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« on: November 30, 2020, 09:22:38 AM »
Quote from: 29 1149
And yet If we hadn't gone out in the numbers we did, we wouldn't have nearly enough evidence to show how rigged our system is. If we ALL actually voted no one would be able to fuck with them. But don't solve the problem, blame everything on government. Big government is bad. Our Republic at its founding with little power worked smashingly. Who fucked it? Big corporations and corrupt politicians getting inside each other's pockets. But that's what happens when we just accept unConstitutional laws and legislation rather than fight back against them.
Quote from: 29 1703
Prove me wrong:

We all know that extortion is when somebody is told "Do what we tell you to do or we will hurt you." We all know that extortion is what a bad person, a criminal, does to a victim.

Organized crime syndicates use a method of extortion called a protection racket. "If you don't pay us to protect you, we won't protect you (from us)." "From us" may be brazenly stated or only implied.

To govern is to control. To extort is to control. To govern is to extort.

Elected politicians write rules. These politician's rules are written demands to be obeyed under threat of being hurt if you don't obey. This part of the politician's rules are called "penalties" or "fines". Thus rules of politicians,  dictators, and monarchs are all extortion. Do what they tell you to do or be hurt.

Ergo, Government is an organized criminal syndicate that can not be defended by logic or by morality.
Quote from: 29 1805
Never said I disagreed with that. If you go back and look at the origin of the Republican party it is founded on the beliefs and writings of Thomas Jefferson. Total Anarchy is only a tool used to creat a power vacuum so that tyranny can rise easily. Hence we get brutal historical facts such as hungry and scared people are easy to control with empty promises of safety and security, such as we can see in real time with how certain states act with the lockdowns. The point, I think, you are missing is not that I am advocating government or big government. Nay, we need minor power government. We unfortunately need a military, throughout history we have also learned that demilitarization is one of many of the stupidest things a nation can do. It is a shame but it is reality And that needs to be enshrined under civilian control for military states are no better than Anarchists, Communists or Fascists. That is the main goal of our Executive branch. I agree that our law makers should not be pumping out laws and regulations as they have. That is not what our system was for. It has been abused and perverted. It doesn't need to be dismantled, it needs to be reset to minimum. Taxation is theft. I understand these things, I also understand the necessity of representatives because it is the best, most equal way to solve the bigger issues of living as a society. As a species we are communal. Until everyone on the planet is living in a wood cabin you can't make a realistic argument against any type of government, and I'll at least pick the one who tries to protect freedom as best it can. At that point it becomes circular thinking anyways. Even if everyone was able to take care of themselves their are people who simply want to watch the world burn. You'll have raiders murdering, raping and pillaging until a group of people stand up together and decide we'll live together in a cave or castle for protection. We have been through all of this before and America is what it has evolved into along a 4 million year journey that our species has been on. Prove that wrong if you don't believe in any government.
Quote from: 29 1904
So, by your own admission, you can't prove me wrong that government is a criminal syndicate the extorts people for money and control.
And then you write 380 some words to tell me you want a criminal syndicate to extort people for money and control.
Quote from: 29 2045
Did you miss the first sentence, "Never said I disagreed with that"? Did you miss the summation that I am a Jefferson Republican which is barely any government? Did you miss the part that I agreed taxation is theft? Did you miss the part where I spelled out how circular logic and un-evolved Anarchy actually is and how it will just lead back to feudalism and chaos? It seems as though you just don't want to admit you are wrong on a single issue when we agree on pretty much everything except for the need of a minimum powered government fearful of an armed populace. We The People do not exist to bestow them with power and riches. They exist to ensure We The People remain free from both foreign and domestic threats, and that is all.
Quote from: 30 1020
Did you miss where you said:

Did you miss the summation that I am a Jefferson Republican which is barely any government?

Did you miss the logic that "barely any government" is STILL "government"?

Did you miss the logic that "still government" is STILL a criminal syndicate that extorts people for money and control?

Did you miss your own circular logic where you have stated you STILL want a criminal syndicate that extorts people for money and control?

Thank you for agreeing with me.
Quote from: 30 1243
Yes, because at our FOUNDING which is what I keep referencing it was not a criminal syndicate. They were literally the bare minimum because there is no way around the human condition. If every single person on this planet was not a criminal then and ONLY then can there be hope for none. You are extremely naive and close minded if you think zero government will fix anything. And a government fearful of it's people is barely a government at all. You have a very tenuous grasp on human history and evolution. About how and why we are where we are after 4 million years of survival and 10,000 of society. You are an extremist just like the other side who thinks the government should make all the decisions. Man is stupid, greedy, prideful, emotional, etcetera. Until those things don't exist no government has no hope because someone else always has and always will take your stuff, home, country and freedom. Without society you might as well live in the stone age. I can understand freedom. You can't comprehend the need for something to protect that freedom. Because freedom is not infringing on others' rights. How are you going to deal with murderers, rapists, land disputes without government? Because street justice is not justice at all, most of the time the angry mob lynches an innocent person and I sure as hell want something to protect my rights from a mob. And if you say get a group of people myself, you clearly don't understand that is government and society.
Quote from: 30 1421
I challenged you to disprove: Government extorts people for money and control.

A point that you have admitted that you can not disprove.

And then you write yet another 280 words (bringing the total to 660 words) to tell me you want a criminal syndicate to extort people for money and control.

Edited to make readable.
Quote from: 1 1005
And there is the difference.

I have multiple examples of how yours fails and you have one of mine you continue to repeat without understanding the difference between Government and a society that gives it's people power by recognizing and enshrining unalienable rights in its founding papers.

Instead of counting the words try to think about what is said.

I've come up with, what, 6-10 explanations as to why Anarchy and Federalism doesn't work.

You can only give me one as to why Republic's don't.

Regardless of your closed mindedness, it is a historical fact that representative Republics are the best, the most equal and the least tyrannical systems we have ever made.

And after all this repeating you still have yet to answer the most basic of the questions I have asked you, how does anarchy deal with the worst of us?

I know why you refuse and that is because you only have 2 answers to choose from.

A.) Do nothing and they are allowed to rampage across the land as they were doing for about 8,000 years, at least.
Or B.) Street justice which grows and evolves into groups of people agreeing to live together for safety and thusly you have the creation of a government in your anarchist hell hole.

Almost like you want to put us back in the stone age and restart the whole process over again expecting a different result (which is literally the definition of insanity).

But instead of finding common ground or you reason and logic centers of your brain, you're just gonna count how many words I typed again, right?

I have provided evidence you are wrong 3 times by asking you what happens to the people who murder, rape and steal in your anarchist utopia and not once have you even tried to explain how it will be handled without society or government.

So instead of just repeating "government is a criminal syndicate" for the 5th or 6th time try to think and formulate some answers for all the things you have left out of your responses yet expect me to do all the disproving.

If you were smart you would know, it is not on me to prove you wrong. No, no.

When you make an accretion the burden of proof is on the Offense not on the Defense, and yet as I do not fear being proven wrong, I welcome it because that is when you learn.

I have no issues defending against the Offense.

To summarize since you really don't seem to pay attention or read with comprehension, I have made numerous points as to how and why Anarchy doesn't work you have made the same single argument multiple times.

In a peer review or in a court case, you are losing this.

So instead of getting pissed off and trying to make me seem like an idiot why don't you take some time and come up with a better, varying argument.

Use some of that intelligence our species has earned and dispell the boiling blood of emotions that spike when you read something.
Quote from: 2 0852
You have heard of the KISS principle? Keep It Simple Stupid?
That is what I am doing, contrary to your continuing attempts to side step the single, simple issue. Specifically:

Government is an organized criminal syndicate that can not be defended by logic or by morality.

You have failed to prove me wrong on that one, single, simple issue. You stated, and I quote: "Never said I disagreed with that." Thereby admitting that government is an organized criminal syndicate... And everything you have posted since that admission has been a disagreement with that one, single, simple issue. That is when you were not attempting to drag red herrings into focus. For example:

➽ So instead of getting pissed off and trying to make me seem like an idiot why don't you take some time and come up with a better, varying argument.

You have made an assumption that I am "getting pissed off". You just made me giggle like a school girl. Okay. If you say so.

You have accused me of trying to make you seem like an idiot. Please explain to the audience exactly, specifically, how I am attempting to make you seem like an idiot? Is it because I refuse to let your illogic pass without comment? You are not the first indoctrinated person who "believes" as you do that I have ever had discussion with.

As far as a "better" argument. I don't need one. You can't disprove the one I am presenting.
Remember, I am KISSing the concept. The discussion point as it stands, is the distillation of "varying" arguments. I have a whole web site wherein I examine this issue that government is, was, and always will be a criminal syndicate that extorts people for money and control.

➽ Use some of that intelligence our species has earned and dispell the boiling blood of emotions that spike when you read something.


➽ I can understand freedom. You can't comprehend the need for something to protect that freedom. Because freedom is not infringing on others' rights.

Is it freedom when a criminal syndicate extorts you for money and control? You claim you understand freedom, yet you keep defending a "need" for a criminal syndicate that extorts people for money and control. So you tell me, who is making you "seem like an idiot"?

➽ If you were smart you would know, it is not on me to prove you wrong. No, no.

And yet, without the "Prove me wrong" preface, statists and authority worshipers ignore those five paragraphs because they know they can not disprove the simple facts proven.

I am well aware that the claimant has the burden of proof. I now present my proof:
Quote from: 2 1003
Anarchy is a power vacuum to make it easy for tyrants to gain control by promising safety and security as it has happened throughout human history. For thousands of years if you were not inside a city or castle you were at the mercy of raiders, murderers and rapists. It was so bad people were willing to live under tyrants who throw you off their land if you didn't fight for them or grow enough food for them. Hows that for simple.
Quote from: 2 1434
Or the fact we didn't have any taxes until 1913. Which leads to the original point of the first post you replied to, if we didn't just lie down and accept unConstitutional laws and legislation from corrupt politicians in bed with lobbyists and large corporations we wouldn't have the "organized criminal syndicate" that you refer to. A Republic can thrive without taxes.
I noticed I have made the same core argument multiple times now and didn't want to fall victim to my own criticism.
Sorry for the delay in replying. FecesBook... What a shit platform.

➽ Anarchy is a power vacuum [...]

Wrong! Anarchy is the absence of rulers.

How do rulers rule? Do what a ruler tells you to do or the ruler will hurt you. In a word: "Extortion."

➽ For thousands of years if you were not inside a city or castle you were at the mercy of raiders, murderers and rapists.

And for thousand of years if you WERE inside a city or castle you were at the mercy of the extortion of the city or castle ruler.

I'll only mention in passing that there is a lot of places on the net where you can read about no-knock breaches into the wrong home where the innocent home owner or renter living there was killed by the king's men (the cops).

That is what you are defending when you defend government. There are more ills of government being a criminal syndicate that extorts people listed on my examination of what, specifically, government is because of what government does.

➽ It was so bad people were willing to live under tyrants who throw you off their land if you didn't fight for them or grow enough food for them.

You're the best member on my team. Lemme show you what you wrote:

It [a nebulous, non defined thing] was so bad people were willing to live under tyrants [who extort you for money and control] and exile you if you don't obey their extortionate commands and demands.
« Last Edit: December 06, 2020, 08:05:27 AM by Admin »
Natural Law Matters