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You don't own me.
« on: December 28, 2015, 01:02:56 PM »
This is a work in progress. It will be taken down. Any links to this post will eventually be dead.

I'm putting this here solely for my own purpose of access when I'm not on my home computer.

You Don't Own Me.

If you have verifiable evidence that you do own me, please contact me immediately and show me your evidence.

Since I'm fairly sure that I would know if somebody owns me, and I have no knowledge that anybody owns me, I will proceed as if nobody owns me.

I shouldn't have to point out that what is true for me is also true for you. Just as you don't own me, I don't own you. Nobody owns me and nobody owns you. The ramifications that result from this truth are just as valid for you as for me.

Since you don't own me, you can NOT give me any commands that I would be expected or required to obey. You do NOT have a higher claim on my life than I do.

If you doubt this, think of all the commands from me that you can ignore with impunity. Commands such as, for example: I decree that you not drink unpasteurized milk; I command that you not drink alcohol; I require that you eat broccoli; I order you to go rake the leaves up in my yard; I demand that you give me 11% of your earnings. I'm sure you can think of more claims on your life that are false as well as more commands that you do not have to obey.

If you could give me commands that I would be expected and required to obey, then it could be stated that you have authority over me. However, you don't own me and you do NOT have authority over me. Any child instinctively knows this if they've ever said to another child, “Who made you the boss of me?”

As used in this treatise, authority is any higher claim on any human or their property than that human has over their self or their property. I hope the above examples of claims and commands illustrates my definition of authority.

To deny any of the preceding is to deny that we are equal. Not even Thomas Hobbes, John Locke or Thomas Jefferson would do that.

Since we are equals, since you do NOT have authority over me, you can NOT delegate (give) authority over me to anybody else. This also applies to the other 7.5 billion of you as well. (UK 7.5 milliard.)

The logic is irrefutable: If we are all equal, none have authority over another, none can delegate an authority over another.

Kings, queens, cops, lawmakers, and any other government officials are all part of the same 7.5 billion humans who are equals. They have no more innate authority over the 7.5 billion than any other of the 7.5 billion. (Innate: Existing from the time a human is born. Existing as part of the basic nature of the human.)

Everybody knows of cops. Like most people, you probably believe cops have authority over you.

(People used to believe that the Earth was the center of the Universe and the Universe revolved around the Earth. Just because something is believed does not make it true.)

I call the cop's authority alleged because this authority is not been proven.

There was a cop in my neighborhood. I asked him these questions: Can anybody delegate an authority that they don't have? Who had the authority to tell me what to do? And when did they delegate that authority to you?

The cop admitted that nobody can delegate an authority that they don't have. The cop essentially stated that the legislators had the authority to tell me what to do, and that they delegated this alleged authority to the cop. The cop did not allege an innate authority. The cop clearly identified the source of the cop's alleged authority as being delegated to him from outside himself.

It is irrefutable that the cop is one of the 7.5 billion who have no innate authority. It is also irrefutable that legislators are some of the 7.5 billion who have no innate authority. What is true for the cop is true for every other holder of alleged authority. Authority is not innate and MUST be delegated from an external source.

If the cop's alleged authority was delegated to the cop by the legislator, who delegated the legislator's alleged authority to the legislator? And by what mechanism?

The Voters are part of the 7.5 billion who have no innate authority. The Voters have no authority over each other nor do they have authority over me. The Voters can not delegate authority over me to anyone. If you don't have authority over me, you can NOT choose somebody else to have authority over me. Sorry, the belief that voting delegates authority is just a delusion that you have been conditioned to believe.

You are a part of the 7.5 billion humans who have no innate authority, therefore, you have no innate authority over the humans who will be born after your death. The same is true for any other members of the 7.5 billion. Therefore, We The (dead) People could not imbue four pieces of paper with authority over me. Sorry, the belief that the U.S. Constitution delegates authority is just a delusion that you have been conditioned to believe.

These simple facts lead to the conclusion that the State, erroneously called the government, never could or can have any legitimate authority.

There are some who will invoke an imaginary deity and claim said deity delegated the alleged authority to the State. I've never seen credible proof of this imaginary deity.

If a deity does not exist, it can NOT delegate authority. If you demand that I provide proof that your deity doesn't exist, I demand that you prove the Invisible Pink Unicorn doesn't exist and I'll use your method. Regardless...

I can go to The Rotunda of the National Archives Building in downtown Washington, DC and see the United States Constitution, written by humans, that allegedly delegated authority to the State. There is no such evidence to be found, written by any deity (with mystical glowing print) proving that said deity delegated any authority to the State. In other words, there is no Divine Right of Kings or presidents or congresspersons.

A deity that created the universe should not have trouble creating proof of its anointing of human governors with some of said deity's authority. Sorry, the belief that an imaginary deity delegated authority is just a delusion that you have been conditioned to believe.

There are some who believe the State gets its alleged authority from a Social Contract. This alleged contract does not exist because it does not have the elements required to be a valid contract. There are four basic elements required in order for a contract to exist. These elements are: an offer; a consideration; an acceptance; and mutual agreement (a meeting of minds).

An offer is a conditional promise. What did the State offer (promise) you?

A consideration is a thing (of value) given in exchange for the offer. What did the State ask of you in return (consideration) of what the State promised you?

An acceptance of an offer is an expression of assent to its terms. Can you express assent to the terms of an offer when no terms have been presented to you? When did you assent to the terms of this alleged Social Contract?

A mutual agreement or meeting of minds exists when both parties understand and agree to the terms of the contract. Can you understand and agree to the terms of a contract when no such terms have been presented to you?

In reality, the Social Contract is merely a Theory.  This theory alleges that humans gave authority to the State in return for the State's protection.

Even if the Social Contract was an actual contract, The State has voided the contract by failing to perform its reciprocal duties. The State itself admits to violating the terms of this alleged contract.

Stated in Warren v. DC, 444 A.2d 1 (1981):
[T]he fundamental principle that a government and its agents are under no general duty to provide public services, such as police protection, to any particular individual citizen.

Stated in DeShaney v. Winnebago Cty. DSS, 489 U.S. 189 (1989):
A State's failure to protect an individual against private violence generally does not constitute a violation of the Due Process Clause, because the Clause imposes no duty on the State to provide members of the general public with adequate protective services.

Stated in New Jersey Revised Statute 59:5-4:
Neither a public entity nor a public employee is liable for failure to provide police protection service or, if police protection service is provided, for failure to provide sufficient police protection service.

Stated in California Code 845:
Neither a public entity nor a public employee is liable for failure to establish a police department or otherwise to provide police protection service or, if police protection service is provided, for failure to provide sufficient police protection service.

Stated in 745 Illinois Compiled Statute 10/4-102:
Neither a local public entity nor a public employee is liable for failure to establish a police department or otherwise provide police protection service or, if police protection service is provided, for failure to provide adequate police protection or service, failure to prevent the commission of crimes, failure to detect or solve crimes, and failure to identify or apprehend criminals.

This list is not exhaustive.

This Social Contract Theory as set out by John Locke and Thomas Hobbes before him was, in essence, an attempt to make it appear that those under the Ruler's Rules at that point in time consented to both the Ruler and the Rules.

The Social Contract Theory is the basis for the Consent Of The Governed nonsense found in the Declaration of Independence. In order for one to consent (give permission for something to happen or be done), doesn't one need to be presented with a choice first? I was never asked for my consent to be governed. I am going to assume you were never asked either.
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