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Topic Summary

Posted by: Dale Eastman
« on: July 24, 2021, 07:05:29 PM »

Dale Eastman Dale I challenge you to just drop it. You obviously have to much time on your hands
Quote from: 7/24/21
You agreed that you think voting will give you more liberty.

So how about you actually answer my question about your claim?

How will voting give you more liberty?
Quote from: 7/29/21
You agreed that you think voting will give you more liberty.

So how about you actually answer my question about your claim?

How will voting give you more liberty?
Posted by: Dale Eastman
« on: July 24, 2021, 12:49:56 PM »

➽ I'm not like RC if someone asks me a question I'll answer it

How will voting give you more liberty? First asked May 7, 2021.

You are JUST LIKE RC. You have continued to refuse to answer my question about what you claimed.
Dale Eastman I answered your damn question and you didn't like it..just cry a river and get the fuck over it
No. You did not.

If you did, you should be able to just copy and paste your answer to my question and prove me wrong. You can't because you didn't.

I've bookmarked some links to this discussion's comments on FB. I've copied and pasted the discussion comments to a public archive on my website. You'll find it under "TR" on the board titled Discussions; Public Archive. Would you like the link?

From that archive: Then:

Do you think voting will give you more liberty?

[Blah blah,] So yes

How will voting give you more liberty?

actually liberty gives me the right to think for myself

Yes. I agree that liberty includes the right to think for yourself.
You did not actually answer my question, so I repeat:
How will voting give you more liberty?

Actually I did answer your question.

How will voting give you more liberty?

I answered your question, you just didn't like the answer I gave you. Move on with your damn life

How will voting give you more liberty?

Just now:

Dale Eastman I answered your damn question and you didn't like it..just cry a river and get the fuck over it

So how about you actually answer my question about your claim?

Posted by: Dale Eastman
« on: July 03, 2021, 06:57:57 PM »

And calling someone a coward on Facebook is being a coward cause you know we will never see each other in person
I answered your question, you just didn't like the answer I gave you. Move on with your damn life
I'm not like RC if someone asks me a question I'll answer it

Do you think voting will give you more liberty?

[Blah blah,] So yes

How will voting give you more liberty?

actually liberty gives me the right to think for myself

Yes. I agree that liberty includes the right to think for yourself.
You did not actually answer my question, so I repeat:
How will voting give you more liberty?

Actually I did answer your question.

How will voting give you more liberty?

I answered your question, you just didn't like the answer I gave you. Move on with your damn life

How will voting give you more liberty?
I'm not like RC if someone asks me a question I'll answer it

Do you think voting will give you more liberty?

[Blah blah,] So yes

How will voting give you more liberty?

actually liberty gives me the right to think for myself

Yes. I agree that liberty includes the right to think for

You did not actually answer my question, so I repeat:
How will voting give you more liberty?

Actually I did answer your question.

How will voting give you more liberty?

I answered your question, you just didn't like the answer I gave you. Move on with your damn life

You made a claim. I basically asked you to explain how that claim works. You have refused to answer. That makes you a coward.

How will voting give you more liberty?

Answer the question coward.

I would love to call you a coward to your face, publicly and loudly, for refusing to give details about a claim you made.
Posted by: Dale Eastman
« on: June 17, 2021, 08:07:57 AM »

Posted in all.politics.1
Calling out the coward TR who's afraid of questions.

I'm not like RC if someone asks me a question I'll answer it

Do you think voting will give you more liberty?

[Blah blah,] So yes

How will voting give you more liberty?

actually liberty gives me the right to think for myself

Yes. I agree that liberty includes the right to think for yourself.
You did not actually answer my question, so I repeat:
How will voting give you more liberty?

Actually I did answer your question.

Were you conceived because your father had sex with your sister?
Calling out the coward TR again.

How will voting give you more liberty?
Posted by: Dale Eastman
« on: June 13, 2021, 01:36:41 PM »

Under a different thread.
➽ I'm not like Reid Campbell if someone asks me a question I'll answer it
Which are you... A liar or a coward?
How will voting give you more liberty?
Dale Eastman you have actually asked me that question about you didn't like my answer. Before you ask someone a question you should answer that question yourself
No. You did NOT answer my question.
Here's the thread:
By the way, the above is the seventh time I have asked you a very specific question.
Dale Eastman i answered your questions
Quote from: 13:07 June 13
Eighth inquiry, with explanation of why,

Again you fail to answer the question asked. My error on the failed communication for not focusing you on what I am trying to understand about your belief. That is, your belief that voting will give you more liberty.

Imagine two candidates trying to get elected.

Candidate A is running on an anti-Lilac platform and has promised to enact legislation making it illegal to have Lilac bushes growing in your yard. Candidate B is running on a pro-Lilac platform and has promised to oppose any anti-Lilac legislation.

In other words, the anti-Lilac Candidate is also anti-Liberty. He wants to take away your liberty to grow Lilacs. And conversely, the pro-lilac Candidate is pro-Liberty. He wants you to have the liberty of growing Lilacs in your yard should you choose to do so.

If the anti-Lilac Candidate wins, Liberty is diminished.
You voted for the pro-Lilac, pro-Liberty Candidate. He lost the election. So, voting DID NOT give you increased Liberty.

Now I ask you this question a Eighth time:
How will voting give you more liberty?

I'm looking for your explanation of the specific mechanics that you allege will cause this increase in liberty.
Do you think voting will give you more liberty?

[Blah blah,] So yes

How will voting give you more liberty?

actually liberty gives me the right to think for myself

Yes. I agree that liberty includes the right to think for yourself.
You did not actually answer my question, so I repeat:
How will voting give you more liberty?

Actually I did answer your question.

Were you conceived because your father had sex with your sister?
Posted by: Dale Eastman
« on: May 17, 2021, 01:08:49 PM »

Quote from: 8 May 11:26
I'm not like Reid Campbell if someone asks me a question I'll answer it

Which are you...  A liar or a coward?

How will voting give you more liberty?
Posted by: Dale Eastman
« on: May 08, 2021, 07:44:36 PM »

Quote from: May 8th 20:26
Dale Eastman liberty gives me the right to vote. And in knowing I can vote. Let's me know my liberty has no boundaries
Again you fail to answer the question asked. My error on the failed communication for not focusing you on what I am trying to understand about your belief. That is, your belief that voting will give you more liberty.

Imagine two candidates trying to get elected. Candidate A is running on an anti-Lilac platform and has promised to enact legislation making it illegal to have Lilac bushes growing in your yard. Candidate B is running on a pro-Lilac platform and has promised to oppose any anti-Lilac legislation.

In other words, the anti-Lilac Candidate is also anti-Liberty. He wants to take away your liberty to grow Lilacs. And conversely, the pro-lilac Candidate is pro-Liberty. He wants you to have the liberty of growing Lilacs in your yard should you choose to do so.
If the anti-Lilac Candidate wins, Liberty is diminished.

You voted for the pro-Lilac, pro-Liberty Candidate. He lost the election. So, voting DID NOT give you increased Liberty.

Now I ask you this question a fifth time:
How will voting give you more liberty?

I'm looking for your explanation of the specific mechanics that you allege will cause this increase in liberty.
Quote from: May 9th 04:13 by PS
What gives you liberty is not having any government at all, so that the next time someone gathers an army, they can take you over and impose whatever kind of authority they what.
Posted by: Dale Eastman
« on: May 08, 2021, 06:58:25 PM »

Actually I did answer your question. It just wasn't answered the way you wanted me to. Mr Dale Eastman I'm not sorry that you didn't like my answer. And never post something on Facebook and expect for people to agree with you.
Actually I did answer your question.

You did not actually answer my question, so I repeat the unanswered question for a fourth time:
How will voting give you more liberty?

It just wasn't answered the way you wanted me to.

You're correct. You didn't answer the way I wanted you to... With an actual answer to the question.

Like explaining the mechanism by which you believe voting will give you more liberty.

➽ [...] post something on Facebook and expect for people to agree with you.

I don't expect you to agree with me. I do expect you to honestly answer my questions so that I may understand your thinking.

Posted by: Dale Eastman
« on: May 08, 2021, 04:06:38 PM »

Do you think voting will give you more liberty?

Okay. I've asked you both the same question.
Dale Eastman actually never thought of it. Yet. I vote because I have the freedom to vote. So yes
How will voting give you more liberty?
Dale Eastman actually liberty gives me the right to think for myself
I appreciate that you actually gave answers. Something I'm still waiting for Reid Campbell to do.
I will address your answers later today.
Understand here's how I view the left-right bullshit bickering in this hardcore pro statism group:

no problem. I'm not like RC if someone asks me a question I'll answer it
Continuing in another comment thread on Fecesbook...
Do you think voting will give you more liberty?

actually never thought of it. Yet. I vote because I have the freedom to vote. So yes

How will voting give you more liberty?

actually liberty gives me the right to think for myself

Yes. I agree that liberty includes the right to think for yourself.

You did not actually answer my question, so I repeat:
How will voting give you more liberty?

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