Author Topic: DK  (Read 1427 times)

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Offline Dale Eastman

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« on: May 02, 2022, 05:33:38 PM »
Quote from: IF
You should blame Government Spending and the Inflation it is creating printing money for a Stimulus Package
Quote from: DK
it’s a fact that this wouldn’t have affected pricing in any way. It’s a fact that corporate corruption is the source. Corporate = political, though. They’re all in it together.
it’s a made up fact. Inflation is a myth. Notice your pay isn’t going up? Guess who’s is.. CEOs of corporations.. there is no trickle down. They’ve enslaved you and all except the rich. Payed slave wages while they are steadily stacking billions upon billions. This was not some accident and monetary value didn’t lessen. They are simply RAPING US. It’s an obvious ploy to reset the economy. But, we must hijack their plan and implement our own economy.. already designed, without taxation.
➽ it’s a fact [printing money for a Stimulus Package] wouldn’t have affected pricing in any way.

Did I correctly interpret your intent?
Dale Eastman should have lowered pricing if anything. If you’re selling more, why could you not lower the price? Sells went way up. Now, they are literally destroying entire factories across the country… CEO pay raises are skyrocketing… and, we’re getting raped. the dollar IS worthless!!!! So why couldn’t they set a value to it? THEY EASILY COULD. Their intention is to show the allusion that the economy is failing so they can implement the very real, very planned, very proven nwo one world economic reset.
Your lack of understanding of money has led you astray.
That's me being nice.
That's also me being nice because the topic is ripe for scrutiny and discussion. The olive branch if you will.
You have conflated multiple issues into a single gnarled knot of ideas.
Let us start by attempting to come to agreement as to what, specifically, money is?
Dale Eastman I can assure you, I know what you think you know. I know what the concept of inflation is. Something they taught you in school. And, it’s just nonsense. Made up bs that didn’t have to happen. Money is the equivalent of a set value. As it should be, the only thing is, they’re acting as if the value is changing. It’s not. Shouldn’t be. Nothing is changed about it. Nothing has changed in society. Except the things I mentioned of course. The only things that would really make prices sky rocket. It’s proven that they are literally destroying production of everything! And that corporate profits are higher than ever. We can do better.
Dale Eastman I am an economist. I have designed a new system. Different in every way. It’s time for change.
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Money is the equivalent of a set value.

How does that value get set?
Dale Eastman it’s supposed to be set by this government. It was once set. It had a backup standard and more, but the government, instead, chose to sell this nation to the rich and Israel.
« Last Edit: May 03, 2022, 06:20:11 AM by Dale Eastman »
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Offline Dale Eastman

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Re: DK
« Reply #1 on: May 03, 2022, 06:30:56 AM »
You made a claim. You wrote:
I am an economist.

And I'm a poodle pretending to be my owner on his computer.

As the economist you claim to be, you should have zero problems answering my questions; the questions a dumb uneducated former truck driver would ask.

I wrote: Let us start by attempting to come to agreement as to what, specifically, money is?

My error. I didn't ask the question correctly. Rephrasing my question, and for personal reasons now labeling the question as Q1.

Q1. What, specifically, is money?

A1. Money is the equivalent of a set value.

You then stated:
➽ [...] they’re acting as if the value is changing. It’s not.

Q2. Is my interpretation that you are claiming the value of money is fixed and unchanging a correct interpretation?

I suspect I will be asking many such clarifying questions as this one because I don't want any errors of equivocation mucking up our discussion. I can't learn from you if I can't understand what you are saying.

You wrote:
Money is the equivalent of a set value.

So I asked what is now labeled:
Q3. How does that value get set?

R3. ➽ Dale Eastman it’s supposed to be set by this government. It was once set. It had a backup standard and more, but the government, instead, chose to sell this nation to the rich and Israel.

And that's when I had a deep <sigh...>. Note I labeled it R3 and not A3. A reply that does not address the question is not an answer.

You still have not addressed question 1:
What, specifically, is money?
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Offline Dale Eastman

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Re: DK
« Reply #2 on: May 05, 2022, 09:49:52 AM »
You made a claim not quite 24 hours ago. I asked you questions specific to your claim.

<mumbles to self something about DK's pedigree>
Dale Eastman my god wtf are you even talking about?! Money is some made up bs!!!! Nonexistent in every way, except in your mind and wallet. “Legal tender,” designed to enslave humanity. Wake up.
Good. You're still alive.

You made a claim. You wrote:
I am an economist.

And I'm a poodle pretending to be my owner on his computer.

As the economist you claim to be, you should have zero problems answering my questions; the questions a dumb uneducated former truck driver would ask.

I wrote: Let us start by attempting to come to agreement as to what, specifically, money is?

My error. I didn't ask the question correctly. Rephrasing my question, and for personal reasons now labeling the question as Q1.

Q1. What, specifically, is money?

A1. Money is the equivalent of a set value.

You then stated:
➽ [...] they’re acting as if the value is changing. It’s not.

Q2. Is my interpretation that you are claiming the value of money is fixed and unchanging a correct interpretation?

I suspect I will be asking many such clarifying questions as this one because I don't want any errors of equivocation mucking up our discussion. I can't learn from you if I can't understand what you are saying.

You wrote:
Money is the equivalent of a set value.

So I asked what is now labeled:
Q3. How does that value get set?

R3. ➽ Dale Eastman it’s supposed to be set by this government. It was once set. It had a backup standard and more, but the government, instead, chose to sell this nation to the rich and Israel.

And that's when I had a deep <sigh...>. Note I labeled it R3 and not A3. A reply that does not address the question is not an answer.

You still have not addressed question 1:
What, specifically, is money?
« Last Edit: May 05, 2022, 11:04:41 AM by Dale Eastman »
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Offline Dale Eastman

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Re: DK
« Reply #3 on: May 05, 2022, 02:08:18 PM »
Dale Eastman I don’t have to answer anything you ask, especially not the way you want it answered. Just because you don’t understand what is being said, doesn’t mean it wasn’t addressed. Your mentality is broken. You are confused about what society is. That’s not my fault. I can help you understand, but I’m not doing this ridiculous back and forth with you, an admittedly uneducated fool. Do better. You are a slave.
Alleged "Economist" can't answer a simple question, What is money?
When I ask questions about bullshitter's bullshit I get answers just like yours.
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Offline Dale Eastman

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Re: DK
« Reply #4 on: May 06, 2022, 05:45:29 AM »
Dale Eastman I answered the question multiple times, coward.
Dale Eastman money is considered the generally “agreed upon” medium of economic exchange. To act like it’s not or that I’m not saying that is fucking insane. You couldn’t possibly give a better answer.
Money is a measure and store of value.
Dale Eastman that’s exactly what I’ve said, fool.
No. It's not.
And stop calling me by your maiden name.
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Re: DK
« Reply #5 on: May 06, 2022, 11:04:21 AM »
Dale Eastman pathetic and senseless.
pathetic and senseless.

You're calling me by your maiden name again.

"Money is a measure and store of value."

Dale Eastman that’s exactly what I’ve said, fool.

Money is some made up bs!!!! Nonexistent in every way, except in your mind and wallet.

Well which is it?
« Last Edit: May 07, 2022, 08:08:49 AM by Dale Eastman »
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Offline Dale Eastman

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Re: DK
« Reply #6 on: May 07, 2022, 08:42:44 AM »
Dale Eastman easily, both. I described it in multiple ways, just as anything can be? I suppose, a small mind can only comprehend one thing at a time… this explains the format of your responses. You just gave me multiple “maiden names.” Whatever the fuck that’s supposed to mean. Which is it? Like I said, you’re pathetic. Nonsensical. You can’t win the debate. Now, you’re just a waste of time.

It was during this time frame when DK decided to crap on my account wall.

You can’t win the debate.

According to you, what, specifically, is being debated?
What, specifically, are the contested points?
« Last Edit: May 08, 2022, 03:57:33 PM by Dale Eastman »
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Re: DK
« Reply #7 on: May 08, 2022, 11:34:12 AM »
Dale Eastman at this point I’m simply proving how badly you were destroyed in the midst of this ridiculous conversation about?? Money, apparently? How do you not know this? Wake up.
Congratulations. I award you 1/4 of a point.

Yes "Money, apparently"

I'm withholding the other 3/4 of a point until you get back on point.

Let me refresh your memory. I asked you for clarification that this is what you meant:

it’s a fact [printing money for a Stimulus Package] wouldn’t have affected pricing in any way.

Turns out, I didn't need to ask that question. You had already previously made this claim:

Inflation is a myth.

I know what the concept of inflation is. [...] And, it’s just nonsense

Money is the equivalent of a set value.

I asked: How does that value get set?

You responded:
it’s supposed to be set by this government.

The question you ignored still stands How does that value get set?
Not ignoring your alleged answer, How does government set the value of money?

And just to be thorough, I'm repeating my other question that you ignored:
Q2. Is my interpretation that you are claiming the value of money is fixed and unchanging a correct interpretation?
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Offline Dale Eastman

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Re: DK
« Reply #8 on: May 08, 2022, 03:55:28 PM »
Dale Eastman Just shut the fuck up already, dude!!!!!!! They set the value of EVERYTHING to whatever the fuck they want, OBVIOUSLY. Wake up.
Dale Eastman Just shut the fuck up already, dude!!!!!!! They set the value of EVERYTHING to whatever the fuck they want, OBVIOUSLY. Wake up.

How, exactly, and specifically, do "they" set the value of money?

Bonus question: Who, specifically, is "they"?
Dale Eastman Just shut the fuck up already, dude!!!!!!! They set the value of EVERYTHING to whatever the fuck they want, OBVIOUSLY. Wake up.

Second request for clarification of your claims.

How, exactly, and specifically, do "they" set the value of money?

Bonus question: Who, specifically, is "they"?

You made the claims. The burdens of proof are yours.
« Last Edit: May 13, 2022, 02:18:03 PM by Dale Eastman »
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Re: DK
« Reply #9 on: May 12, 2022, 10:00:08 AM »
However the fuck they want. People in control - the corrupt. Leave me the fuck alone. I’m banned because of idiots like you. You don’t want to help this world. You only want to stop the revolution and distract me. You’re a coward. Change your ways, open your mind, then come talk to me. Wake up.
Poking the DF that sent me a private message. It won't be private when it it comes from you. You don't even deserve the anonymity I give you in publicly archiving your words on my website.

However the fuck they want. People in control - the corrupt. Leave me the fuck alone. I’m banned because of idiots like you. You don’t want to help this world. You only want to stop the revolution and distract me. You’re a coward. Change your ways, open your mind, then come talk to me. Wake up.

You make comment about "idiots" like me getting you banned. That's precious. Maybe you're getting yourself banned because you're a nasty person. Maybe you insulted some thin-skinned person and hurt their feelings.
<shrug> I just came off a 24 hour Zuckfuck. The AI bots tagged me for "hate" speech. My words; My actions; My consequences.

You made a claim about what "they" do. I asked you to clarify and explain your claim.

You said, and I quote:
They set the value of EVERYTHING to whatever the fuck they want,

I asked: "How, exactly, and specifically, do "they" set the value of money?"

Instead of answering a question about your claims you spewed vitriol at me.

Your commenting about people like me opens the door for me to comment about people like you.
People like you make claims. I challenge the claims made, sometimes just asking clarifying questions about the claims.

I often get vitriol spewed at me by people like you who don't want their poorly written half-thoughts questioned.

Continuing with the vitriol that you spewed at me:
You don’t want to help this world. You only want to stop the revolution and distract me.

Present your evidence proving your claim.

I'll refute whatever you present by providing the link to my website. It's only been online for 15 years, so as a late adopter of the internet, only since '96, maybe I just haven't thought about things as much as a wet behind the ears pup has... Everybody knows us Boomers are slow and stupid, right. </sarcasm>

As to your allegation that I am a coward... Let's just say, you gots some studying of me to do yet.
« Last Edit: May 13, 2022, 02:15:29 PM by Dale Eastman »
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Re: DK
« Reply #10 on: May 22, 2022, 02:53:45 PM »
Dale Eastman Just shut the fuck up already, dude!!!!!!! They set the value of EVERYTHING to whatever the fuck they want, OBVIOUSLY. Wake up.

Third request for clarification of your claims.

How, exactly, and specifically, do "they" set the value of money?

Bonus question: Who, specifically, is "they"?

You made the claims. The burdens of proof are yours.
Natural Law Matters