Author Topic: TB  (Read 1547 times)

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Offline Dale Eastman

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« on: June 17, 2022, 10:01:05 AM »
Quote from: basic NPC @ 1422 16JUNE
Dale Eastman , completeness of knowledge suffers by space and Time considerations.

Global and local laws (describes of incorrect behaviour and punishments) change diachronically. And, since all can't be taught to any one in person, it's assumed that All know of them as they become updated.

Even so, in well organised communities, Authority should announce the Reason for an arrest or financial punishment, and can do Nothing else untill the one to be punished has a lawyer's assistance.

Unfortunately, neither policemen nor citizens (want to) know their all basic Rights. And atrocities are the result, from both sides.

Just one bad gear, makes an otherwise well build clock malfunction as a whole. And, since All depend on correct Timing...

Authority being the misdefined word. A communication failure, and my trigger for reasons I expect those who have perused this website to understand.

Quote from: 1436
NPC Are you for liberty or slavery?
Be prepared to discuss the different definitions you and I have regarding those two words.
Quote from: 1613
Dale Eastman yeesh there’s a false dichotomy if i ever heard one.
Hey dale. How many times have you been caught masturbating in the closet? 😆
Quote from: 1616
Tom Bri False Dichotomy?

Let's make this open ended.
Are you for slavery?
Quote from: 1626
Dale Eastman I’m a slave to the truth. And a slave to being pissed off by intentional word games in the name of hiding a good point instead of rooting it up.
I’m a slave to my fury when it comes to a mind that closes itself off to ownership of words and title.
All of us are slaves to something dale.
Unless you are different than the rest of us, tell me what currently enslaves you?
Quote from: 1626
Dale Eastman also how dare you bring that weak ass move into a conversation with me.
It’s an insult to my intelligence. And if it’s not an insult to your capacity for embarrassment, then surely you intentionally insult something else.
Quote from: 1628
Tom Bri Does your enslavement to the truth tell you pick cotton are get the whip?
Quote from: 1438
Dale Eastman intellectual dishonesty is not tolerated here.

Jokes are done.

I’m dead fucking serious right now.

You have three choices dale.

1.) Cut the shit with intentionally making honest questions off limits. Crybabies put fences around people by labeling them falsely with the problems of their own ideas, and projecting those same limitations on others.
2.) leave in a huff of indignaton. Make an ass of yourself and a speech about how you have better things to do. Or say nothing of the sort, and the end is you show yourself out.
3.) ignore one and two. say what makes you feel better, have whatever whining about how I’m a total bastard deleted, and be forcibly removed.

This is what power looks like when it wants something to stop.

I’m not ashamed to use it, Dale.

Shape up or ship out.

Run or Choose. Every choice you make, I mapped how what matters to me wins, you only decide how much you lose.
Quote from: 1442
Quote from: 1647
Instances of this are rare. They are rare because after two or three chances, the issue is immediately pressed and enforced.
That is all.

Quote from: 1654
That kind of baiting and predatory presentation of information is the behavior I’d expect in a CNN or Fox News comment section.
The people here deserve better.
Not in my house.
Natural Law Matters

Offline Dale Eastman

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    • Synaptic Sparks
Re: TB
« Reply #1 on: June 17, 2022, 11:08:05 AM »
Dale Eastman yeesh there’s a false dichotomy if i ever heard one.

📖False dilemma (false dichotomy, fallacy of bifurcation, black-or-white fallacy) – two alternative statements are given as the only possible options when, in reality, there are more📖

I already know what you have so graciously pointed out. You and many others do not see the connection.

Dale Eastman also how dare you bring that weak ass move into a conversation with me.

How dare you not allow me to connect the dots.

You accused me of either-or logic when you accused me of false dichotomy. So I chopped the duality in half. One leg: One topic. I asked you:
⚡Are you for slavery?⚡

I then edited the comment to make it open ended by asking:


You chose to ignore the question.

Dale Eastman intellectual dishonesty is not tolerated here.

Look in a fucking mirror...

Either you are for slavery or you are not.
So, by your thinking I just posted another false dichotomy.

Just so there is no confusion about what I am saying, I have previously and publicly presented a term in my lexicon: A slave is a human whose owner's free will overrides the slave's free will. Pick cotton or get the whip.

So here's that false dichotomy reworded:
Either you are for humans owning humans or you are not for humans owning humans.

And reworded again:
Either you are for humans getting the whip for refusing to pick cotton or you are not for humans getting the whip for refusing to pick cotton.

Now the other half of that bifurcation:
Choosing humans to get the whip for refusing to pick cotton is choosing to be against liberty.

You have failed my assessment of your morality.

Choice number 4:
Shun your immoral ass.

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