3 > My Commentary On The World

FecesBook SUCKS 💩📖


Dale Eastman:
Blocked from posting for seven days, likely because some thin skinned cunt reported my post.

The only reason I even registered an account is because family and friends were already there.

Have none of you heard of this thing called Email? No restrictions of content. Can be sent to multiple people. Can have fancy text, (something shitbook doesn't have) and pictures even.

This is what got you banned?  FB is getting more idiotic by the hour

Dale Eastman:

--- Quote from: Kitty on February 07, 2021, 01:56:52 AM ---This is what got you banned?  FB is getting more idiotic by the hour

--- End quote ---

Which is why I have opened this board up for guest comments, with my admin approval. I don't want censored discussions. Something that FecesBook does quite often.


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