My Commentary On The World > Web Address Comment Cards

Voting can NOT delegate


Dale Eastman:
You DON'T own me!
You DON'T have a right to rule me
You can NOT delegate a right to rule me by voting

If this truth disturbs you, go cry to your mommy.
If this truth resonates with you, share it widely.
I am

Dale Eastman:
YDOM! You Don't Own Me!
You don't have a "right to control" me.
Voting can not delegate a "right to control' me that you don't have.
You can not give a "right to control" me to a politician by voting for the politician.
This is simple logic... Except to the brainwashed in the cult of government.

Dale Eastman:
You DON'T own me!
You DON'T have a right to rule me
You can NOT delegate a right to rule me by voting

If this truth disturbs you, go cry to your mommy.
If this truth resonates with you, share it widely.
I am


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