not all cops enforce all the laws....
Especially if you are in their club. I was pulled over for speeding, driving my wife to work. Wife and cop knew each other... Because their jobs had them interacting. No ticket.
trust me....

Hey, Hey! What's with the hostility? What did I do to offend you?
I know “trust me” is Yiddish for “fuck you.”

my parents had dementia and they gave me more help than trouble - they felt sorry for me -- they were very human
The cops did NOT help my step-dad with my mother's dementia. The cops said it was a psych issue, the health people said it was a cop issue. This was in your corner of the continent - Port Charlotte, Fl.
I don't really want to air the family's dirty laundry in public... But, They're both dead now... She hit him in the carotid artery the day after he was released from the hospital for surgery to clear his carotid artery. He was a ww2 vet who minimized everything. She was up here visiting while he was hanging out in the bathroom as the eye of Charlie went right over Port Charlotte; The shingles were all stripped off the roof, but the damage was “not that bad.” The rest of the family had no idea what kind of hell she was putting him through. It wasn't until they moved back up here that the medical field pulled the trigger on “diminished capacity.”
/end digression
-- and not once was I ever asked to get out of my car if stopped for speeding
It's much easier to identify an African American than an older female Jewish American. Can you validate that the cop(s) that stopped you are or are not members of the KKK? You are in “that” part of the country you know.
Stopped for speeding under what authority? And on this, you can ignore my proven point of: There is no authority.
Using 'government's own rules I will still make the case that the cop pulled you over without authority.
The CONstitution (organic law) is to be read in the light of the Declaration of Independence (also organic law). But the bogus powers that be do not want the peons to connect the D of I to the CON. (sic)
In the D of I are these words:
certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men,
That among these clearly implies that the three listed rights are not the only rights. The rights listed are clearly INDIVIDUAL rights. Therefore the purpose of 'government' is to protect INDIVIDUAL rights.
Using Marc Steven's words as a starting point:
It’s simple logic and common sense, juris doctorate not required:(1)
the government was established/instituted for one purpose i.e., to secure/protect rights;(2)
the courts [and the cops]
being a part of the government have the same singular purpose i.e., to secure/protect rights;(3)
the courts’ jurisdiction has one purpose i.e., to secure/protect rights;(4)
Standing to invoke, or invoking a court’s jurisdiction requires the allegation a right has been, or is being violated.For those without the knowledge you and I have, Marc writes:
Standing is the same wherever you go, the important elements are (1) the violation of a right, a legal injury; and (2) damage.
Who is/was injured by anybody traveling faster than the politician's posted opinion? How much did those stops for speeding end up sucking out of your wallet? How much money has been stolen by the cops for those called government to spend as they see fit?
Merriam-Webster defines a racketeer as
one who obtains money by an illegal enterprise usually involving intimidation.Stumbled across this blurb researching for this post:
Protection racketeering is when a criminal organization coerces someone to pay money for protection. Often the organization's members provide the protection from harm coming from not paying the protection fee. Extortion is unlawfully obtaining money by coercion.
Pay your speeding fine or we won't protect you from us.
Pay your taxes or we won't protect you from us.
I am following your Counter Current News.
I actually watch very few of their videos. I get very pissed off. The wrongdoing by cops is a daily occurrence. That they are doing these wrongs to innocent people and have BOGUS authority... 'Scuse me while I regain my composure.
When I said that Dan takes politics too seriously, I meant that out of all the people I argue with, he is the only one who gets furious when someone disagrees.
DT, may I suggest that you review this Larken Rose video? I understand rage, and it often leads to me losing control (panic attacks) I think this is a problem.
Yeah, I can understand that. Especially with what you told me in (I assume) confidence. May I suggest you incorporate one of my methods. Unless you have personal physical interaction with someone, keep in your mind, he is just words on a computer screen, not much different than playing a computer game.
You can't convince every human being that capitalism is wonderful and that taxation is extortion.
I am not presently qualified to address your points about capitalism. We have not agreed on what capitalism and its related terms mean.
That taxation is theft by extortion is provable.
And yes, proving does not convince. There are even psych studies that show the stronger the evidence that refutes a belief, the harder the believer grasps the belief.
One method is to remove the statist framing to allow for a different view.
I'm going to request you re-read our interchange where I asked you what's the difference between a junkie or an IRS agent sticking a gun in your face. The result is the same, If you do not comply you will be hurt.
You correctly observed that for most, the difference is the (Larken would say superstitious, I say delusional) belief in authority. Remove that belief and the agent and the junkie are exactly the same.
That makes all governments illegitimate authorities....
Yes it does.
Though I prefer “bogus” instead of “illegitimate.”
but if the other countries have armies, does not our country have to have the mightiest army since might may not make right but only the strongest survive?
That is an excellent observation/ question. My answer is MAYBE. Your question itself raises other questions.
Without criminals calling themselves Central North America's government using their monopoly on force to keep guns out of the hands of the peons using laws (politician's opinions)to restrict the peon's access, what's to keep the peons from having the tools necessary to protect themselves?
According to various net sources, there is over 300,000,000 guns in Central North America. Wikipedia claims 1.12 per resident. Without gun grabbers the numbers could easily become greater. Especially when the gun grabbers start to understand that self defense and self protection both start with self.
Side note:
It is my understanding that privately owned cannon were used in the war against Britain.
One of those questions your question raises, is: What other countries, that have armies, could possibly invade Middle North America? What would be their goal? How would they attack in keeping with that goal?
The Roman army invaded the world. Why? A larger tax base. More victims to rob.
There is a quote with a false attribution to Japanese Fleet Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto. The false attribution does not change the truth of the quote: You cannot invade the mainland United States.
There would be a rifle behind every blade of grass. Or at least there would be if the mentally ill gun grabbers don't get their way.According to the US Census Bureau my county's 2005 population was 160,544. According to my County Sheriff’s website there are 49 uniformed supervisors and deputies that respond to 911 calls. That means the Citizen to sheriff ratio is 3,276:1. Divide by 3 shifts for 24 hour coverage and the ratio is 9,829:1. I know for a fact from good sources the the west side of the county only has 2 deputies on patrol. There's a reason for the book titled DIAL 911 AND DIE.
In order for another country to invade, that country's criminals called government must coerce and lie to their populace to get backing to invade... You know... Like Shrub's Weapons of Mass Destruction.
You want to see evidence of WMD's? So did I. Until I found it.
{The U.S. military uses tank armor and some bullets made with depleted uranium (DU) to penetrate enemy armored vehicles, and began using DU on a large scale during the Gulf War.
The process of manufacturing enriched uranium from natural uranium used in nuclear reactors or weapons leaves "depleted" uranium. DU has 40 percent less radioactivity, but the same chemical toxicity as natural uranium.}
Please take note of the 'government' source: search for → depleted uranium ammunition
As a meme states: War is when your government tells you who the enemy is. Revolution is when you figure it out for yourself.