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Offline Dale Eastman

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« on: October 27, 2020, 06:05:01 AM »
Only tax funded governments can be this retarded and get away with it. Good job, voters lol...your credulity has no consequences lol 🤭🤭
When u loading a $70,000 missile onto
a 28 million dollar drone so it can fly at the
cost of $3,624 per hour to kill sorne people
in Yemen who live on less than $1 per day
Peace through strength dumb ass, it’s what we have to do in a sin cursed sin darkened world! You offer lots of criticism of everyone, how about solutions...
➽ how about solutions...
How about defining the problem accurately?
I do not know of any non-government person starting a war. Do you?
So until counter evidence is provided, It is official acts of governments that threaten harm and cause harm. On a massive scale, this is called war.
If it wasn't for government threats, nobody would need a government to protect them from government threats.
Do not pay any attention to the morality story in Star Wars™ The Phantom Menace. It's not an Aesop's Fable.
communist Governments such as China routinely war game different scenarios! Those regimes can go to war unprovoked at any time. Our only deterrent is to not be a soft target..
I am fully cognizant of the effectiveness of deterrence. I also understand M.A.D. As well as Locke's Natural Law.
I am also fully cognizant that you just invoked the "threat" from foreign governments as an excuse for the extortion of taxation.
To which you force me to repeat myself:
"I do not know of any non-government person starting a war. Do you? So until counter evidence is provided, It is official acts of governments that threaten harm and cause harm."
Your response supported my contention that the threat from China is the Chinese government.
You are here on a page that understands that it is ALL governments that are the threat. No Chinese government, no Chinese threat. No U.S. government, No U.S. threat.
Government is however a necessary evil👍
➽ Government is however a necessary evil.

Why is government a necessary evil? What makes having such evil something required in the world?

Next post's questions, What is the evil merely alluded to? What are the properties of that evil? Who are the perpetrators of that "necessary" evil? What is it protecting?
your ideas are altruistic, but that’s not the world we live in..
So you're a mind reader, eh? You know what ideas I have in my mind?

I'm sorry. I'm not clairvoyant. I can't read your mind, so I'm stuck asking you questions about your ideas.

Questions about your ideas stated as claims like, Why is government a necessary evil?
to decide matters and conflicts that arise amongst the people, in an unbiased manner. To create the laws to deal with problems that arise, without those laws infringing on the liberty of others.. we are a Constitutional Republic, we had the freest form of government in history! But an immoral people can not remain free.. because their hearts become unruly and eventually uncivilized, like we are seeing in our streets today! Eventually this decadence left unchecked, results in those most disciplined, the military, seeking to restore order by force..due to insurrection..

George Washington said: “Virtue or morality is a necessary spring of popular government,”and “Human rights can only be assured among a virtuous people.”

James Madison stated: “To suppose that any form of government will secure liberty or happiness without any virtue in the people, is a chimerical [imaginary] idea.”

Samuel Adams said: “Neither the wisest constitution nor the wisest laws will secure the liberty and happiness of a people whose manners are universally corrupt. He therefore is the truest friend of the liberty of his country who tries most to promote its virtue.”

Patrick Henry stated that: “A vitiated [impure] state of morals, a corrupted public conscience, is incompatible with freedom.”
Thank you for your reply.

➽ to decide matters and conflicts that arise amongst the people, in an unbiased manner.

Like the Dred Scott unbiased supreme court case where the government sided with the owner of a human being?
Like the Kelo v. City of New London where the supreme court sided with the City of New London?

➽ To create the laws to deal with problems that arise, without those laws infringing on the liberty of others..

Since you've done your share of cut n paste, here's mine:
Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. I do not add 'within the limits of the law' because law is often but the tyrant's will, and always so when it violates the rights of the individual. -- Thomas Jefferson.

I will state my claim as a discussion stub for further dialog: Law, as you are using the word, is nothing more than politician's opinions.

There is also the issue of "unintended consequences".

And your claim that the law doesn't infringe upon the liberty of others... Gun control. Highest crime, lowest guns. Lowest crime, highest guns.

There have been laws against murder since time immemorial. There have been murders since time immemorial. By the simple fact, politician's opinions against guns don't protect anybody.

➽ we are a Constitutional Republic, we had the freest form of government in history!

Yeah... I was forced to endure that brainwashing attempt by the government just like you. I shed my indoctrination. That's why we are having this discussion. Obviously you and I do not see things the same.

I note you used the past tense of freest form of government. I grok that as you admitting that what exists is less free than it used to be, or other governments have become more free than the U.S. Hegemony.

➽ But an immoral people can not remain free.. because their hearts become unruly and eventually uncivilized, like we are seeing in our streets today!

I'm gonna break that down.
➽ But an immoral people can not remain free..

Who decides what's immoral? By what authority?
What, specifically, do you mean by free?
How does that freedom, whatever it is, become less because of this immorality?

➽ because their hearts become unruly and eventually uncivilized,

Wow. My heart pumps my blood. My actions, based upon my choices, based upon my thoughts and understandings, happens in my brain. Save the religious crap for manipulating theists, It's not gonna work on me.

What do you mean by unruly... as opposed to not unruly?
What do you mean by uncivilized... as opposed to not uncivilized?

➽ like we are seeing in our streets today!

Who is this "we"?

What I have seen is cops killing without justification. And that's before application of the cops themselves have no justification filter.

➽ Eventually this decadence left unchecked, results in those most disciplined, the military, seeking to restore order by force..due to insurrection..

What, specifically, do you mean by decadence?
And hey, don't forget that insurrection that severed the colonies from the Brits.

For the moment I'm not interested in your quotes. You did contextomy on one of them.
« Last Edit: October 27, 2020, 07:45:09 AM by Admin »
Natural Law Matters