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Dale Eastman:

--- Quote from: Original post 14 August 07:18 ---I’m good with having an echo chamber lol. I get the whole “but muh diverse viewpoints!” thing, but that ship has sailed. 🙄 I prefer an echo chamber, not because I refuse to consider other alternatives, but rather because those other alternatives go against EVERYTHING I believe in and stand for, and because I have exactly ZERO common ground with a Democrat/Leftist. Their outlook on the world is totally anathema to me. I don’t even want to associate with it. I only have so much time in this life, and I would much prefer to spend it associating with the dreamers and doers and those who want freedom for others and for others to live their best life. Why would I want to associate with people who buy into the whole sordid bullshit Democrap narrative- the woe is me, there’s-a-racist-behind-every-bush, the free market is evil, freedom is bad, victim mentality, climate change hysteria, bow-down-and-worship-the-LGBT-agenda, only-government-can-run-you-life malarkey? Please explain that to me lol. It’s a cult, and I have zero desire to associate with it. Ergo, I’m cool with only associating with like minded individuals. 😉😛
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--- Quote from: 14 August 07:31 ---Hmmmm. And I have no common ground with any pro-government, brainwashed morons.
The convo's I've had with yellow/gold believers is why I expanded my lewd, rude, & crude meme to cover three political parties.

Here's an example:

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--- Quote from: 14 August 07:41 ---Dale Eastman. If you don't want to live under the constitution, why do you stay here. Go start your own country.
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--- Quote from: 14 August 08:13 ---➽ Dale Eastman. If you don't want to live under the constitution, why do you stay here. Go start your own country.

I accept your invitation to discuss what you and I don't like about each other's posted comments.

𝟙 What, specifically, do you mean by "living under the CONstitution"?

𝟚 How, specifically, does your "living under the CONstitution" impact YOUR life?

𝟛 Please provide evidence to support your (implied) belief that the CONstitution applies to anybody other than government officers, agents, or employees.

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--- Quote ---Dale Eastman. The constitution applies almost exclusively to the govt. This country was founded as a constitutional Republic. That is what we are trying to do here. If you want to do something else, I think that is great, but please go do it somewhere else. I already have enough people causing problems here.
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--- Quote from: 14 August 08:52 ---Kudos for answering the numbered questions you answered. Thank you.

The question you have not yet answered:
𝟙 What, specifically, do you mean by "living under the CONstitution"?

➽ I already have enough people causing problems here.

𝟜 You have implied that somehow I'm causing "you" problems.
Admit or deny?

𝟝 Please articulate specifically and concisely the problem or problems you think I'm causing you.

➽ This country was founded as a constitutional Republic. That is what we are trying to do here.

𝟞 Am I correct in my understanding that you want to work towards returning the U.S. to a "CONstitutional Republic"?

➽ If you want to do something else, [...] please go do it somewhere else.

𝟟 What do you imagine I want to do?

An Organic Document of the United States IS the Declaration of Liberty.
𝟠 Admit or deny?

These words are contained within this Organic Document:
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with inherent and unalienable rights; that among these, are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; that to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed;
𝟡 Admit or deny?

𝟙𝟘 Am I correct in assuming that you have never read Lysander Spooner's NO TREASON?

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--- Quote from: 14 August 09:18 ---Dale Eastman. You are not a serious person. You are not interested in answers, so that is why you did not get any. I will say that is it clear that you do not wish to live under a constitutional Republic, and I am fine with that. Go create what you want. I wish you well.
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--- Quote from: 14 August 09:50 ---➽ You are not a serious person.

𝟙𝟙 Why you calling me by your maiden name?

You are the one who initiated this discussion when you commented instead of scrolling past my anti-Votards comment.

➽ You are not interested in answers, so that is why you did not get any.

You just implied that you're clairvoyant?
𝟙𝟚 Admit or deny?

➽ You are not interested in answers

You have some "different" thinking than I do. I ask questions in attempts to understand why people like you think what and why you do.

➽ I will say that is it clear that you do not wish to live under a constitutional Republic

And I will say that is it clear that you do not wish to explain what a CONstitutional Republic is in your mind.

Thus, I throw your own words right back at you:
➽ You are not a serious person.
If you were, you would explain what you intend.

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--- Quote from: 14 August 09:54 ---Dale Eastman. That is good advice. I'll take it.
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