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Offline Dale Eastman

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« on: July 13, 2021, 06:10:48 PM »
Quote from: JP
Pick him up paddle his butt tell him no and if mom didn't like it one less unruly child and parent to put up with.
If violence is your first resort, you're a shitty parent.

If I've hurt your feelz and you reply, I WILL archive any subsequent comments you make on my website.

Or... You and I could discuss for the benefit of others, what non-violent techniques can be used to cure the problem shown.
Quote from: JP
Dale Eastman I guess I'm a shitty paŕent, but you would have to ask my 6 children, 9 grandchildren and one great grandchild. Oh by the way, my house my rules.
So is that a willingness to discuss your violent parenting technique or not?
Quote from: AC
Dale Eastman you would prefer the TV fell on him, potentially breaking his neck? Oookkk
Quote from: AC
JP always said I didn't need to beat my kids, because they knew I would.
AC Thank you for joining this discussion with myself.

You have just presented the fact that you are reading and comprehension challenged.

I don't play well with others that choose to change their nescience to deliberate ignorance.

You imagined what you think I wrote. I wrote NOTHING that should have been construed as ignoring the child's misbehavior and subsequent threat of harm to self and other's property.

The point I was and will continue to address while this conversation continues, is the choice of violent parenting.

I am being an asshole for good reason. Reason that has not yet been presented. If this upsets people now, You're all gonna really be upset when I present my reason.
JP I did NOT challenge your house rules.
I AM challenging the imagined need for, and actual use of violence as a parenting tool.
Swell job teaching impressionable children that victimizing humans is a good way to get what you want.
Oh I'm gonna make him cry, one way or another
That's what abusive, ignorant, violent parents do.
Dale Eastman make him get down and behave? Yea ok, wouldn't want to tell little Johnny no. You're what's wrong with society today. Kids need discipline and boundaries. What kind varies by the individual
You're what's wrong with society today

Actually it's people like you who evidence an inability to read.

That's what you present as... Illiterate. I've been around long enough to have actually learned to read what's actually written. With enough experience to see when emotional irrationality creates word spews that have nothing to do with the topic being discussed.

To be honest, it is for this reason that I'm not sure if you are simply not very good at understanding what you are reading, or if your emotionalism, your FEELZ are confusing you. Otherwise known by me as "Making shit up."

My SOP when a claimant makes up shit about me, is to challenge the specific, errant claim. In this case you have ASSUMED that I wouldn't want to tell Johnny no.

So please quote my specific words that told you this. Copy and paste EXACTLY which words I wrote.
Wouldn't tell Johnny no. What a funny. Here I am telling you and that other violent parent, NO!

And still... No discussion of non-violent methods of correcting and teaching Johnny to keep him, and other people's property safe.

➽ Kids need discipline and boundaries.

On that point, I wholeheartedly agree. But being the pedantic asshole I am, I will point out that I agreed to DISCIPLINE, not PUNISHMENT.

Disciple comes from a Latin word meaning "learner" and discipline comes from one meaning "instruction, knowledge."

n. The imposition of a penalty or deprivation for wrongdoing.
n. A penalty imposed for wrongdoing.
n. Rough treatment or use.

My definition: punishment: Teaching that being victimized is morally okay, no matter who is doing the victimizing (punishing).
Dale Eastman obviously not. Because I said discipline and boundaries. That has nothing to do with abuse or striking a child. So please explain your so called literacy again?
You may need some decompression. Wow.
So please explain your so called literacy again?

Maybe after I present an examination of your "so called literacy".

Because I said discipline and boundaries.

Didja now?

Didja forget you wrote this:
JP always said I didn't need to beat my kids, because they knew I would.

That ⇈⇈, looks just like a violent parent threatening to beat his children to me.

Oh I'm gonna make him cry, one way or another

So does that. ⇈⇈

Because I said discipline and boundaries.

That is NOT the only thing you said.

So please explain your so called literacy again?
Dale Eastman obviously not.

What, specifically, is "obviously not"?
Dale Eastman yup. I never had to beat my kids because they knew about boundaries, that's correct. And yup I'm going to March over there and place that child out of hatms way and I don't give a damn if he cries. That is correct. So yes I raised my kids to respect boundaries. Boo hoo hoo.
I have no issue with what you just conveyed. Basically, those words end this head butting.

I ask that you re-read what you did write with an eye to seeing where you presented as being pro-violence as a viable parenting style.

Then I should post why I have taken offense at the pro-violence parenting style.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2021, 09:07:08 AM by Dale Eastman »
Natural Law Matters

Offline Dale Eastman

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Re: AC
« Reply #1 on: July 14, 2021, 07:21:33 AM »
Dale Eastman yup. I never had to beat my kids because they knew about boundaries, that's correct. And yup I'm going to March over there and place that child out of hatms way and I don't give a damn if he cries. That is correct. So yes I raised my kids to respect boundaries. Boo hoo hoo.
I have no issue with what you just conveyed. Basically, those words end this head butting.

I ask that you re-read what you did write with an eye to seeing where you presented as being pro-violence as a viable parenting style.

Then I should post why I have taken offense at the pro-violence parenting style.
Natural Law Matters