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Offline Dale Eastman

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« on: August 16, 2023, 08:29:04 AM »
Quote from: 12 August 13:49
Do you ever wonder why public schools don't teach our children how to think critically?
Quote from: 12 August 23:45
Just because you can't think critically doesn't mean it wasn't taught.
Quote from: 16 August 09:19
➽ Just because you can't think critically doesn't mean it wasn't taught.

The putrid rot that now passes for schooling is meant to program what to think, not how to think. If a human is taught how to think, then that person would recognize the contradictory ideas they were taught to think (believe). For example; The corrupt schooling system does not focus on these three topics (as presented) so the logic of these presentations are never examined for veracity:

✦ If all were created equal, then none can have a right to rule another.
✦ Rulers and Leaders are NOT the same. The meaning of Leader has been corrupted. A voter is not voting for a Leader. Voting does NOT elect a leader. Leaders do not need laws that allow them to send goons with guns to harm other humans for their refusal to follow or obey the elected Rulers. Voters elect rulers from the choices presented by the Ruling Class.
✦ Anarchy literally means No Rulers. The meaning of Anarchy has been corrupted to mean chaos, violence, and antisocial actions.

NO human has a right to own another human. NO human has a right to rule another human. This means NO Officer, Agent, Elected Politician, or Employee of "government" has ownership of, or a Right to Rule" any other human.

That previous paragraph stands on its own as an example of logic and critical thought. Something I speculate has NOT been presented to you in your public school government indoctrination center.
If you are never exposed to differing thoughts and critical thinking, how the hell are you supposed to learn to think?

You're not supposed to. Don't think about the contradictions you were taught. Just vomit more government lies continuing to ignore the contradictions.

Agree or disagree?

Natural Law Matters