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Offline Dale Eastman

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« on: November 08, 2020, 06:58:12 AM »
Quote from: Living in Modern Times
This doesn't even take into account those of us who didn't vote for moral reasons.
Moral reasons? Weed. Polygamy. And no borders. Yeah....
You guys are moral.
Quote from: Living in Modern Times
I'm talking about not believing that some group of people have the moral authority to rule over me or anyone else. What I put in my body or who I choose to have a relationship with or allow into my home from another country are only a tiny fraction of what individual liberty entails, but thanks for playing.
Living in Modern Times
Sorry. I should have said .... 'moral savants'.
Right up there with Mother Teresa.
Quote from: Me
Quote from: Me
Name a form of government (now or in the past) you would rather live under? No fantasizing about something that doesn't or has never existed.
Prove me wrong:

We all know that extortion is when somebody is told "Do what we tell you to do or we will hurt you." We all know that extortion is what a bad person, a criminal, does to a victim.

Organized crime syndicates use a method of extortion called a protection racket. "If you don't pay us to protect you, we won't protect you (from us)." "From us" may be brazenly stated or only implied.

To govern is to control. To extort is to control. To govern is to extort.

Elected politicians write rules. These politician's rules are written demands to be obeyed under threat of being hurt if you don't obey. This part of the politician's rules are called "penalties" or "fines". Thus rules of politicians, dictators, and monarchs are all extortion. Do what they tell you to do or be hurt.

Ergo, Government is an organized criminal syndicate that can not be defended by logic or by morality.
Not really good at answering questions are ya. So....stay in fantasy land. You belong there.
Not really good at reading five simple paragraphs that prove government is a criminal syndicate the extorts people for money and control. But I'm in fantasy land. Whatever helps you sleep at night.
Other than primitive peoples, there is no place on Earth now or in the past that has not had some form of government. So....yeah...
you might want to snap back to reality. Or don't.
Since you are still playing...

Paragraph #1:
We all know that extortion is when somebody is told "Do what we tell you to do or we will hurt you." We all know that extortion is what a bad person, a criminal, does to a victim.

Agree? Disagree? Why?
Again, which form of government do you wish to give this power of coercion to? They ALL have it. Now that I think about it, so does tribalism. Please choose:
- tribalism
- hereditary monarchy
- communism
- pure Democracy
- Constitutional Republic
You have to choose one. Again. No fantasizing about something that doesn't exist. Go...
Did I string too many words together for you?
Sentence #1:
We all know that extortion is when somebody is told "Do what we tell you to do or we will hurt you."
Agree? Disagree? Why?
Dale Eastman I prefer the word coercion. Police power. The power of taxation is coercive. All governments have it.
Extortion is something carried out by criminal groups.
Please learn the difference so you can pick what kind of government you wish to live under. OK. OK. I'll pick for you....
The fantasy kind Libertarians like to pretend exists.
Is that an agreement or a disagreement that extortion is when somebody is told "Do what we tell you to do or we will hurt you."
Yup. Not glued to reality.
Yup. Not capable of answering simple questions.

I know why. I know what I wrote. I know the logic is not refutable. And I know that if you can not refute the logic, you can not refute that government is a criminal syndicate that extorts people for money and control.

Chain of Authority Examined
1. A chain of authority has a subordinate end.
2. A chain of authority has a superior end.
3. Which may also be called a sovereign end.
4. The person allegedly holding a position of superior authority is presumed to have a higher claim on a person in a position of subordinate authority.
5. This also includes a presumed higher claim on the subordinate's property.
6. For comparison, a plantation owner's ownership of a cotton picking slave was presumed to have had a higher claim on the slave than the slave had over him or her self, property, and labor.
7. Any unagreed or forced relationship of superior and inferior authority is by definition: enslavement.
8. The alleged authority of those calling themselves government hinges upon The Consent Of The Governed.
9. Governmentalists and Statists presume and pretend everybody has consented.
10. This belief is excoriated just by stating: I DO NOT CONSENT!
11. There are some Governmentalists and Statists who will claim that acquiescence to the laws (politician's opinions) is consent. They are wrong.
12. For example, I always used seat belts before there were laws (politician's opinions) commanding I always wear seat belts. To properly protest that law, I would have to do something that lessens my survival odds in a collision - Not wear the seat belt.
13. Examination of alleged consent finds that it was never actually given, only usurped or fabricated. I'll come back to this.
14. Can anybody delegate an authority they don't have? Well... If they don't have it...
15. Was anybody born with innate authority over anybody else? Claiming you were born with authority over me is a declaration of war with me. You have been warned!
16. The alleged authority of statutes, codes, regulations, and ordinances is presumed to come from the legislators.
17. This means the alleged authority imbued in the written words of law (politician's opinions) is the authority that the legislators (politicians) are alleged to have over everyone else.
18. Legislators (politicians) are not born with this alleged authority over everyone else, therefore this alleged authority must be delegated to the legislators (politicians).
19. The main source of this alleged authority is presumed to come with the office.
20. The other part of this alleged authority comes from the selection of a person to hold the office.
21. If you do not have authority over me, then you can not select any person to have an authority over me. You can only select a person to have authority over you.
22. Voting for a person to hold the office of legislator does NOT give him authority over me unless I also voted for that politician.
23. Prove I've ever voted for any present officeholder. (You can't because I didn't.)
24. If appointed to an office, if the person doing the appointing does not have authority over me, then the delegation of authority and the appointee can not have authority over me.
25. The person doing the appointing was put into their office the same way... By appointment or by vote. The same failure to have authority over me still exists.
26. Returning to the alleged authority of the office. These offices were created by people who were not born with authority over me.
27. Therefore these offices do not have authority over me.
28. Focusing on the federal level constitution, also known as the highest law in the land, Those long dead authors of the constitution did not have authority over me.
29. Therefore, the constitution has no authority over me.
30. And neither do the offices created by the constitution.

Canned Amoeba Rant link:
"the constitution has no authority over me."
Your parents obviously had no authority over you either.
➽ "the constitution has no authority over me."
First: Thank you for actually reading what I posted.
Prove the CONstitution had any authority over me. Prove the CONstitution had any authority over anybody.
I'll give you a clue: Can anybody delegate authority they don't have to anybody else?

« Last Edit: November 08, 2020, 07:18:59 AM by Admin »
Natural Law Matters