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« on: June 15, 2021, 05:15:57 PM »
Quote from: 08:45 June 14
Limited government nationalism is the only way in the current state of the country and world to get close to libertarian ideals. Libertarians should start realizing working towards an ideal takes steps not leaps.

Quote from: TBFML 10:29 June 14
“only statism can help us now when statism has caused all these problems.. wait…”

Quote from: 10:33 June 14
Society either moves slowly through persuasion or rapidly through violence.... As libertarians do not agree with state violence the slower persuasive method is the only available.

Quote from: 10:40 June 14
Libertarianism is Statism Lite.

Statism is:

Elected Legislators have the job of making rules, called laws, that purport to have authority over you. Elected Legislators have the job of making rules to tell you what you are allowed and not allowed to do. Elected Legislators have the job of making rules to set how you shall be punished if you get caught not obeying Legislator rules. The LEO's (Law Enforcement Officers) have the job of arresting you if they catch you breaking Legislator rules. To include using escalating force, up to and including killing you if you forcibly resist being arrested.

Quote from: 10:48 June 14
thank you for explaining something I already know.

Quote from: 10:53 June 14
Now I'll explain something that you appear to not know. This is not a private communication. I ALWAYS am aware of the silent readers, the lurkers.

BTW, your post appeared to be Pro Libertarian. As in Pro the Libertarian Party. If not, Sorry. If so, I stand by my anti- LP comments. All of them in this thread, written or not yet written.

Quote from: 12:03 June 14
Yeah pro libertarian, hell even pro nationalism. While I may 100% accept the tenants and arguments of anarcho-capitalism aka voluntarism, I can also accept the fact to move society to the ideal is hard and requires a process. The nature of society and humanity has to be incrementally adjusted or risk complete collapse which could result in a worse situation than we are currently in.

Quote from: 12:07 June 14
Kind of like getting out of debt doesn't happen at once... You could pray to hit the lottery and more than likely never get out out of debt or worse bankrupt or you can budget and stop accruing new debts and pay off existing ones slowly (but as fast as possible) and eventually become debt free.

Quote from: 09:53 June 15
I accept your past snarkyism as my due. Only because your words claiming you know what I know actually have been parsed by me as correct. In other words, I believe that you and I agree that what presently exists is bad and must change.

You and I do not agree on supporting Statism Lite as a means to change what is. I have seen the complaint raised that not supporting Statism Lite is not working towards liberty.

My opinion is that you and I see the same problem. I do not think you and I see the same cause of the problem.

You used the term "anarcho-capitalism". This term is meaningless to me. You equated that term with "voluntarism". That term has specific meaning for me. Voluntary interactions. Something that does not happen when cops attack people for disobeying mala prohibita rules. That is for doing victimless crimes. Window tint too dark in New Mexico. The cop and the driver are now dead. See my treatise "Inside Voices".

Anarchy simply means absence of rulers. The term has been corrupted and co-opted to mean bad things. Anarchilm won't do for a descriptive term. Voluntarism won't do either because its true meaning is not in the public lexicon.
So I've come up with the term "YDOMism".

You Don't Own Me.

This allows me to focus on exactly where the problem of government starts. It starts between the ears of every statist who believes they are owned by government. It starts between the ears of every statist who believes in the alleged authority of government.

So I have created my Statist Brain Punch, designed to cause Maximum Cognitive Dissonance in those with statist beliefs in their indoctrinated minds:

Government is a criminal syndicate that extorts people for money and control.

Please be sure to tag me if you are posting in response to my posts. Thanks in advance.
Quote from: 11:00
I do believe we same the same root of the problem. Human nature regarding power. You and I don't agree on a solution. I believe in ever striving for a more free state, you believe in complete dissolution of the state no matter the consequences. I believe your solution will cause at best a power vacuum taken up by collectivists and at worse a collapsed state vulnerable to foreign invasion or continual infighting.
I do believe we [see] the same root of the problem.

You and I see the problem the same as it manifests. You and I do not see the same cause of the problem.

Human nature regarding power.

I parse your statement two different ways, both being human nature regarding power.

❶Megalomaniacs and other Control Freaks. In other words, for Megalomaniacs and Control Freaks, power is all about controlling others. This controlling of others consists of telling them what to do or not do, and threatening or using violence against them to make them comply. This group needs the second group.

❷Slaves and Sheeple. In other words, Slaves and Sheeple, believe others have a right to tell them what to do, and even cheer for the use of violence against humans refusing to be Slaves (Sheeple).

I believe your solution [...]

Actually, I have not provided a solution... One of the reasons I don't is because the cause of the problem is NOT understood. This cause needs examination and discussion. This examination I hope will happen because of this dialog.

➽ [...] you believe in complete dissolution of the state no matter the consequences.

You believe in keeping the state no matter the actual and provable consequences. You believe in keeping the state no matter the fact that ⇉ The state is a criminal syndicate that extorts people for money and control. ⇇

I believe your solution will cause at best a power vacuum [...]

Transforming Power Vacuum to Control Vacuum. You believe a solution I have NOT provided will lead to a Control Vacuum.

➽ [...] will cause at best a power vacuum taken up by collectivists [...]

What, specifically, do you mean by collectivists?

To me, it's quite simple: Collectivists are Voters. So to me, you're saying a bunch of voters will make rules, threaten and use violence to make sure they'll be obeyed. That's different from what exists right now, exactly how?

➽ [...] will cause [...] at worse a collapsed state vulnerable to foreign invasion [...]

Foreign invasion by who? For what goal?

Depending upon how the state DISSOLVES, not collapses, my Probability Assessment will be lower than yours. The US got its ass kicked in Vietnam. IMO, this had a bit to do with mindsets.

The stupid gun fearing collectivists want guns taken away from Americans. So do those many of those humans in government of the United States and in governments of many of the States united. This makes the humans living in the States united, less protected and less safe, not more. Not to mention Foreign Policy pissing off the world and making them angry at the colonial, hegemonic Federal United States.

will cause [...] at worse [...] continual infighting.

Who, specifically, is going to be fighting with who, over what?

Without a cause of a problem, that specific problem will not be caused, nor will it exist.
If a problem exists, it must be understood in order to correct the problem. Understanding the problem means understanding the cause.

The cause of the problem resides between millions (USA), even billions (Worldwide) of ears. Many of those craniums contain YDOM with exceptions. YDOM with exceptions is a slave's mindset.

YDOM means You Don't Own Me. If there are exceptions in a human's mind, then that human accepts being owned by another. This also means that human accepts being controlled by another.

« Last Edit: June 16, 2021, 07:41:58 AM by Admin »
Natural Law Matters