Author Topic: Weave the posts for order  (Read 1304 times)

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Weave the posts for order
« on: September 29, 2022, 11:03:47 AM »
Quote from: 29 12:10
Thank you for responding to my poke at you.

Now that I have your attention, I wish to segregate our discussion from this location and consolidate what you and I discuss in its own location. That location is here.

1. All statements are true if you are free to redefine their terms

Attributed to Voltaire, If you wish to communicate with me, define your terms.

So... Gasorminumplaz.
Quote from: 29 13:16
Quote from: 28 17:43

    ➽ its not "a" leader or "a" ruler, it's plural...

    You have just conflated "ruler" with "leader". It's a ruling class, not a leading class. As George Carlin pointed out, "It's a big club and you ain't in it." I will stipulate that you are correct. The ruling class is rulerS... plural.

    ➽ Some leaders are good and some leaders are bad,

    If alleged "leaders" have men with guns to make you obey, then they are NOT leaders. Stop abusing the word leader.

    ➽ Rules have to come from somewhere...

    ❶ Admit or deny:
    All humans are born with equal rights.

    ❷ Admit or deny:
    Then no human is born owning any other human.

Quote from: 29 11:07

    Equality as a legal or political principle does not depend upon a belief in empirical equality of any sort. Quite the contrary. If it were literally true that "all men are created equal," there would be no case for equal protection of the law, or perhaps even for laws at all. If every person had exactly the same intelligence, strength, aggressiveness, organizing ability, etc., there would be no need for the law to protect one from another, because one would never be in a position to successfully take advantage of the other. It is precisely the inequalities of people which makes the equal protection of the law so important-that there must be an overwhelming organized force ready to be thrown into the balance, so that a weak little old lady shall have as much right to live as the most stalwart young man or that frauds that deceive the unwary shall not be immune to retribution by officials who are more knowledgeable.


    ❶ Admit or deny:
    All humans are born with equal rights.
« Last Edit: September 29, 2022, 12:35:55 PM by Dale Eastman »
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Re: Weave the posts for order
« Reply #1 on: September 29, 2022, 02:13:23 PM »
Quote from: 29 14:33
I'm not even equal to myself on different days.
Quote from: 29 14:42
you are referring to inalienable rights, however, if "A" has a right to something, then "B" has a duty to see that he gets it, otherwise " A" has no such right, and , to society as a whole, nothing is a rght.
Quote from: 29 15:10
❶ Admit or deny:
All humans are born with equal rights.
Quote from: 3 07:39
❶ Admit or deny:
All humans are born with equal rights.
« Last Edit: October 03, 2022, 06:41:02 AM by Dale Eastman »
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Re: Weave the posts for order
« Reply #2 on: October 03, 2022, 09:40:35 AM »
Quote from: Canned possible poke at a Fard.
You wrote:
1. All statements are true if you are free to redefine their terms

I replied:
So... Gasorminumplaz.

By ignoring the undefined term "Gasorminumplaz" you have failed to understand what I am communicating.

Your failure to request the term be defined is clear evidence that you do NOT want to communicate.

Attributed to Voltaire, If you wish to communicate with me, define your terms.

You simply MUST be a deaf man with no eyes.
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Re: Weave the posts for order
« Reply #3 on: October 03, 2022, 10:20:14 AM »
Quote from: 3 10:29
Quote from: 3 11:21
Thank you.

Please explain how humans at birth do not have equal rights.
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Re: Weave the posts for order
« Reply #4 on: October 03, 2022, 10:45:04 AM »
Quote from: 3 11:27
a clever way to get special privileges, is to call them "rights". Especially equal "rights"
Quote from: 3 11:44
You did not explain how humans don't have equal rights at birth. Set that aside for now...

You did claim that rights are special privileges.

Had I asked you, such as I often formulaically do, "What, specifically, do you mean when you use the word "right(s)"? Your definition would have been on point. So now I must drill down on this definition of "right(s)" and this definition of "special privileges".

What, specifically, are the traits, properties, attributes, characteristics & elements of "right(s)"?

What, specifically, are the traits, properties, attributes, characteristics & elements of "special privileges"?
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Re: Weave the posts for order
« Reply #5 on: October 03, 2022, 11:32:10 AM »
Quote from: 3 12:16
Democratic governments are constantly weighing incremental trade-offs toward or away from freedom. Totalitarian governments, by definition, have no significant trade-offs of freedom left to consider, since freedom has already been sacrificed for some alternative consideration. Contemporary opinion simply incorporates freedom into the very definition of democracy, so that a government that eliminates freedom is not "really" democratic
Quote from: 3 12:36
How, exactly, does your reply answer my request... To wit:

What, specifically, are the traits, properties, attributes, characteristics & elements of "right(s)"?
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Re: Weave the posts for order
« Reply #6 on: October 04, 2022, 03:44:37 PM »
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Re: Weave the posts for order
« Reply #7 on: October 04, 2022, 06:04:04 PM »
Quote from: 4 17:19
I answered that question and you didn't like the answer. So you re-worded it asked it again.
Quote from: 5 12:21
I answered that question and you didn't like the answer. So you re-worded it asked it again.

Me three times:
❶ Admit or deny:
All humans are born with equal rights.

You, when you did answer:

Your answer basically claimed: humans are NOT born with equal rights.

Please explain how humans at birth do not have equal rights.

a clever way to get special privileges, is to call them "rights". Especially equal "rights"

What, specifically, are the traits, properties, attributes, characteristics & elements of "right(s)"?

Democratic governments are constantly weighing incremental trade-offs toward or away from freedom. Totalitarian governments, by definition, have no significant trade-offs of freedom left to consider, since freedom has already been sacrificed for some alternative consideration. Contemporary opinion simply incorporates freedom into the very definition of democracy, so that a government that eliminates freedom is not "really" democratic

What, specifically, are the traits, properties, attributes, characteristics & elements of "right(s)"?

Nothing in your answer addresses what a definition of "rights" are.

I am going to assume you've been busy in real life and you are not the liar you've presented yourself to be.

« Last Edit: October 05, 2022, 11:29:17 AM by Dale Eastman »
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Re: Weave the posts for order
« Reply #8 on: October 05, 2022, 03:25:33 PM »
Quote from: 5 13:18
stop repeating yourself. I understood you the first time.
Quote from: 5 16:25
stop repeating yourself. I understood you the first time.

Ya think I wouldn't have to repeat myself if you were honest and addressed the issue?

Nothing in your non-answer reply addresses what a definition of "rights" are.

So one more time:
What, specifically, are the traits, properties, attributes, characteristics & elements of "right(s)"?
Natural Law Matters