Author Topic: Votard Discussion  (Read 3597 times)

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Offline Dale Eastman

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Votard Discussion
« on: September 04, 2022, 05:10:43 PM »
Last election we voted out evil, I would have voted for Mr Potato Head to get that gangster out of the White House.

No. You did not vote out evil. You voted for a different source of evil.

nope, voted out evil, deal with it.

What, specifically, do you mean by the "evil" you voted out?


You made the claim that you "voted out evil".
What, specifically, do you mean by the "evil" you voted out?
What did you vote out. Please be articulate in describing this evil.

No, you know what I'm talking about. I dont explain the obvious to people, if you dont know then you're the problem.

You and I have bumped heads enough for you to know that I will not assume what another means when they use any particular word.
You, among other votards here, think I'm stupid and ignorant... So go with that. "Lucy, you got some 'splainin' to do.
What, specifically, are the traits, properties, attributes, & characteristics of this "evil" you claim to have voted out?
Why, specifically, do you think the other guy is evil incarnate and your guy is not?
As a Boomer, my life experience has taught me, when it goes without saying, or it is obvious, it NEEDS saying.
So lemme say something simple and obvious...
Your refusal to articulate what you mean, means you are NOT interested in bringing others to your beliefs and/or conclusions.
You claim I'm the problem and you are the one that refuses to explain what you mean.

My refusal to articulate what I mean means I dont play games with people when they ask lame questions. If you dont understand what we just voted out was a memace than you're either one of these red hats, or just playing ignorant.

Whatever, you gasorminumplaz.

Yeah, whatever. Maybe you might try watching the news, or the Jan 6th hearings.

Attributed to Voltaire, "If you wish to communicate, define your terms."
So how about you define your terms and communicate what you mean, you gazorminumplaz smurfing smurfed smurfer with a smurf smurfed up your smurf.

No, this is silly. You know what I'm talking about.

You are a fucking coward who refuses to be specific and articulate.
Write plainly, boy. Nobody is going to read your mind.

Lol, you're an ignorant red hat if you need to be told what the evil was we voted out of the White House.

No... My LOL... You're the Votard trying to claim a non-voter is supporting the side opposite of the one you support.
Now I ask again, What, specifically, do you mean by the "evil" you voted out?
What did you vote out. Please be articulate in describing this evil.
What, specifically, are the traits, properties, attributes, & characteristics of this "evil" you claim to have voted out?
Why, specifically, do you think the other guy is evil incarnate and your guy is not?

I ask you, do you news at all?

I ask you: Be concise; be articulate; State the "evil" you are so concerned about.
Stop being a fucking coward who refuses to plainly state what you mean.

Please dont tag me anynmore, I'm through here.

You are through here because you are too stupid to plainly state what you wish to only imply. Fucking Votard¹.

¹ Votard
A Voting Retard that believes voting for the lessor of two evils isn't voting for evil.
« Last Edit: September 15, 2022, 08:10:30 AM by Dale Eastman »
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Offline Dale Eastman

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Natural Law Matters

Offline Dale Eastman

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Re: Votard Discussion
« Reply #2 on: September 06, 2022, 02:29:32 PM »
I share my aggravation with you for your entertainment and amusement. Also as enlightenment as to why restoring Liberty and Freedom is such a Sisyphean task.

Last election we voted out evil, I would have voted for Mr Potato Head to get that gangster out of the White House.

No. You did not vote out evil. You voted for a different source of evil.

nope, voted out evil, deal with it.

What, specifically, do you mean by the "evil" you voted out?


You made the claim that you "voted out evil".
What, specifically, do you mean by the "evil" you voted out?
What did you vote out. Please be articulate in describing this evil.

No, you know what I'm talking about. I dont explain the obvious to people, if you dont know then you're the problem.

You and I have bumped heads enough for you to know that I will not assume what another means when they use any particular word.
You, among other votards here, think I'm stupid and ignorant... So go with that. "Lucy, you got some 'splainin' to do.
What, specifically, are the traits, properties, attributes, & characteristics of this "evil" you claim to have voted out?
Why, specifically, do you think the other guy is evil incarnate and your guy is not?
As a Boomer, my life experience has taught me, when it goes without saying, or it is obvious, it NEEDS saying.
So lemme say something simple and obvious...
Your refusal to articulate what you mean, means you are NOT interested in bringing others to your beliefs and/or conclusions.
You claim I'm the problem and you are the one that refuses to explain what you mean.

My refusal to articulate what I mean means I dont play games with people when they ask lame questions. If you dont understand what we just voted out was a memace than you're either one of these red hats, or just playing ignorant.

Whatever, you gasorminumplaz.

Yeah, whatever. Maybe you might try watching the news, or the Jan 6th hearings.

Attributed to Voltaire, "If you wish to communicate, define your terms."
So how about you define your terms and communicate what you mean, you gazorminumplaz smurfing smurfed smurfer with a smurf smurfed up your smurf.

No, this is silly. You know what I'm talking about.

You are a fucking coward who refuses to be specific and articulate.
Write plainly, boy. Nobody is going to read your mind.

Lol, you're an ignorant red hat if you need to be told what the evil was we voted out of the White House.

No... My LOL... You're the Votard trying to claim a non-voter is supporting the side opposite of the one you support.
Now I ask again, What, specifically, do you mean by the "evil" you voted out?
What did you vote out. Please be articulate in describing this evil.
What, specifically, are the traits, properties, attributes, & characteristics of this "evil" you claim to have voted out?
Why, specifically, do you think the other guy is evil incarnate and your guy is not?

I ask you, do you news at all?

I ask you: Be concise; be articulate; State the "evil" you are so concerned about.
Stop being a fucking coward who refuses to plainly state what you mean.

Please dont tag me anynmore, I'm through here.

You are through here because you are too stupid to plainly state what you wish to only imply. Fucking Votard.

A Voting Retard that believes voting for the lessor of two evils isn't voting for evil.
Natural Law Matters