3 > My Commentary On The World

contact: delphi-admin-survey-fb@lists.andrew.cmu.edu


Dale Eastman:

--- Quote ---If you have any questions about this survey, contact: delphi-admin-survey-fb@lists.andrew.cmu.edu
--- End quote ---

It is my opinion that at this time, after one year of "two weeks to flatten the curve", your survey is about seeing if the LIES of Government and main stream news are still having the desired effect on the indoctrinated sheeple. (sic)

Assuming, arguendo, that the Wisconsin Dept of Health's "official" statistics are correct..

As of: May 7, 2021

3,470,326 Tested
601,603 Tested Positive
6,877 Dead
29,668 Hospitalized
585,797 Recovered

Those bold, red numbers are copied right off the "official" website and directly into my spreadsheet log.
These following numbers are calculated in my spreadsheet from the "official" numbers.

97.37% Ratio Recovered to Tested Positive.
4.93% Ratio Hospitalized to Tested Positive
23.18% Ratio Deaths to Hospitalized
0.20% Ratio Deaths to Tested
1.14% Ratio Deaths to Tested Positive
5,822,434 Population per official guesses (census)
0.118% Ratio Deaths to Wisconsin Population
17.34% Ratio Tested Positive to Tested
11,538 Extrapolated Statewide Deaths

Just like the flu or any other infectious disease, It's bad for those it's bad for. As for the rest, the official story and the mainstream story is just BULLSHIT.   


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