The Philosophy and Principles of YDOM!

You don't own me is a self-evident truth. The philosophy of YDOM is a narrowing of the focus to a personal level and viewpoint of the self-evident Truths of Natural Law espoused in the United States' Declaration of Independence. YDOM is a Natural Right.

You live; you have a right to what you have justly acquired; you have a right to what is justly yours; you have a right to what you own; you have a right to do any action so long as that action does not harm another human.

Concurrent with your right to your property is your right to protect, defend, and secure your property from any person that would attempt to take your property against your will or without your permission, whether by force or by fraud.

Your life is your property; your rights are your property; your right to make your own choices is your property; your labor is your property; the results of your labor is your property. You have and are the highest authority in regard to any of your property. In this context, "authority" means "a right to control".

No other person owns you so no other person has the attendant rights of control that is concurrent with ownership; no other person has a higher right to control you; no other person has a higher authority over you. Authority, the right to control, can not be delegated by any person that does not have possession or ownership of that authority.

The claim of any government; any member of government; or any person to have superior authority; or superior right to control any other human; that human's rights; property; or self-determination does not alter this reality.

YDOM means there can not be a ruling class. To deny this is to claim that a class of people can own other people (including you) along with having the attendant rights of control that is concurrent with ownership. This is a declaration of war on every human (including you) intended to be enslaved; this invokes the justifiable right to resist using whatever force is required to end the attempted or actual enslavement.

Every human has the right of defense against any entity that caused harm, attempted to cause harm, or intends to cause harm; any human in need of defending against harm, has the right of choosing what is the best method of protecting, defending, and securing themselves from harm. In this context, harm means: injury; damage; loss; pain; appropriation of property; usurpation of rights.

YDOM and Natural Law is based upon the foundation of an objective, non-relative, moral boundary. This absolute morality is based on a simple premise: Any person willfully doing harm is acting immorally.

A YDOMist Look at Government.

According to the first organic document of the United States, the Declaration of Independence, the purpose of government is to protect individual rights. After listing just a few of the many individual Natural Rights of humans per Natural Law, the U.S. Declaration of Independence states: "That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed..."

To "govern" is to "rule and control" by means of dictates, orders, demands, commands, rules, and laws culminating in force being threatened, or actually being used, against the governed. To consent to being governed means to agree to be harmed by the rulers for not obeying their dictates, orders, demands, commands, rules, or laws. Consenting to be governed; agreeing to be ruled; is saying, "I agree that you can hurt me if I don't obey your rules." Giving consent is giving the rulers the right to demand, "Do what we say, OR ELSE!" This is extortion. Always was; always is; always will be.

A human consenting to being ruled is a human willingly relinquishing their autonomy and allowing others to think for them without regard to the harm those thoughts will cause to self.

The terms of the governance as they currently exist and are currently enforced have just been disclosed, presented, and brought to your attention.

Point of logic: In order to consent, one must be given a choice. When were you actually asked to agree that government can hurt you if you don't obey its rules? When did you knowingly agree that government can hurt you if you don't obey its rules?

A prudent person, would demand proof of consent and would demand: Where are the notarized records proving consent and recording the terms agreed thereto presently stored? Absent these records nobody can prove consent was given or "Consent of the governed" even exists.

"Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed..."
Without consent of the governed to be ruled, the powers used to control the governed by rulers are usurpations of humans' rights; liberties; free will; and autonomy. Such usurpations are not just; not honorable; and not moral. Just as extortion and fraud are not just; not honorable; and not moral. Per Natural Law, Natural Rights, and YDOM no government has any moral rights or moral authority to rule.

You are under no moral duty to honor or obey such rulers or their rules. 

There are those who will attempt to convince you otherwise. Their "reasoning" if that is even the correct word, always ignores the simple fact of YDOM. ???

The British Stamp Act of 1865 caused the rally cry of the American revolution responding to this tax, "No taxation without representation!" Subsequently, this motivated the creation of a "Representative Government."

The creation of a "Representative Government" was the creation of a "Representative Ruler Class." This Representative Ruler Class is known as the "Legislature". Elected Legislators have the job of making rules, called laws, to tell you what you are allowed and not allowed to do. Legislators have the job of making rules to set how you shall be punished if you get caught not obeying Legislator rules.

LEO's (Law Enforcement Officers) have the job of arresting you if they catch you breaking Legislator rules, using escalating force, up to and including killing you if you forcibly resist being arrested.

Legislators are alleged to have a right to rule you and your alleged permission to make rules you must obey under penalty of death. Natural Law Rights and YDOM have already shown this is a false truth.

Any person who represents another is called an "Agent". The person being represented is called a "Principal".

In a true principal - agent relationship, the agent can not command the principal. The agent is required to obey the principal's wishes and protect the principal's interests. Also, if the agent fails to represent the principal and the principal's interests, the principal can terminate the agent's employment immediately.

Legislators can not be immediately terminated for failing to protect any voter's interests. True representative agents can not command their principals, which is exactly what Legislators do with their dictates, orders, demands, commands, rules, and laws.

So why call them Representatives?
They're not; they don't; they do what they want to do without regard to the promises made to get elected.

Calling Legislators "Representatives" is a lie, regardless of dictionary definitions.

A YDOMist Look at Public Schooling

Public schools are government schools, provided for the ruled by the rulers.

Government can not provide evidence of their right to rule. Governments and the rulers have no choice but to distract from and hide this lack of evidence.

Would rulers let their schools teach the ruled that the rulers have no moral right to rule? Would rulers let their schools teach that the ruler's alleged authority is not provable?

Per the ruler's schools, the rulers claim that the U.S. Constitution gives them the right to rule.

The Preamble to the U.S. Constitution states in part:
We the People of the United States 

Is this the long dead "We the People" or is this the presently living "We the People"? No matter: The writers of the Constitution were purported to speak for the multitude of the humans of the United States. "We the People" is not the singular entity it is treated as.

A critical thinker would challenge this slight of hand of acting as if Millions equal One; treating the Millions as if it is a single entity, and then purporting to speak for that single entity to justify usurpation of humans' rights; liberties; free will; and autonomy. This slight of hand is an act of fraud.

Prudent people would demand proof of: delegation; consent; allowing and tasking the writers of the Constitution to represent them. Where are the notarized records proving this delegation; consent; and tasking of the writers?

The U.S. Constitution states in part:
We the People of the United States … do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States…
The executive Power shall be vested in a President
The Congress shall have Power To …

No other person owns you so no other person has the attendant rights of control that is concurrent with ownership. Absent these rights of control, no person can grant powers over you to any other entity. Substitute "Rights and Permissions" for "Powers".

What else do the ruler's schools teach the ruled in regard to the U.S. Constitution?

• 15th Amendment (1870): "The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude."
• 19th Amendment (1920): "The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex."
• 24th Amendment (1964): "The right of citizens of the United States to vote in any primary or other election for President or Vice President, for electors for President or Vice President, or for Senator or Representative in Congress, shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or any State by reason of failure to pay any poll tax or other tax."
• 26th Amendment (1971): "The right of citizens of the United States, who are eighteen years of age or older, to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of age."

Clearly the rulers want the ruled to know that voting is their right. Why?


If none of the people that voted for Legislators own you, then none of the people that voted for Legislators have a higher authority or a higher right to control you that they can delegate to anybody else by voting for them.

Government can NOT be given any "Right to Rule" (Authority or Power) that the people alleged to have instituted government did not, and still do not, have. For this reason your vote does not matter.

Voting only plays into the delusions of the ruling class that they have a right to rule you and a right to kill you if you don't obey. Voting confers NO authority; NO rights NOR permissions to rule.

The difference between Leaders and Rulers is lost on many. Leaders don't steal your money, cage you, or kill you for refusing to "follow"or refusing to "obey".

Calling a Ruler a Leader is conflation. This voting is called selecting a leader. It's not. It's selecting a ruler who will have you fined, caged, or killed for not obeying.

That government schools teach the history of "No taxation without representation", previously addressed, is just one more example of the ruler's schools attempting to justify the ruler's alleged right to rule.

With or without representation, a tax is a violation of Natural Law Rights and YDOMism. A tax is a demand that the owners of the money relinquish ownership and control over their rightfully acquired property or suffer government imposed consequences.

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