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Offline Dale Eastman

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« on: September 02, 2023, 11:41:48 AM »
Quote from: 2 September 12:26
How does ending civilization end all of our troubles?
Quote from: 2 September 12:32
HW, you tell me the one advanced civilization that has ever done without taxes, and I'll admit I'm wrong. All of historic and basic logic tells us that it's not feasible to sustain civilization without some degree of taxation. Wish it wasn't the case but that's just reality.
Quote from: 2 September 12:42
What, specifically, are YOU saying when YOU use the word "taxes".

Warning: I am a pedantic asshole. So let me add some more to my inquiry...

What, specifically, are the traits, properties, attributes, characteristics & elements of "taxes"?
To include the other related words like "tax", "taxation", "levy", and "authority to tax"
Quote from: 2 September 12:48
Dale Eastman a tax is revenue claimed coercively and via universally applied rules imposed by the government.
Quote from: 2 September 12:58
That admission bought you some cred in my ledger.

tell me the one advanced civilization that has ever done without taxes,

Your question, on the other hand, is missing context. So I ask, what, exactly, do you mean by "advamced" in regard to civilization?
Quote from: 2 September 13:00
Dale Eastman advanced means having the ability to create, maintain, improve, and protect the infrastructure, facilities, machinery, and R&D required for a modern society to flourish.
Quote from: 2 September 13:10
the ability to create, maintain, improve, and protect the infrastructure,

The tangent you introduced with those words ONLY gets this response:
This is the top hit on the search engine I use. "us bridges in need of repair"

Are you for slavery or are you for liberty?
Quote from: 2 September 13:11
Dale Eastman again, it's not a matter of if it can be done better, it's a question of if it can be done at all without a state. And there are plenty of states that do it better, in Europe.
Quote from: 2 September 13:11
Dale Eastman I'm for the maximum amount of liberty that is reasonably possible.
Quote from: 2 September 13:19
Do you agree that I don't own you? (IDOY)
Dale Eastman obviously. Taxation isn't about ownership. It's about the conditions for everyone's wealth to be preserved and be freely usable.
Quote from: 2 September 13:26
Your objection to your own answer and attempt to distract has been quoted to remind me if I need to actually address your distraction.
Taxation isn't about ownership. It's about the conditions for everyone's wealth to be preserved and be freely usable.

Do I have a right to demand your property since I don't own you?
Quote from: 2 September 14:53
Unless you admit you just grossly misrepresented my position.

I've been asking you questions to learn your actual position. I'll ask the last one again:
Do I have a right to demand your property since I don't own you?
« Last Edit: September 02, 2023, 02:19:29 PM by Dale Eastman »
Natural Law Matters