Author Topic: G.I.C.'s  (Read 857 times)

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« on: April 23, 2021, 12:32:57 PM »
Government Indoctrination

I can only partially blame you for your apathetic stupidity, because I used to be just as brainwashed and indoctrinated as you still are. I was incarcerated in a government indoctrination center for 12 years. You've heard this called public school.

The programming didn't stick. I dared to think for myself.

Even that label "public school" is an attempt to mislead you. A "public school" is actually a "government school". To govern is to control. What is government attempting to control by controlling what you are taught? Or by controlling what you are not taught?

I can not imagine any government school ever putting Lysander Spooner's NO TREASON on any required reading list. Nor can I imagine any government school ever putting Frederic Bastiat's THE LAW on any required reading list. Those two writings can cause people to not think in a "government" approved manner.

Stifle the curiosity; Stifle the will to learn; Fail to teach critical thinking skills; Create a population unable to process and understand complexities. What better method of making reactive human Amoebas? What better method of creating a population that can be controlled by their emotions? What better method of creating a population that can be controlled by sound bites? What better method to blind the population to this reality?
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