Author Topic: Societies and The Interactions of Their Individuals  (Read 5497 times)

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Offline Dale Eastman

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Societies and The Interactions of Their Individuals
« on: August 20, 2020, 12:09:26 PM »
Societies and The Interactions of Their Individuals

Society, as used in the title, means masses of individual humans. For without at least two individuals interacting, a Society does not exist. Society comes from Latin societatem (nominative societas) "fellowship, association, alliance, union, community," from socius "companion, ally,"

I submit that if somebody is using Threat, Duress, or Coercion, also known as Extortion, to force another human to obey their will, then this is NOT a social interaction. Even the interaction itself is initiated by force. The person being extorted is not voluntarily interacting.

Panhandlers asking for handouts on the side of the road are asking you to voluntarily interact with them. They are asking you to voluntarily surrender some property of yours to them. Typically money. Even if they are putting on a fraudulent act to tug your heartstrings to get you to give them some money, it's still your choice to give money or not.

Compare that to government officers, agents, and employees. They do not ask you to voluntarily surrender your money. Sure, they may say things like, "Would you please pay the taxes you owe?" or "Would you please pay the fines you owe?", but do not be mislead. If you refuse to give them your money, people with guns will come and take your property (money or other property), cage you, or even kill you. Their interaction with you is non-voluntary on your part. If you forget those facts because they said "please", you are ignoring the guns under the paperwork.

And then there's this "taxes you owe" BS. Who says I owe? By what authority? That's a discussion for another essay.

Cops pulling you over to the side of the road is another act that forces your interaction to be non-voluntary. You don't really have a choice, because cops will escalate violence and force against you until you comply, possibly even ramming and damaging the vehicle you are driving to make it inoperative in order to get you to comply. The moment that a cop lights up his disco lights, he has initiated a non-voluntary interaction that you are (allegedly) required to obey.

There you are: Going down the road; Going about your everyday affairs of life and minding your own business; Harming no one; and a bully threatens to use escalating force and violence against you to make you stop.

That bully has initiated threat, duress, coercion, that is: Extortion against you the moment he lights you up. Mostly to extort fines from you. Just another form of taxation in my book.

Do what you are told to do or they will hurt you. This is how EVERY government works. Past, present, or future.

Not wanting to be extorted sure looks like wanting to be left alone to me. Not wanting to be threatened with death to force obedience sure looks like wanting to be left alone to me. If you know you want to be left alone and not threatened nor extorted, then I submit that you want to live in a Voluntary Society.

If you were being left alone, as would be the case if you were living in a Voluntary Society, then nobody would be forcing you to non-voluntarily interact with them; nobody would be forcing you to non-voluntarily give up or surrender your property to them.

The members of a Voluntary Society would understand YDOMism and honor its precepts. YDOM means You Don't Own Me. Any five to eight year old child, who exclaims to another child, "Who made you the boss of me?" inherently understands YDOMism's basic "Don't tell me what to do!" Why have adults lost, forgot, or ignored this point?

The members of a Voluntary Society would not be involuntarily subjected to the government's indoctrination apparatus such as I was when I was incarcerated for ≅12 years in a Government Indoctrination Center. The GIC a.k.a. The Public School system, is where I was forced to learn about "government" according to that very same government's one sided criteria. All of us formerly detained in these United States GIC's were forced to learn of this organic document called "The Declaration of Independence" wherein these words were contained:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with inherent and unalienable rights; that among these, are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; that to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed; that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.

I can personally attest to the failure, deliberate in my opinion, to teach Critical Thinking Skills which would include being able to see and thus focus on contradictions.

If all "men" are created equal, wouldn't that include men such as those owned by other men and generically called Slaves? And what of women? They weren't created with rights equal to men?

The term "Rights" is problematic and a topic for a different essay. I translate "Equal Rights" as the equal lack of authority over anybody else. Which could be defined as a right to not be ruled by your equals. If we are all equals, then "Who made you the boss of me?" is the purpose of YDOMism.

In a voluntary society, there would be an understanding that nobody was born with authority over anybody else, thus attempts to act as owners of other people would be easily observable.

Alas, that is not the case I observe on this planet. Most do not understand that we live in a society that lets a select few act and rule others as if they own those others. In online discussions and observations, I've seen people strenuously, emphatically, and emotionally defending being owned. These people do not understand that they are arguing for their own treatment as slaves. These people do not have a clear view nor a clear understanding that nobody owns them.

Government Indoctrination Centers, anyone?

« Last Edit: May 14, 2021, 10:50:48 AM by Admin »
Natural Law Matters

Offline Dale Eastman

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Re: Societies and The Interactions of Their Individuals
« Reply #1 on: December 07, 2020, 02:44:17 PM »
Voluntaryists would be people who wish to live in a voluntary society.

Society, as used in the title, means masses of individual humans. For without at least two individuals interacting, a Society does not exist. Society comes from Latin societatem (nominative societas) "fellowship, association, alliance, union, community," from socius "companion, ally,"

I submit that if somebody is using Threat, Duress, or Coercion, also known as Extortion, to force another human to obey their will, then this is NOT a social interaction. Even the interaction itself is initiated by force. The person being extorted is not voluntarily interacting.

Panhandlers asking for handouts on the side of the road are asking you to voluntarily interact with them. They are asking you to voluntarily surrender some property of yours to them. Typically money. Even if they are putting on a fraudulent act to tug your heartstrings to get you to give them some money, it's still your choice to give money or not.

Compare that to government officers, agents, and employees. They do not ask you to voluntarily surrender your money. Sure, they may say things like, "Would you please pay the taxes you owe?" or "Would you please pay the fines you owe?", but do not be mislead. If you refuse to give them your money, people with guns will come and take your property (money or other property), cage you, or even kill you. Their interaction with you is non-voluntary on your part. If you forget those facts because they said "please", you are ignoring the guns under the paperwork.

Cops pulling you over to the side of the road is another act that forces your interaction to be non-voluntary. You don't really have a choice, because cops will escalate violence and force against you until you comply, possibly even ramming and damaging the vehicle you are driving to make it inoperative in order to get you to comply. The moment that a cop lights up his disco lights, he has initiated a non-voluntary interaction that you are (allegedly) required to obey.

There you are: Going down the road; Going about your everyday affairs of life and minding your own business; Harming no one; and a bully threatens to use escalating force and violence against you to make you stop.

That bully has initiated threat, duress, coercion, that is: Extortion against you the moment he lights you up. Mostly to extort fines from you.

Do what you are told to do or they will hurt you. This is how EVERY government works. Past, present, or future.

Not wanting to be extorted sure looks like wanting to be left alone to me. Not wanting to be threatened with death to force obedience sure looks like wanting to be left alone to me. If you know you want to be left alone and not threatened nor extorted, then I submit that you want to live in a Voluntary Society.

The members of a Voluntary Society would understand YDOMism and honor its precepts. YDOM means You Don't Own Me. Any five to eight year old child, who exclaims to another child, "Who made you the boss of me?" inherently understands YDOMism's basic "Don't tell me what to do!" Why have adults lost, forgot, or ignored this point?

If we are all equals, then "Who made you the boss of me?" is the purpose of YDOMism.

In a voluntary society, there would be an understanding that nobody was born with authority over anybody else, thus attempts to act as owners of other people would be easily observable.

Alas, that is not the case I observe on this planet. Most do not understand that we live in a society that lets a select few act and rule others as if they own those others. In online discussions and observations, I've seen people strenuously, emphatically, and emotionally defending being owned. These people do not understand that they are arguing for their own treatment as slaves. These people do not have a clear view nor a clear understanding that nobody owns them.
Natural Law Matters

Offline Dale Eastman

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Abridged to fit FecesBook constraints
« Reply #2 on: April 13, 2021, 09:16:56 AM »
Voluntaryists would be people who wish to live in a voluntary society.

Society means masses of individual humans. For without at least two individuals interacting, a Society does not exist. Society comes from Latin societatem (nominative societas) "fellowship, association, alliance, union, community," from socius "companion, ally,"

Do what you are told to do or they will hurt you. This is how EVERY government works. Past, present, or future. Every government ever, uses, has used, or will use extortion to control.

Not wanting to be extorted sure looks like wanting to be left alone to me. Not wanting to be threatened with death to force obedience sure looks like wanting to be left alone to me. If you know you want to be left alone and not threatened nor extorted, then I submit that you want to live in a Voluntary Society.

The members of a Voluntary Society would understand YDOMism and honor its precepts. YDOM means You Don't Own Me. Any five to eight year old child, who exclaims to another child, "Who made you the boss of me?" inherently understands YDOMism's basic "Don't tell me what to do!"

If we are all equals, then "Who made you the boss of me?" is the purpose of YDOMism.

In a voluntary society, there would be an understanding that nobody was born with authority over anybody else, thus attempts to act as owners of other people would be easily observable.

Alas, that is not the case I observe on this planet. Most do not understand that we live in a society that lets a select few act and rule others as if they own those others. In online discussions and observations, I've seen people strenuously, emphatically, and emotionally defending being owned. These people do not understand that they are arguing for their own treatment as slaves. These people do not have a clear view nor a clear understanding that nobody owns them.
Natural Law Matters