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Offline Dale Eastman

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« on: October 10, 2020, 08:33:15 AM »
if you sit on your mobile device bitching and bickering, does that mean you support the prison/slave labor that produced that device? If you spend US dollars does that mean you support the Federal Reserve System?
Yall need to grow up. You're not convincing anyone of anything. Everybody uses what tools are available to leverage the future they want - point blank fucking period. Your attitudes do more harm than statists to some degree because THEY are in the majority. You're just splintering an already outnumbered resistance. Quit throwing stones at potential allies because they don't pass a bullshit purity test that you're obviously failing your self. 🤫
This goes for you too Larken Rose
! Grumpy, no-solutions offering ass mfer 🤣
➽ if you sit on your mobile device bitching and bickering


I'm a late adopter of these new fangled electronic thingies. I didn't purchase a computer until 1981. I didn't get connected to the internet until 1996.

Point being, you and I don't know what you and I don't know. You made an assumption about me in you very first sentence. {shrug}

➽ does that mean you support the prison/slave labor that produced that device?

I actually find that question and the critique of me behind it to "possibly" have a non-negative value.
You make the claim that the "mobile" device I am using (an errant and unprovable assumption sans this parenthetical) is produced by "prison/slave labor". The onus is on you to provide evidence proving your claim. I only rhetorically challenge your claim. In other words, I admit that you might be correct with proviso that you might not be correct.

I let the slave labor claim stand without hard challenge because I understand you are trying to make a point. However, you opened the door to discussing "slave labor" which I will attend to below.

➽ If you spend US dollars does that mean you support the Federal Reserve System?

This is another point for future discussion. Again, I understand you are setting up to make your point. The Federal Reserve system is no more federal than Federal Express. I know that. I am assuming you know that since you brought it up. I also assume you know what "fiat" currency is. So how many of the U.S. Population do you think know what you, I, and a few others know? It's a rhetorical question of which my answer would be "damn few". The Fed wouldn't have existed without government, politicians, and payoffs.

As a Boomer with not much time left, I have not used any of that time to get some sort of crypto currency wallet. I do my part to educate when I can. I ask cashiers if I can give them an IOU for my purchase. Of course the answer is no. Then I ask if I can give them a Federal Reserve Note for my purchase. Fast food purchase > trainee > co-worker > supervisor > manager. I then hold up a green paper bracketing the words, "Federal Reserve Note", with my fingers. I then point out that they are taking an IOU for the purchase anyway.

➽ Yall need to grow up.

I see your words of meaningless and valueless opinion.

➽ You're not convincing anyone of anything.

Whenever I see a post by a clairvoyant mind reader, I ask them to private message me with the date and winning lottery numbers with a promise to split it 50/50.

To be accurate, I not convincing you of anything. And per the discussion with MK, you could surmise that I am not convincing him of anything.

➽ Everybody uses what tools are available to leverage the future they want  - point blank fucking period.

Agreed. I use the tools of critical thought, logic, and using the descriptive words the euphemisms cover up.

➽ Your attitudes do more harm than statists to some degree because THEY are in the majority.

What, specifically, is MY attitude? Be concise, be precise, use as many words as you must. The posting limit is 8,000 characters. May I suggest you compose your reply in a text editor that can count the words/characters if you think your reply will be that lengthy?

Now if I can correctly decipher your sentence, you have made the claim that statist are a majority. If so, then I agree.

➽ Your attitudes do more harm than statists[...]

You have implied that my attitudes do more harm than mini-statists, such as you and MK.

➽ You're just splintering an already outnumbered resistance.

That's YOUR way of looking at it. A.k.a. that's your opinion.
Here's mine: If it votes it legitimizes the system "- point blank fucking period."

➽ Quit throwing stones at potential allies because they don't pass a bullshit purity test that you're obviously failing your self. 🤫

The fact of you just blurted your opinion notwithstanding...

➽ Quit throwing stones at potential allies [...]

If they vote, they are not allies. Voting does not educate the masses as to the actual, provable, criminality of "government". Voting does not educate the masses as to the non-co-opted, non-corrupted meaning of an-archy (no rulers).

➽ This for you too Larken Rose! Grumpy, no-solutions offering ass mfer

Yeah, good job making your point there. NOT!
« Last Edit: October 12, 2020, 10:55:44 AM by Admin »
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