the regulation of apportionment applicable to all other direct taxes.

Note that what the Brushaber Court is specifically addressing a direct, unapportioned tax

And the far-reaching effect of this erroneous assumption [that the 16th Amendment provides for a direct, unapportioned tax] will be made clear by generalizing the many contentions advanced in argument to support it, as follows:

(a) The Amendment authorizes only a particular character of direct tax without apportionment, and therefore if a tax is levied under its assumed authority which does not partake of the characteristics exacted by the Amendment, it is outside of the Amendment, and is void as a direct tax in the general constitutional sense because not apportioned.

But it clearly results that the proposition [The "erroneous assumption above] and the contentions under it, if acceded to, WOULD CAUSE ONE PROVISION OF THE CONSTITUTION TO DESTROY ANOTHER; that is, they WOULD RESULT IN BRINGING THE PROVISIONS OF THE AMENDMENT exempting a direct tax from apportionment INTO IRRECONCILABLE CONFLICT WITH THE GENERAL REQUIREMENT that all direct taxes be apportioned.

Moreover, the tax authorized by the Amendment, being direct, would not come under the rule of uniformity applicable under the Constitution to other than direct taxes, and thus it would come to pass that the result of the Amendment would be to authorize a particular direct tax not subject either to apportionment or to the rule of geographical uniformity, thus giving power to impose a different tax in one state or states than was levied in another state or states.

This result, instead of simplifying the situation and making clear the limitations on the taxing power, which obviously the Amendment must have been intended to accomplish, would create radical and destructive changes in our constitutional system and multiply confusion.

More info.

The 16th Amendment repealed apportionment, but Mr. Russo says in the film that the 16th Amendment was never properly ratified and thus a tax on wages is unconstitutional. This claim has been made in various forms by thousands of tax protesters since 1913, and so far their batting average with the courts is .000.

The 16th Amendment was NOT properly ratified. Perhaps you should read Mr. Benson’s book:  “The Law That Never Was”.  And of even more interest, is the box the government has painted itself into with its ignorant inquisition of Mr. Benson.

And regardless of whether the 16th Amendment was, or was not properly ratified, it does NOT matter since the 16th does NOT allow for a direct, unapportioned tax.

To buttress the claim that the 16th Amendment is invalid, the film displays a quotation from a federal district judge, James C. Fox. But the transcript from which the judge’s words were taken shows that while he spoke those words, they were in the context of laying out issues and that the conclusion he reached was the opposite of the words quoted.

The citation for that court case is?  Your not giving the readers links to information so they can study the issue in more detail. Why is that Mr. Johnston?

Judge Fox, the transcript shows, concluded that no court would accept any argument that the 16th Amendment was not properly ratified and therefore invalid.

And I find that transcript where?

Regardless, your conclusion is wrong.

United States v. Benson, 941 F.2d 598, 607 (7th Cir. 1991), held that the ratification of the Sixteenth Amendment was a nonjusticiable political question that was “beyond review” by the federal courts.

The court’s refusal to touch that hot potato does NOT prove that the 16th Amendment was properly ratified, it only proves that the Courts won’t engage the question.

The film includes a brief interview with Sheldon Cohen, who was I.R.S. commissioner in the Johnson administration. Mr. Cohen said Mr. Russo used editing that “ twists my views” to create a false impression. Mr. Russo said he considered the assertion laughable.

What was that question? Oh, yeah… What law makes me liable? Care to answer it Mr. Johnston?

Mr. Russo was Bette Midler’s manager for seven years early in his career and has produced music as well as films. He also sought the Libertarian Party nomination for president in 2004 but dropped out because of ill health.

Despite hundreds and perhaps thousands of tax protesters going to prison, and many more losing their homes and life savings, the movement appears today to be more widespread than ever.

Perhaps, Mr. Johnston, those of us who have taken the time to study the WRITTEN WORDS OF LAW know that the government is misapplying the law, and getting convictions by keeping those WRITTEN WORDS OF LAW out of the courtroom.  Surely as the expert tax reporter for the NY Times, you should be able to rebut anything I have to say on the issue quite quickly if I am wrong.

“The tax protest movement is like a cult,” said J J MacNab, a Maryland insurance analyst who is writing a book about protesters and who has sat through six trials of people prosecuted for refusing to pay taxes under the theories espoused by Mr. Russo’s film.

Hearsay assertions now.  Aren’t you the fine reporter. 

I doubt Ms. Macnab has the guts to engage in discourse with informed Tax Honesty Advocates any more than you do.

One tax protester featured in the film, Irwin Schiff of Las Vegas, is now serving his third prison sentence after being convicted of tax evasion crimes. Mr. Schiff introduced into his criminal case the notes of his psychiatrist, who wrote that Mr. Schiff was a successful tax shelter salesman until a con artist ripped him and his clients off. The psychiatrist concluded that Mr. Schiff became delusional, believing he alone could properly interpret the tax code, as a way to avoid acknowledging reality.

Really now, Mr. Johnston. You are being a fascist whore with your mud slinging.  Oops, I have slipped to your level.

Later, one of Mr. Schiff’s confederates, who was also later convicted and sent to prison, sent e-mail messages to supporters saying that the psychiatrist’s notes were introduced as part of a ruse to help Mr. Schiff escape prosecution.

Mud slinging still. How about that discourse on the WRITTEN WORDS OF LAW, Mr. Johnston.

Ms. MacNab, who has testified before Congress, said that at each of the trials prosecutors showed how the accused took out of context sections of the law and court decisions while ignoring other sections, including those shown to them by I.R.S. agents.

And those other sections are, Mr. Johnston?

“People who are drawn into this movement just refuse to acknowledge facts that show their beliefs have no basis in fact,” she said. “Most of them have failed, their business has failed, their marriage has failed, and instead of taking responsibility for it they want to blame the government.”

Hearsay assertions and second hand mud slinging.

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