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Dale Eastman:

--- Quote ---If you are an American one is your President!!!
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--- Quote ---Nope. Aside from the fact that one can't be forced to consent, there's the problem where the US lacks free and fair elections.

In a rigged sham where ballot access laws, an unconstitutionally altered electoral college, and fixed primaries leave voters without a legitimate election, they are not obligated to any winner.
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--- Quote ---Pipe Dream There. One is your President Now " IF YOU ARE AN AMERICAN " and one will be declared your President in November. Unless you are here ILLEGALLY???
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--- Quote ---You claim POTUS is "my" president. Let's dance. How do you come to the conclusion that any POTUS is "my" president?
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--- Quote ---If you are an American TRUMP is your POTUS🥴
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--- Quote ---➽ If you are an American TRUMP is your POTUS🥴

That is an unsupported claim. By unsupported, I mean you have just made a claim without proof. Quod gratis asseritur, gratis negatur. An assertion without proof may be refuted without proof. You are wrong.

So I will ask a very simple question a second time:
How do you come to the conclusion that any POTUS is "my" president?

Onus probandi incumbit ei qui dicit, non ei qui negat; The burden of proof is on you to support and prove your claims. It is not my burden to disprove your claims.

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--- Quote ---Govern Yourself
If you are an American Trump is your President if you are not an American Trump is NOT your President. Is it that hard to understand?
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--- Quote ---➽ If you are an American Trump is your President if you are not an American Trump is NOT your President.

I will ask a very simple question a third time:
How do you come to the conclusion that any POTUS is "my" president?

➽ Is it that hard to understand?

Is my question that hard to understand?

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