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Offline Dale Eastman

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« on: February 07, 2024, 03:51:39 PM »
Quote from: 7 Feb 16:34
Dale Eastman Disobey our laws and find out! But then, you do have the right to choose your own time of death; unless they put you in a straitjacket or padded cell, that is!
Quote from: 7 Feb 16:44
our laws?
Quote from: 7 Feb 16:50
Please identify which of my words or post you are replying to with these words of yours:
Disobey our laws and find out! But then, you do have the right to choose your own time of death; unless they put you in a straitjacket or padded cell, that is!
Quote from: 7 Feb 16:55
DS That is right! Our laws, the laws this country control what you can do without being incarcerated ot shot dead. Nihilism is an excuse to do nothing and still bitch about everything!
Quote from: 7 Feb 17:03
Dale Eastman Not choosing to be controlled or who to be controlled does not mean you will not be controlled. Even the weather controls you. Choose what you will to make yourself comfortable. Not voting is a choice; but not being controlled good man, is not a choice. We are all controlled. Thoughts are free to an extent and admittedly, freedom is an attitude....but one that can be adjusted, like it or no!
Quote from: 7 Feb 17:16
I put a like on your reply... Because you did reply.

You added information of your thinking sufficient for me to assume, for the moment, that you and I have two contrary ideologies about living as a human, and living morally.

As I have posted many times: You are for liberty or you are for slavery. And as I wrote in an essay, this is NOT a false dichotomy.

You have stated "We are all controlled."

There are those who do attempt to control others. By what authority? I always have to define that when I ask by what authority, I specifically mean, By what Right-to-rule?
Quote from: 7 Feb 17:24
OMG, Did I ever misunderstand you. I took your statement as nhilistic; but I see you are against despotism. I couldn't agree more. I will NEVER attempt to control you; but wish you happy hunting: happy fishing...and a very happy uninslaved life!
Quote from: 7 Feb 17:37
I appreciate that a communication error was averted. I also erred in what I assumed about you because of how I interpreted your words.

This is all me:
« Last Edit: February 07, 2024, 04:37:54 PM by Dale Eastman »
Natural Law Matters