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Dale Eastman:

Dale Eastman:

--- Quote ---All of the democrats and a fair ammount, but not all of the republicans. I do think there are some Repubs in office fighting for the people, just not many, or nearly enough
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--- Quote ---I parse your "Repubs" comment exactly like I parse "L Party" comments.

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--- Quote ---the ammount of rules to follow is the difference. I'm no anarchist... there has to be some agreed upon rules to follow. The ones set down in 1776, and ratified whenever blacks and women were recognized as full humans with the same rights,as laid down in those documents is what I believe history has shown works well.
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--- Quote ---If you are "for" government, you support criminal extortionists.
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--- Quote ---then I guess I support extortion willingly. How much I'm being fleeced for, and for what means that is going towards, falls more in line with the ideas set forth in the documents above mentioned.
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--- Quote ---You are not the first criminal extortion supporting statist I have ever attempted having a discussion with.

So I'll just let you think on your intent to support criminals.
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--- Quote ---Dale Eastman there are no criminals if there are no commonly agreed upon laws, are there? So I'll let you think on that.. as is, I've stated pretty clearly what set of laws I've agreed to.
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--- Quote ---If you insist, I'm more than happy to have a detailed discussion with you. I'll set up another public archived discussion page.

My definition of law is a politician's opinion backed by threat of harm, up to, and including killing anybody really set on disobeying a politician's opinion.

And contrary to your claim, you have NOT stated with articulate specifity, exactly which laws you are referring to.

Don't worry about quick replies. I'm totally okay with just one reply per day. I ask that you please make sure to tag me so I know when you have replied.
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--- Quote ---Dale Eastman there is no need to make another page. I get bored to easy arguing online for that. You said I support criminals, I say there are no criminals without an agreed upon set of laws. The Decleration of Independence and the Bill of Rights clearly spell out how a nation should be run,( with God as The foundation) and as much as we have followed those precepts and elected those types of leaders, the United States has prospered. When we havent, we've failed. If I wanted to live with no government as an anarchist, I could do so. Get the equipment to survive and move to a place where no one could enforce their bullshit without my consent. I've thought about it, and may do so if society ever becomes so uncivilized I'd rather tell em all f off.. you could do the same..but until your willing to walk away from everything civilized society has built up, maybe you should reconsider your position to allow for what's on the middle.. just my opinion ofcourse
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Dale Eastman:

--- Quote ---➽ with God as The foundation

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Dale Eastman:

--- Quote ---God makes much more sense then no God.. and historically that's what the US was founded on, from papers of that time..
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--- Quote ---Dale Eastman the idea of "natural forces" explaining everything is as bad of a joke as Biden being "elected president:.. for the record
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Dumber than a box of god's rocks.


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