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Offline Dale Eastman

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« on: October 17, 2020, 08:07:44 AM »
Jesus, what's a Libertarian these days? If you mean am I an open borders, BLM supporting person, no. I like an air tight border, rigorous immigration based on meritocracy, I want a military that just scares the planet so stupid, they don't dare screw with us. I hate The Federal Reserve, I hate high taxes and government regulation that harms commerce. All that and I'm no way voting for Jorgensen.
Gosh, we're just suckers for a sovereign nation. Go fucking figure.
Tell me, what do you think happens to the world's shipping lanes without the United States Navy? Who do you think will happily take over when we're not protecting them? You think China will just leave well enough alone? This is the problem with the loonier sects within the LP. They're magical thinkers.
Oh, I see. Nice to meet the arbiter of what a Libertarian is. Tell me, oh great gatekeeper of the global LP, how many people have you sanctioned as members?
In other words: You're a statist.
Magical thinkers think government is a demigod. It's not.
Full disclosure because of my comments... I did NOT watch either extortionist's commentary. And for some reason this morning, I was triggered by the indoctrinated delusions expressed by "da voders".
Miss me with that bullshit.
What, specifically, are you trying to convey?
You, attempted to brand me a "statist", which is bullshit, unless your definition of "statist" is anyone who's not an anarchist. Which is a phony tactic meant to demean. It's not gonna work with me.
Well then... Thank you for interacting with me on this issue. Voltaire's admonition paraphrased: If you wish to communicate, define your terms.

A quick search nets:
⚠ In political science, statism is the doctrine that the political authority of the state is legitimate to some degree. This may include economic and social policy, especially in regard to taxation and the means of production. Wikipedia⛔

To which, IMO, your statement: "Tell me, what do you think happens to the world's shipping lanes without the United States Navy?" qualifies as a statist position. No state - No state navy.

What happens? is a valid question for and about security in a stateless world. Which I'm setting aside at this time. I would enjoy discussing solutions to the problem at a later time.

My stance is that: Anybody who votes is a statist.

I've already had the charge of "purist" aimed at me for my anti-vote stance. Getting off of statism is just like getting off booze, there is no gradual tapering off. Cold turkey or not at all. Gradualism does not work.

Next up or not: Why is statism a bad idea.
You're just an anarchist weirdo with the mind of a child. You wish cast about human nature.
I observed that your statement: "Tell me, what do you think happens to the world's shipping lanes without the United States Navy?" qualifies as a statist position.

Now either my claim is correct, or my claim is incorrect.

And the best you provide in reply is:
➽ You're just an anarchist weirdo with the mind of a child.

If that is true, then you should have a lot of fun making me look like a fool.
« Last Edit: October 17, 2020, 08:31:16 AM by Admin »
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