Author Topic: RC - On my status wall  (Read 749 times)

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Offline Dale Eastman

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RC - On my status wall
« on: March 27, 2021, 02:37:57 PM »
Quote from: 1419
Ron Combs I will engage with you as if we do not have a history in a [this] new comment thread.
I would like to start with listing what we do not agree upon.
❶ I have called you a statist.
❷ I have called you a Marxist.
❸ You claim I "have started of[f] with a lie."
For your copy and paste convenience:
❹ ❺ ❻ ❼ ❽ ❾ ❿
Quote from: 1432
Do you remember how things ended up when you called me a "statist?"
Quote from: 1442
"Fresh Start" discussion.
Say (write) what you want to say (write) here.
I called you a statist because that's exactly how I perceived your presented concepts.
If I am wrong in that perception, reasoned articulate comments from you will change my opinion.
Quote from: 1443
Then you don't remember?
Quote from: 1445
Dale Eastman I will be completely honest, right or wrong, with every comment. I expect the same from you. However, you have started of with a lie.
Quote from: 1445
You have claimed that I "have started of[f] with a lie."
Your claim. Your burden.
You can start by quoting exactly which of my words you are calling a lie.
Quote from: 1451
This comment of yours, copied from the other thread, is why I call you a Marxist.
➻ Nonsense. Very few wage laborers have that option. And even if they did, that doesn't negate the subjugation involved in wage labor.
Quote from: 1456
Aren't we talking about calling me a "statist?" You lied in your very first comment....................By the way, how does saying......... "Nonsense. Very few wage laborers have that option. And even if they did, that doesn't negate the subjugation involved in wage labor."...............make somebody a "Marxist?"

Quote from: 1508
⇉ Aren't we talking about calling me a "statist?"
Um... Yes. It's in the original comment.
❶ I have called you a statist.
⇉ You lied in your very first comment
Do you mean the original comment as the first comment, or do you mean the first reply comment I made under my original comment as the first comment?
⇉ subjugation involved in wage labor
Are the words of a Marxist. That's how you identified yourself to me as a Marxist. I do remember your claiming to have never read Marx's trilogy CAPITAL.
Quote from: 1515
It is ridiculous for you to claim those words make me a Marxist. I think Marx's main idea is absurd. As is calling me a Marxist absurd. Do you the the authority to decide I am a Marxist?
Quote from: 1537
⇒ It is ridiculous for you to claim those words make me a Marxist.

Only to you because you have no clue what Marx wrote about wage labor.

⇒ I think Marx's main idea is absurd.

Please articulate that main idea followed by why you think it is absurd.

Do you the the authority to decide I am a Marxist?

I have the authority to decide what ever I want to believe, whether correct or not. My opinion is my opinion. My claim is a statement of my opinion. And like I have already posted: If I am wrong in that perception, reasoned articulate comments from you will change my opinion.

Also, It's in the record that you have ignored a direct challenge and inquiry to your claim:

You have claimed that I "have started of[f] with a lie."
Your claim. Your burden.
You can start by quoting exactly which of my words you are calling a lie.
Quote from: 1540
If you claim that authority...then Go Fuck Yourself. You are not interested in a rational, sequential thought discussion.
Quote from: 1546
When you get done pouting, holding your breath, and turning blue because you don't like my opinion of you, which I created this thread specifically for you to change my opinion of you, Don't forget to unfollow me.

Yes, I am aware that you followed me and that is why you see my status comments to reply to them.

Your comments are fair game for me any time I see them in my feed.
Quote from: 1548
Why would I be interested in claiming I am not a Marxist if I am? Why would I lie????....Why would it matter IF I AM a Marxist?
Quote from: 1553
Because, IMO, that would make it easier to get a handle on what you actually believe.
Quote from: 1559
Why would that matter?? Truth is the only thing that matters to me. There is no "statist truth"......there is no "Libertarian truth".......there is no "Marxist truth"......only truth.!! What possible reason do you need to "get a handle on what you actually believe?"....ALL my statements will be, right or wrong, honest, and to the best of my ability. What else do you need?
Quote from: 1606
I have never read a single word of Karl Marx. But I have read enough about him to know that he believes in creating a get rid of the state. To me...that is the height of absurdity.
Quote from: 1623
I'm putting you on hold for the rest of today. I'll address your new comments at a later time.
Bulletin board type discussions do not have to be real time. Comments will wait, replies can wait.
So no, I'm not there. (Right now.)
Quote from: 1625
Good one.!!
« Last Edit: March 27, 2021, 03:51:01 PM by Admin »
Natural Law Matters

Offline Dale Eastman

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Re: RC - On my status wall
« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2021, 10:34:46 AM »
ALL my statements will be, right or wrong, honest, and to the best of my ability. What else do you need?

Some of your statements look like what a Statist would say. Some of your statements look like what a Marxist would say. These statements themselves are what I've based my opinion of you on. Because I have an history with DRS and respect him, I am re-evaluating our interactions. I could be in error, that is why I've created this comment thread. You've denied being a Statist / Marxist enough that while I myself can not accept the denials at face value, neither can I ignore them.

So at this time I'm going to assume that you just fail to get your points across. Understand that I ask questions for the main purpose of getting comments of others clarified. Mostly to challenge logic or illogic presented and to challenge beliefs presented, especially if I don't agree.

But I have read enough about him to know that he believes in creating a get rid of the state. To me...that is the height of absurdity.

Based upon what I've read, I can not agree. But... (But erases everything preceding it so I use it only deliberately and consciously) But I find the statement plausible.

Marx identified what he viewed as, to use my own words, the evils of capitalism. I agree that there were evils being done in the environment of capitalism. This was not because of capitalism, this was because "robber barons" to use the older words were using financial power as leverage to screw people. In modern parlance, Slum Lords and their kind of ilk.

Now getting to the friction. In another thread you wrote:

Anyone who says all society's needs will be furnished on a voluntary basis is not rational. That method might be better than the government's efforts, but it still not rational. Look around. The government's efforts have been hopelessly inadequate. But to say these needs will be met by volunteers is ridiculous.

What does a "voluntary basis" look like to you? What are the specific properties, attributes, & characteristics of a voluntary basis?
« Last Edit: March 29, 2021, 11:10:02 AM by Admin »
Natural Law Matters

Offline Dale Eastman

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Re: RC - On my status wall
« Reply #2 on: March 29, 2021, 11:49:23 AM »
I don't care what my statements look like to you. Making assumptions about what I said is what led to your making a fool out of yourself the first time. As for the rest of your comment..........I have no idea what you are trying to say.
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