« Reply #5 on: April 02, 2024, 08:10:39 AM »
➽ Why don’t you post an OP on the subject?
What the fuck do you think this is?
➽ Dale, never saw it. I wasn’t tagged.
You were, but Fecalbook being Fecalbook, So looking at it now, the tag is missing.
➽ Dale, never wait to check that stuff before taking the opportunity to insult people.
⛒ ⛒ ⛒ ⛒ ⛒ ⛒ ⛒ ⛒ ⛒ ⛒
𝟙. Please explain the insult you claim I made.
𝟚. You were tagged in the original thread where our discussion started:
29 March @ 1101;
30 March @ 0919;
30 March @ 1237;
30 March @ 1840.
⛒ ⛒ ⛒ ⛒ ⛒ ⛒ ⛒ ⛒ ⛒ ⛒
⇉ If I stuffed $4000 worth of Federal Reserve Notes in my mattress ten years ago, why are they not worth as much today as when I earned them?
➽ That’s called inflation,
I know what the decrease in the value Of the "FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES" a.k.a. "LEGAL TENDER" is called. My error in not being specific enough with my question. What causes this "INFLATION"?
None of your following 260 words address this topic.
➽ Since we have to choose between inflation and deflation, we choose inflation, for obvious reasons.
Who, specifically, is this "WE"? Who, exactly, are you presuming to speak for? Am I included in this "WE"?
Reminder, I did warn you that I am a pedantic asshole. Especially when it come to claims on the internet.
➽ the value of a dollar
Is this a dollar like what you are referring to?

Dale, not sure what your point is.
We all know what a federal reserve not[e] is.
It’s a US dollar, in cash.
➽ Dale, not sure what your point is.
I will accept the blame for my apparent lack of clarity
➽ We all know what a federal reserve not[e] is.
Who, specifically, is this "WE"? Who, exactly, are you presuming to speak for? Am I included in this "WE"?
Reminder, I did warn you that I am a pedantic asshole. Especially when it come to claims on the internet.
Further comment is held and reserved because I'm re-asking a question you missed:
What is the value of this "bill"?

Dale, the value of that bill is one dollar.
You’re obviously trying to head somewhere, and I’m pretty sure I know where you’re trying to go.
I’ve been to this rodeo 100 times before.
You’re asking the wrong questions.
Here, I’ll offer a conclusionary teaser:
The US can never go bankrupt, never needs to borrow money, and only borrows money as a policy choice in order to manage inflation and interest rates.
The US, with its current monetary system, can never become Greece, or the Weimar Republic, or Zimbabwe.
However, the policies of people like Ron Paul, Peter Schiff, and others who think like they do, could easily turn us into any of those.
➽ You’re asking the wrong questions.
Your errant opinion is noted.
I ask questions to get answers. Your unwillingness/refusal to answer my questions says a great deal to me regarding your implied expertise in banking.
➽ Dale, the value of that bill is one dollar.
What is the value of "one dollar"?
« Last Edit: April 02, 2024, 01:42:49 PM by Dale Eastman »
Natural Law Matters