Author Topic: Reasonable FE discussion with RJ? (I hope)  (Read 28779 times)

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Re: Reasonable FE discussion with RJ? (I hope)
« Reply #45 on: October 21, 2022, 09:31:24 AM »
Quote from: 20 18:57
I would agree. And add that on order to verify if something is, in fact, three dimensional, one would have to have to be able to have multiple perspectives or be able to physically touch or inspect. Would you agree? And no harm, no foul.
Quote from: 21 8:34
Yes, I agree that multiple vantage points are required to confirm an object is three dimensional. Out of politeness I answer that question. I will ignore it if it turns into a Gish Gallop distraction.

The eyeball spies a pinpoint of light. It's distance is unknown.
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Re: Reasonable FE discussion with RJ? (I hope)
« Reply #46 on: October 21, 2022, 04:45:09 PM »
Quote from: 21 13:28
im following... i just want to add this video for you to watch about the sextant. I didn't know if we were done with that topic already.
Quote from: 21 17:44
This image depicts the eyeball's line of sight to the distant pinpoint of light.
Quote from: 21 18:53
The eyeball is in a circular motion orbit on a ninety degree intersecting plane.
The eyeball is depicted in the two locations where it crosses the universe bifurcating plane.
Quote from: 22 10:02
I must have posted too soon. I've missed a few of your posts because... Well FB is FB. Methinks you missed my 21 18:53 post.
Quote from: 23 11:04
Did you get Zucked or did I get ghosted?
« Last Edit: October 23, 2022, 10:06:42 AM by Dale Eastman »
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Re: Reasonable FE discussion with RJ? (I hope)
« Reply #47 on: October 23, 2022, 11:24:51 AM »
Quote from: 23 11:17
no I'm here, what part might i have missed? Mine aren't time stamped
Quote from: 23 11:24
I'm on a desktop. When I mouse over the time link, just to the right and on the same line as the Like, Reply, & Share links, a date-time popup shows up. That link is also the 'perma-link to the individual post.
Here's the link to my 21 18:53 post:[0]=AZVTlGd6b0Ir_d3DYemTJ1340vLIn_UHqbLkxpVeOEpF9djXZwD34d3zSlK1_aCZFsLFb51cxAXVAeLv9MoMghNJ229IOYAuW-zrBxsouHB0AIMNOKdbWcPu_csV0kPP-NIjS3Nq2xmqRjvi2WR5mdI9&__tn__=R]-R
Anything to the right of "&__cft__" is not part of the link and my guess is that part is how FB tracks what you click on.
This shortened link will take you to the same post:
Quote from: 23 11:29
i don't see it. Do you want to copy paste or just continue on the two arrows observing the universe?
Quote from: 23 11:35
Two arrows showing observation points and one showing what's being observed?
Quote from: 23 11:35
yes, what's this about?
Quote from: 23 12:23
yes, what's this about?

It's about me being a pedantic asshole.

Communication errors are annoying me. I'm attempting to nail EVERYthing down so there is no confusion.

Since the eyeball is viewing the distant object from two different positions, the eyeball has two different lines of sight.
This creates two lines that form one vertex of a triangle to be studied.
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Re: Reasonable FE discussion with RJ? (I hope)
« Reply #48 on: October 23, 2022, 11:44:17 AM »
Quote from: 23 12:32
ok my phone has to lenses in it and it computes it into a single image. The brain does the same thing. I'm not trying to be an ass but what does this have to do with the measure of the earth?
Quote from: 23 12:42
I am saving your words of this discussion to an archive. So even though I do not directly respond to your words, I've saved them for to (maybe?) respond later.

This has to do with data collection and data calculation.

"You must learn to crawl before you can learn to walk. You must learn to walk before you can learn to run." Coach Nelson.

Though you've not told me you've "got it" so far, I will hit the next check box. ✅

Be sure to stop me if I lose you.

The line between the two positions forms a third side of a triangle and two more vertices.
Quote from: 14 11:35
Next point, not until you acknowledge the present point.
« Last Edit: October 24, 2022, 10:35:50 AM by Dale Eastman »
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Re: Reasonable FE discussion with RJ? (I hope)
« Reply #49 on: October 24, 2022, 11:00:45 AM »
Quote from: 24 11:38
you're saying each eye of the observer has a different perspective?
Quote from: 24 12:00

You just frustrated me. I have been laying this out one step at a time. Here's what I previously wrote:

This image depicts the eyeball's line of sight to the distant pinpoint of light.

The eyeball is in a circular motion orbit on a ninety degree intersecting plane.
The eyeball is depicted in the two locations where it crosses the universe bifurcating plane.

Since the eyeball is viewing the distant object from two different positions, the eyeball has two different lines of sight.
This creates two lines that form one vertex of a triangle to be studied.

#'s are indexing labels of the images I created to go with the text so that I can keep track. I did not use 005.

« Last Edit: October 25, 2022, 11:45:16 AM by Dale Eastman »
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Re: Reasonable FE discussion with RJ? (I hope)
« Reply #50 on: October 24, 2022, 03:01:08 PM »
Quote from: 24 14:10
i don't understand what you're saying about the eyeball in a circular motion orbit on a ninty degree intersecting plane. Are there two eyeballs or is that representing one vantage point and then another higher vantage point?
One vantage point and then another. When the eyeball crosses the plane the distance pinpoint of light is on.

This image is meant to depict the 90° degree intersecting plane and the path of the eyeball both on and off the universe bifurcating plane.

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Re: Reasonable FE discussion with RJ? (I hope)
« Reply #51 on: October 24, 2022, 03:41:58 PM »
Quote from: 24 16:04
ok i think i follow
Quote from: 24 16:41
Bifurcating the vertex at the distant pinpoint of light splits the vertex into two equal angles.
Bifurcating the vertex at the distant pinpoint of light also bifurcates the third side into two equal lengths and creates two right triangles so trigonometry can be applied.
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Re: Reasonable FE discussion with RJ? (I hope)
« Reply #52 on: October 24, 2022, 05:46:06 PM »
Quote from: 24 18:36
ok im with you
Quote from: 24 18:44
This image depicts the measured angle to the pinpoint of light in the distance.
The other angle at the black-blue line will be the negative of the black-green angle.
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Re: Reasonable FE discussion with RJ? (I hope)
« Reply #53 on: October 24, 2022, 06:16:59 PM »
Quote from: 24 19:07
i follow
Quote from: 24 19:15
With the distance between vertex a and vertex b not being known, the distance from vertex n to vertex c can only be determined to be 27,328,881.6 times the distance between vertex a and vertex n.

Determining the a - n distance is required.
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Re: Reasonable FE discussion with RJ? (I hope)
« Reply #54 on: October 24, 2022, 08:50:03 PM »
Quote from: 24 19:23
The graphic is for demonstration purposes, not necessarily to scale?
Quote from: 24 20:49
Correct. There is 100 pixels vertical between the two viewpoints. To scale would need 27,328,881.6 X 100 = 27,328,881,600 pixels horizontal to be shown to scale.
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Re: Reasonable FE discussion with RJ? (I hope)
« Reply #55 on: October 24, 2022, 09:57:05 PM »
Quote from: 24 22:35
im with you
Quote from: 25 12:51
Another pinpoint of light is spotted in the distance.

Its distance is unknown, but it can be determined in relationship to line a-b, which is, at this point in time and discussion, an unknown distance.

I am now making the images and checking my math as I go.
« Last Edit: October 25, 2022, 11:52:59 AM by Dale Eastman »
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Re: Reasonable FE discussion with RJ? (I hope)
« Reply #56 on: October 25, 2022, 12:49:11 PM »
Quote from: 25 12:53
i follow

Quote from: 25 13:48
This is done by extending line a-b to make line ra - b.
And by creating line d-ra to make a two triangles with hypotenuses d-a and d-b.

Since line a-b length is unknown. Its value will = "X".
Likewise, line ra-b is unknown. Its value will = "Y".
This means line ra-a will = X - Y.
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Re: Reasonable FE discussion with RJ? (I hope)
« Reply #57 on: October 25, 2022, 01:34:31 PM »
Quote from: 25 13:57
ok im following
Quote from: 25 14:01
quick question, this is a demonstration as to how we measure the earth, right?
Quote from: 25 14:33
This is how astronomers measure things in the universe.

This is also me making sure you understand the math as I understand the math.

I am also teaching myself how to use trig beyond the little bit I was formally taught, by using the algebra I was taught to build upon what I do know.

This is why I am literally having to figure out the math as I go. I'm a Boomer and this stuff is 45 years ago.

Since I can create images to match, what better way to present a topic.

From my time as an electronic scale technician, no numbers are more important than bad-incorrect numbers.
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Re: Reasonable FE discussion with RJ? (I hope)
« Reply #58 on: October 25, 2022, 01:54:33 PM »
Quote from: 25 14:40
ok i was just asking because your two points are on a flat base-line. I didn't know if you figured in the curvature or not.
Quote from: 25 14:54
I'm nailing down the trig first.

Then I intend to revisit the points previously addressed.

Points that for now, I'm going to label error producing realities.

Right now, I have only addressed a source point viewing location.
Quote from: 25 14:56
i thought that's two source points for viewing location right.
Quote from: 25 14:59
Correct. And two pinpoint light sources to be viewed.
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Re: Reasonable FE discussion with RJ? (I hope)
« Reply #59 on: October 25, 2022, 02:29:35 PM »
Quote from: 25 15:04
Dale Eastman were going to end up going through all this math to end back up at my original point. How do you derive your "r". And if your "r" is the radius of our earth then I'm going to ask how come we can see things that should be obscured by geometric physical horizon due to curvature. And then you're going to say "refraction". And I'm going to send you this clip to show you what refraction does. And you're not going to show me refraction bending things around assumed curvature.
Quote from: 25 15:10
Every angular elevation angle measurement method is based on a 90⁰ angle at sea level(dip correction) or using an artificial horizon using a liquid(oil/quick silver)
Quote from: 25 15:25
You are Gish Galloping.

I am not going to allow that.

Focus YOUR eyes on the trig.
Quote from: 25 15:35
im following your trig. And I'm pointing out that it's based on straight lines and a presumption. After all you did say "no numbers are more important than bad-incorect numbers." I'm following, tho.
Quote from: 25 16:38
Copy the exact words of this presumption you claim I have made (am making) since noon on the 23rd.

I will remind you that I am copy pasting this discussion into an archive. There are claims you have made that I intend to examine.
« Last Edit: October 25, 2022, 03:38:36 PM by Dale Eastman »
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