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Topic Summary

Posted by: Dale Eastman
« on: November 14, 2023, 02:41:43 PM »

The points presented are Self-Evident Facts.

Failure to deny with proof is admission of the points presented.

1. At some point of time in your life you were made to believe you are required to obey humans called "government."
Admit or deny?

2. You don't own me. (YDOM)
Admit or deny?

3. I don't own you. (IDOY)
Admit or deny?

4. No person, corporate or human, owns any human.
Admit or deny?

5. This includes any human in "government."
Admit or deny?

6. Lack of ownership means: No Right-To-Enslave; No Right-To-Govern; No Right-To-Control; No Right-To-Rule.
Admit or deny?

7. The prior statement directly and correctly contradicts any belief that any human in government has a Right-To-Rule any other human.
Admit or deny?

Posted by: Dale Eastman
« on: September 21, 2023, 10:52:52 AM »

The points presented are Self-Evident Facts.
Failure to deny is admission of the points presented.
I don't care if these Self-Evident Facts hurt your feelings, pop your delusional bubble, or give you Cognitive Dissonance.
My purpose in writing these facts in this manner is to make you choke on your stupidity.

At some point of time in your life you were made to believe you are required to obey humans called "government."
1. Admit or deny?

You don't own me. (YDOM)
2. Admit or deny?

I don't own you. (IDOY)
3. Admit or deny?

No person, corporate or human, owns any human.
4. Admit or deny?

This includes any human in "government."
5. Admit or deny?

Lack of ownership means: No Right-To-Enslave; No Right-To-Govern; No Right-To-Control; No Right-To-Rule.
6. Admit or deny?

The prior statement directly and correctly contradicts any belief that any human in government has a Right-To-Rule any other human.
7. Admit or deny?

Thank you for taking this intelligence test.