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Offline Dale Eastman

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« on: August 14, 2023, 06:58:28 AM »
Quote from: Original post 14 August 07:18
I’m good with having an echo chamber lol. I get the whole “but muh diverse viewpoints!” thing, but that ship has sailed. 🙄 I prefer an echo chamber, not because I refuse to consider other alternatives, but rather because those other alternatives go against EVERYTHING I believe in and stand for, and because I have exactly ZERO common ground with a Democrat/Leftist. Their outlook on the world is totally anathema to me. I don’t even want to associate with it. I only have so much time in this life, and I would much prefer to spend it associating with the dreamers and doers and those who want freedom for others and for others to live their best life. Why would I want to associate with people who buy into the whole sordid bullshit Democrap narrative- the woe is me, there’s-a-racist-behind-every-bush, the free market is evil, freedom is bad, victim mentality, climate change hysteria, bow-down-and-worship-the-LGBT-agenda, only-government-can-run-you-life malarkey? Please explain that to me lol. It’s a cult, and I have zero desire to associate with it. Ergo, I’m cool with only associating with like minded individuals. 😉😛
Quote from: 14 August 07:31
Hmmmm. And I have no common ground with any pro-government, brainwashed morons.
The convo's I've had with yellow/gold believers is why I expanded my lewd, rude, & crude meme to cover three political parties.

Here's an example:

Quote from: 14 August 07:41
Dale Eastman. If you don't want to live under the constitution, why do you stay here. Go start your own country.
Quote from: 14 August 08:13
Dale Eastman. If you don't want to live under the constitution, why do you stay here. Go start your own country.

I accept your invitation to discuss what you and I don't like about each other's posted comments.

𝟙 What, specifically, do you mean by "living under the CONstitution"?

𝟚 How, specifically, does your "living under the CONstitution" impact YOUR life?

𝟛 Please provide evidence to support your (implied) belief that the CONstitution applies to anybody other than government officers, agents, or employees.
Dale Eastman. The constitution applies almost exclusively to the govt. This country was founded as a constitutional Republic. That is what we are trying to do here. If you want to do something else, I think that is great, but please go do it somewhere else. I already have enough people causing problems here.
Quote from: 14 August 08:52
Kudos for answering the numbered questions you answered. Thank you.

The question you have not yet answered:
𝟙 What, specifically, do you mean by "living under the CONstitution"?

I already have enough people causing problems here.

𝟜 You have implied that somehow I'm causing "you" problems.
Admit or deny?

𝟝 Please articulate specifically and concisely the problem or problems you think I'm causing you.

This country was founded as a constitutional Republic. That is what we are trying to do here.

𝟞 Am I correct in my understanding that you want to work towards returning the U.S. to a "CONstitutional Republic"?

If you want to do something else, [...] please go do it somewhere else.

𝟟 What do you imagine I want to do?

An Organic Document of the United States IS the Declaration of Liberty.
𝟠 Admit or deny?

These words are contained within this Organic Document:
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with inherent and unalienable rights; that among these, are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; that to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed;
𝟡 Admit or deny?

𝟙𝟘 Am I correct in assuming that you have never read Lysander Spooner's NO TREASON?
Quote from: 14 August 09:18
Dale Eastman. You are not a serious person. You are not interested in answers, so that is why you did not get any. I will say that is it clear that you do not wish to live under a constitutional Republic, and I am fine with that. Go create what you want. I wish you well.
Quote from: 14 August 09:50
You are not a serious person.

𝟙𝟙 Why you calling me by your maiden name?

You are the one who initiated this discussion when you commented instead of scrolling past my anti-Votards comment.

You are not interested in answers, so that is why you did not get any.

You just implied that you're clairvoyant?
𝟙𝟚 Admit or deny?

You are not interested in answers

You have some "different" thinking than I do. I ask questions in attempts to understand why people like you think what and why you do.

I will say that is it clear that you do not wish to live under a constitutional Republic

And I will say that is it clear that you do not wish to explain what a CONstitutional Republic is in your mind.

Thus, I throw your own words right back at you:
You are not a serious person.
If you were, you would explain what you intend.
Quote from: 14 August 09:54
Dale Eastman. That is good advice. I'll take it.
« Last Edit: August 14, 2023, 09:24:15 AM by Dale Eastman »
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