My Commentary On The World > My Commentary On The World

I, Dale Eastman, am a blasphemous, apostate


Dale Eastman:
I, Dale Eastman, am a blasphemous, apostate that has profanely rejected the religion of State.

I freely admit to my sin of not believing the bullshit presented to me while I was incarcerated for 12 years in a government indoctrination center, otherwise known as a government public school.

I have committed the sin of thinking for myself and not just believing the bullshit the government intends I believe.

Why have I become such an incorrigible sinner you may wonder?

Because I realized the "official" claim of government existing to protect its people is a provable lie.

Government alleges it has authority and a right to make and enforce rules. Here in the United States, government claims this right to rule comes from the "consent of the governed." If this is true, then why does government need men with guns to make sure it is obeyed? Do you need men with guns to make sure you obey the rules of Checkers or Chess that you consented to?

According to the bullshit of government claims, I have consented to allowing it to rule me, and to kill me if I withdraw my consent to being governed. How about a quick litmus test? Is it really consent if you can not withdraw it? If you are so government schooled that you can't see that the correct answer is "No", then like the King's redcoats of yore, you are threatening my very life.


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