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Offline Dale Eastman

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« on: January 30, 2022, 08:50:49 PM »
I hope it's ok if i post to get my ideas out there.

When it comes to the topic of Anarchy, I don't actually believe that Anarchy could ever work as a system (or lack of a system) I don't think Anarchy proposes any tangible solutions.

Now,  just because I don't believe that Anarchy isn't viable, I still believe that it's important. It's more of a tool.  Generally speaking in my experience people who are more Anarchist thinking (I mean in the traditional sense, not communists masquerading around as "Anarchists") tend to think of themselves as separated from society when it comes to the State (even if in certain circumstances they only "think" that they are seperate) are able to provide an objective perspective intellectually in regards to the State and tend to be more critical, and able to point out injustice and issues that they themselves feel as reprehensible and unacceptable that some individuals are more patriotic, or people who maybe don't follow the inner workings of ANY ideology are more willing to tolerate or brush off as not as important.

I think these types of people are important in society, having this objectivity that isnt as blind allows for society to be pushed in a productive and creative manner.  So, while i don't believe that Anarchy provides the solutions to the problem, they are still a crucial part of social growth. Being able to not sugar coat the issues with the State.
When it comes to the topic of Anarchy, I don't actually believe that Anarchy could ever work as a system (or lack of a system) I don't think Anarchy proposes any tangible solutions.

I have a friend of 40+ years who thinks exactly as you wrote that I quoted.

First, I need to know exactly what you mean when you use the word anarchy?

Generally speaking in my experience people who are more Anarchist thinking ... tend to think of themselves as separated from society when it comes to the State ... are able to provide an objective perspective intellectually in regards to the State and tend to be more critical, and able to point out injustice and issues that they themselves feel as reprehensible and unacceptable that some individuals are more patriotic, or people who maybe don't follow the inner workings of ANY ideology are more willing to tolerate or brush off as not as important.

Unpacking, decoding, and making assumptions about what you wrote...
Anarchists such as myself "are able to provide an objective perspective intellectually in regards to the State and tend to be more critical, and able to point out injustice and [reprehensible and unacceptable] issues". I'll own that.

that some individuals ... are more willing to tolerate or brush off [reprehensible and unacceptable] [issues] as not as important.

Yeah... We anarchists call them statists. A term that is both derogatory and/or descriptive, or even both at the same time.

So, while i don't believe that Anarchy provides the solutions to the problem, they are still a crucial part of social growth. Being able to not sugar coat the issues with the State.

And here, 'the problem' needing solution has not been defined. Because of my friend's like opinion, I have been spending quite a bit of time composing a description of the statist's reasoning for anarchy not working, and methods to deal with that very problem. Since that endeavor is still a work in progress, I'm not sure of posting it publicly just yet.

One of the problems with 'government' is it does not obey Natural Law. The U.S. FedGov violates its alleged reason for existing, daily.

I am going to post my 20 Points of YDOM and my YDOM tool in two separate posts. One of the posts will also contain a meme link to my first treatise titled The Philosophy and Principles of YDOM! Zuckerturd and his censorship. I'll post any comment cards (memes) with logic, something statists really hate.

Natural Law Matters