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Offline Dale Eastman

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« on: August 19, 2023, 11:29:40 AM »
Quote from: 19 August 10:01
Politician=criminal pos.
Quote from: 19 August 11:28
Laura Jane ➽ Politician=criminal pos.

Verifiable and provable.

Unassailable Facts

The facts presented in this section are unassailable, yet I have had mentally enslaved humans attempt to deny that certain facts are actually facts.

Facts exist that directly contradict and refute the standing lies of the Consensus Reality and the Ruling Class that created the Consensus Reality.

I have numbered these facts just in case some brainwashed moron wants to display their lack of thinking ability.
Fact 1: Your coming into existence, your creation, did not give you ownership of me. YDOM: You Don't Own Me.

Your creation did not give you any authority over me. Your creation did not give you a right to rule me, a right to control me, or a right to govern me in matters that are none of your business. Matters that are your business will be addressed later.

Likewise and in parallel:

Fact 2: My coming into existence, my creation, did not give me ownership of you. IDOY: I Don't Own You.

My creation did not give me any authority over you. My creation did not give me a right to rule you, a right to control you, or a right to govern you in matters that are none of my business. Matters that are my business will be addressed later.

These facts also apply to a third entity that is neither you nor me. This third entity is a human just like you and me:

Fact 3: A politician or a police person coming into existence, a politician's or a police person's creation, did not give that politician or that police person ownership of any other human. TDOU: They Don't Own Us.
A politician's or a police person's creation did not give that politician or that police person any authority over any other human. A politician's or a police person's creation did not give a politician or a police person any right to rule any other human, a right to control any other human, or a right to govern any other human in matters that are none of the politician's or the police person's business. Matters that are a politician's or a police person's business will be addressed later.

Facts 1, 2, & 3 in short: YDOM; IDOY; TDOU. You Don't Own Me; I Don't Own You; They Don't Own Us.

Fact 4: What one does not have can not be delegated or given to another. What does not exist can not be delegated or given to another.

Fact 5: I can not give you the keys to my neighbor's car if I don't have them. I can not give you the right to use my neighbor's car if I don't have a right to delegate such permission. And I certainly can not give the keys to you if they don't exist.

Fact 6: A Voter can not delegate or give to any politician that which the Voter does not have. What can not be delegated or given to a politician is ownership of another human; a right to rule, a right to control, or a right to govern any other human. A Voter can only delegate to any politician a right to rule, control, and govern... Themselves.

In short no voter can delegate authority over any other human. This point of logic lays bare a lie propagated by Consensus Reality and the Ruling Class about your alleged right and duty to vote.

If you and I are equal, then I do NOT have a right to rule you. Since I do NOT have a right to rule you, I do NOT have a right to make laws you are required to follow. The present erroneous Consensus Reality ignores this fact
Fact 7: Government is an imagined concept just like Santa Claus, Tooth Fairy, and Easter Bunny are. These imagined concepts need non-imaginary humans to act for these imagined concepts: to leave children's presents under the tree; to hide the eggs; to take the teeth and leave the money.

Fact 8: Government, just like the previously listed imagined concepts, has no will to act, nor hands to do action. Government is an imaginary concept that only exists in the minds of those who confuse the concept with an actual physical thing. Humans acting as if they are Government do exist. To help you remember and understand this, just replace the word Government with Santa Claus whenever you see it.

Fact 9: What humans pretending to be (Santa) do... is lie about (Santa). What humans pretending to be Government do... is lie about Government.

Continues here with text formatting to assist in showing the points and facts:
Quote from: 19 August 11:32
Dale Eastman 💯 Also, I didn’t come with a user manual stuck up my patootie and neither did anyone else. So stop imposing your made-up laws and rules on me!
Quote from: 19 August 12:29
Yes. I accept your invitation to discuss these laws and rules you claim I ordered you to obey.

Please copy-paste the laws and rules you claim I ordered you to obey.
Natural Law Matters