Author Topic: MT was MC  (Read 756 times)

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Offline Dale Eastman

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MT was MC
« on: August 27, 2020, 11:24:44 AM »
It still amazes me, that people think anyone should be able to sneak into the country. Dumb fucks. It's not about, only white people, it's about only fucking people doing it right!

Please explain who, exactly, decides what is the "right" way to enter a "country"?
Please explain, exactly, what you mean by "country"?

Illuminate The Delusions
you do so by getting permission, and if you want to live there, then you apply for citizenship.

Looks to me that you just changed your name to a nom de plume?
If yes, then I will point out that you DID NOT address my questions.

In case you missed my questions:

Please explain who, exactly, decides what is the "right" way to enter a "country"?
Please explain, exactly, what you mean by "country"?

Illuminate The Delusions
a country by the very definition of the word. A nation, with its own government, occupying a territory. The who, is the citizens of said country, decides how you may enter, and then posts those rules to the rest of the world.

Thank you.

I have a problem with your meaning of the term "government". I know mine does not match yours. As Voltaire has admonished, if you wish to communicate, define your terms. I set that aside for the time being.

You have in essence stated, and I interpret and parse your words to mean: a country is a territory ruled by a ruling group of people. Most often that group is labelled by the euphemistic term "government".

Now I must ask you: Who, specifically, are these "citizens" who decides the rules of entry?

Are you one of these "citizens" you refer to?

Do you have any verifiable evidence of your part in deciding these rules of entry?

we decide by voting for the people to govern in the efforts of rule making.

Thank you.

Who, specifically, it this "we"?
Do you agree that you have authority to deny me entrance to your home?
Do you agree that you have authority to deny me entrance to your yard if you own the home and the land it is situated on?

Worded that way, because I would agree that you do have that authority against myself or any other trespasser wannabe in that situation.

Do you have authority over me or any other person entering a public park?
In other words, by what authority do you believe you can deny anybody else entrance to such park?


sorry, I forgot about you. Our country isn't a public park. We're responsible for everyone in it, or rather, our government is. But we pay said government.

Being busy living your life is not a sin.

I bookmark my comment links in a folder for ease in finding them to check for replies.

I also copy the dialog into a local folder for review in an attempt to be sure I didn't miss something. This also lets me track if my questions get ignored. Deliberate or oversight, no matter. I'll just ask them again.

Based on your 15:28 - 9/6 post and your 16:16 - 8/27 post, I am asking the same question:
Who, specifically, it this "we"?

Who, specifically, it this "we" who "decide by voting for the people to govern in the efforts of rule making"?

Who, specifically, it this "we" " responsible for everyone in our country"?

3 Days later

Based on your 15:28 - 9/6 post and your 16:16 - 8/27 post, I am asking the same question:
Who, specifically, it this "we"?

Who, specifically, it this "we" who "decide by voting for the people to govern in the efforts of rule making"?

Who, specifically, it this "we" " responsible for everyone in our country"?

« Last Edit: September 10, 2020, 06:48:47 AM by Admin »
Natural Law Matters

Offline Dale Eastman

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Re: MT was MC
« Reply #1 on: September 15, 2020, 10:34:26 AM »
Based on your 15:28 - 9/6 post and your 16:16 - 8/27 post, I am asking the same question:
Who, specifically, it this "we"?

Who, specifically, it this "we" who "decide by voting for the people to govern in the efforts of rule making"?

Who, specifically, it this "we" " responsible for everyone in our country"?

the citizens of this country.

First a correction. I wrote "your 16:16 - 8/27 post," I should have written "your 14:16 - 8/27 post."

For your review and so others may follow along, I asked you:

➽ Who, specifically, are these "citizens" who decides the rules of entry?
Are you one of these "citizens" you refer to?
Do you have any verifiable evidence of your part in deciding these rules of entry?⛔

You replied:
➽ we decide by voting for the people to govern in the efforts of rule making.⛔

To which in an attempt to get at the alleged authority of the citizens; to get at the alleged authority of this "we" I asked:
➽ Do you agree that you have authority to deny me entrance to your home?
Do you agree that you have authority to deny me entrance to your yard if you own the home and the land it is situated on?

Worded that way, because I would agree that you do have that authority against myself or any other trespasser wannabe in that situation.

Do you have authority over me or any other person entering a public park?
In other words, by what authority do you believe you can deny anybody else entrance to such park?⛔

You ignored my questions and replied:
➽ Our country isn't a public park. We're responsible for everyone in it, or rather, our government is. But we pay said government. ⛔

I allowed myself to lose focus...
That is why I keep a copy of these dialogs. In case I lose focus or get fooled into being distracted.

If you don't have authority to make rules for me about entering a public park, how do you think you can delegate authority you don't have over that public park to government?

Connecting the dots:

If you don't have authority to make rules for me about entering a territory, how do you think you can delegate authority you don't have over that territory to government?

You did claim the citizens of a territory "decides how you may enter".

By what authority?

Jesus christ lol, by the authority decided by them as a whole.

Can you delegate authority you do not have?

by voting for my representatives, somewhat.

If you don't have authority to drink my beer, how does voting for a "representative" "somewhat" give the (alleged) "representative" authority to drink my beer?
sorry, I've been in Facebook jail for having the wrong opinion lol. But honestly, both of you keep asking a circle of questions and refuse to consider my meaning, so I'm done with you two.
The only circling I see is you attempting to evade my questions.

You make statements and claims. I ask you questions about your statements and claims. Then you refuse to answer my questions about your statements and claims. And yet you have the cojones to claim I refuse to consider your meanings when I'm asking you questions about what you mean with your statements and claims.

Can you say disingenuous? Because that's what you are.

Bullshit artists don't like my questions, because I drill down into the bullshit and expose it for the bullshit that it is... Just by asking questions.

http://www synapticsparks info/dialog/index.php?topic=702.0
I'm not evading your questions, you just refuse my answer, I'm done.
Me ➽ Can you delegate authority you do not have?
You ➽ by voting for my representatives, somewhat.
Me ➽ If you don't have authority to drink my beer, how does voting for a "representative" "somewhat" give the (alleged) "representative" authority to drink my beer?
You ➽ I'm not evading your questions, you just refuse my answer, I'm done.

If you absolutely must lie to yourself...

http://www synapticsparks info/dialog/index.php?topic=702.0
« Last Edit: September 20, 2020, 08:53:38 PM by Admin »
Natural Law Matters

Offline Dale Eastman

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Re: MT was MC
« Reply #2 on: December 24, 2020, 07:14:27 AM »
Quote from: 12/23/2020 0524
Snowden is a pos, he works for the deep state. Assange, yes, pardon away.
Quote from: 12/23/2020 0731
Quote from: 12/24/2020 0734
my evidence is the one agency he leaked against, was the one agency that hasn't been caught working FOR the deep state. They actually tried to warn the God emperor that he was being illegally spied on.
Quote from: 12/24/2020 0811
You presented your mere opinion, stated as a fact. Two opinions actually when you wrote:
➽ Snowden is a pos, he works for the deep state.

I specifically asked: Evidence?

You presented a third opinion, again stated as a fact when you wrote:
➽ my evidence is the one agency he leaked against, was the one agency that hasn't been caught working FOR the deep state.

Those words are NOT evidence that Edward Snowden is a piece of shit. Those words are also NOT evidence that Edward Snowden works for the deep state, whatever the deep state is in your mind.

You followed those words with a forth opinion that is a non sequitur and can be ignored for not being evidence and for not being responsive to the challenge for evidence.

Your failure to understand what I meant by asking: Evidence? is on me for not providing you pablum so you could digest the challenge. I will correct that error now.

Please present VERIFIABLE evidence to support your claims from now on. Links to your sources would be good to present so your sources can scrutinized for facts, opinions, lies, and verifiableness.

I didn't recognize your name last night. I did this morning.
You and I have unfinished business...

Me ➽ Can you delegate authority you do not have?
You ➽ by voting for my representatives, somewhat.
Me ➽ If you don't have authority to drink my beer, how does voting for a "representative" "somewhat" give the (alleged) "representative" authority to drink my beer?
You ➽ I'm not evading your questions, you just refuse my answer, I'm done.

If you absolutely must lie to yourself...

Natural Law Matters