Author Topic: Educate those who do not understand liberty  (Read 1485 times)

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Offline Dale Eastman

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Educate those who do not understand liberty
« on: September 01, 2024, 06:46:00 AM »
Admins of this group wish to educate those who do not understand liberty.

I agree 100%. So I am doing my part to help this group get wider exposure by presenting the link to this group.

Can you be at liberty when 30% of your money is stolen? How much more liberty to do things would you have with $100 than with $70?

That missing $30 is a resource that you no longer own. This is why I have asked the main admin of I2L this question:

Do you want to help folks legally stop paying the income tax that has not been imposed on payroll of Americans working in any of the 50 States united?"

On 27 August @ 18:33 main admin wrote: I don't HAVE to respond if I don't see a need. That is main admin admitting that main admin DOESN'T RESPOND. This is main admin admitting to ignoring questions.

By refusing to answer my very specifically worded question; Main admin has opened the door for his actions to be speculatively examined.

The question shortened is "Do you want to help folks?" The missing answer of "Yes" means main admin has answered "No"; The main admin does not want to help folks. By refusing to address the question, main admin has offered no reason for main admin's intent to not help folks.

Prior discussion can be found publicly archived here
« Last Edit: September 02, 2024, 05:17:21 PM by Dale Eastman »
Natural Law Matters

Offline Dale Eastman

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Re: Educate those who do not understand liberty
« Reply #1 on: September 16, 2024, 07:09:38 AM »
I posted this message under a mutual acquaintance's posting of a share from the group named & identified.

Quote from: 14 September @ 09:14
Admins of this group wish to educate those who do not understand liberty.

I agree 100%. So I am doing my part to help this group get wider exposure by presenting the link to this group.

Can you be at liberty when 30% of your money is stolen? How much more liberty to do things would you have with $100 than with $70?

That missing $30 is a resource that you no longer own. This is why I have asked the main admin of I2L this question:

Do you want to help folks legally stop paying the income tax that has not been imposed on payroll of Americans working in any of the 50 States united?"

On 27 August @ 18:33 main admin wrote: I don't HAVE to respond if I don't see a need. That is main admin admitting that main admin DOESN'T RESPOND. This is main admin admitting to ignoring questions.

By refusing to answer my very specifically worded question; Main admin has opened the door for his actions to be speculatively examined.

The question shortened is "Do you want to help folks?" The missing answer of "Yes" means main admin has answered "No"; The main admin does not want to help folks. By refusing to address the question, main admin has offered no reason for main admin's intent to not help folks.

Prior discussion can be found publicly archived here
Quote from: Mike Cerrito on 15 September @ 22:05
Dale Eastman, We don't need you or your closet statism rhetoric masquerading as liberty. You're butt hurt because we suspended your membership because you were licking the boots of the tyrant Dave Champion who openly admitted he campaigned for Sheriff and ran his mouth about anarchists. Funny how you don't mention that part, you closet statist piece of shit. 😂 You think the answer to government robbing people is to get on our knees and enter the gov's systems, therefore validating it. You're also so ignorant that you think Dave's boot licing way is the only method. And since you continue to run your fk boi mouth slandering the group, we'll ban you from it completely. Go lay in a casket, traitor.
Quote from: 16 September @ 09:00
The first thing about your emotional tirade I'm going to address: You just accused me of slandering The Introduction of Liberty group.

I am all about provable, verifiable facts.

"Slander is Defamation by verbal statement, as opposed to defamation in writing.":

"Defamation is a false statement presented as a fact that causes injury or damage to the character of the person it is about.":

Correcting your error: You just accused me of libeling The Introduction of Liberty group.

What exactly is the injury or damage you are claiming I have done to The Introduction of Liberty group?

The topic you and Smith are trying to deflect away from is "Do you want to help folks?"
Quote from: Mike Cerrito on 16 September @ 12:46
Dale Eastman, I'm not interested in your closet statism, passive aggressivism or your gutless dancing around Dave Champion being a STATIST TYRANT, you fking piece of shit, and you can come run your fk boi mouth in person about my emotion. Fk around and find out 🙂
Quote from: 16 September @ 19:01
Correcting your error: You just accused me of libeling The Introduction of Liberty group.

I told you, "I am all about provable, verifiable facts."

What exactly is the injury or damage you are claiming I have done to The Introduction of Liberty group?
Quote from: 16 September @ 19:39
Dale Eastman, False. You are about using passive aggression, not telling whole context and gaslighting your childish inability to admit to everyone that Dave Champion is a tyrant, and you're trying to slight the group because you are butthurt. I'm not interested in your disingenuous banter.
Quote from: 17 September @ 07:40
On 15 September @ 22:05 You posted these words: ➽ And since you continue to run your fk boi mouth slandering the group
I asked you a very specific question because of that claim of yours:
What exactly is the injury or damage you are claiming I have done to The Introduction of Liberty group?
You sort of replied: ➽ you're trying to slight the group
Here's that question again, modified to attempt to understand your latest emotional spew:
What exactly is the injury or damage you are claiming I have done to The Introduction of Liberty group by allegedly "trying to slight the group"?
Quote from: 17 September @ 16:53
Dale Eastman, When you can first acknowledge Dave Champion is a tyrant and it's not good to promote tyrants, then people might consider answering your subsequent questions. But at this point, you have repeatedly refused to acknowledge the whole reason this started is because of YOU and Charles Moody refusing to acknowledge Dave is a tyrant and YOU and Charles Moody repeatedly trying to gaslight Dave as being a hero, therefore, you've ruined any chance of me answering any of your questions. No one is obligated to entertain your childish games where you bark questions and refuse to acknowledge you're promoting a boot licking statist tyrant who literally tried to enslave civilians via a badge.
Quote from: 17 September @ 16:55
Dale Eastman, If your next comment doesn't begin with you clearly admitting Dave Champion is a tyrant and admitting the damage that occurs from promoting a tyrant then I will just block you for being no better than a statist.
Quote from: 18 September @ 17:29

I fully expect you to do the written version of plugging your ears with your fingers and singing "LA-LA-LA!" as loud as you can.

That's what emotional tirades look like. That's what you have done more than once thereby indicating that you are NOT interested in discussing verifiable facts.

FACT: 𝟙. I copy-paste and publicly archive discussions such as this one.
FACT: 𝟚. Any numbered fact is true absent a logical denial from you explaining why that specific numbered fact is in error.
FACT: 𝟛. Failure to address any numbered fact is admission of that fact's veracity.
𝟜. On 17 September @ 16:55 You posted this DEMAND: ➽ If your next comment doesn't begin with you... And threat: ➽ I will just punish you for not obeying my command.
𝟝. That looks just like how government operates.
𝟞. That looks just like how Statists operate.
𝟟. On 17 September @ 16:53 You spewed an emotional tirade; ➽ you've ruined any chance of me answering any of your questions.
𝟠. My questions are Socratic Method Questions designed to get to the truth and facts.
𝟡. It has been my personal experience that those who don't like or refuse to answer my questions about what they've posted don't want their posted BS examined.
𝟙𝟘. Your refusal to answer my questions STRONGLY suggest to me that you are not about truth and facts.
𝟙𝟙. On 17 September @ 07:40 I posted these words: On 15 September @ 22:05 You posted these words: ➽ And since you continue to run your fk boi mouth slandering the group
I asked you a very specific question because of that claim of yours:
What exactly is the injury or damage you are claiming I have done to The Introduction of Liberty group?
You sort of replied: ➽ you're trying to slight the group
Here's that question again, modified to attempt to understand your latest emotional spew:
What exactly is the injury or damage you are claiming I have done to The Introduction of Liberty group by allegedly "trying to slight the group"?
𝟙𝟚. You were asked explain and support your claim.
𝟙𝟛. You did not explain or support your claim.
𝟙𝟜. On 16 September @ 19:39 you wrote: ➽ You are about using passive aggression,
𝟙𝟝. I ignored your claim when you posted it.
𝟙𝟞. I am not ignoring your claim at this moment.
𝟙𝟟. I am now asking you to explain and support your claim.
𝟙𝟠. On 16 September @ 19:39 you claimed : ➽[I'm] not telling whole context
𝟙𝟡. I refer you back to fact 1 above: I copy-paste and publicly archive discussions such as this one.
𝟚𝟘. The context you are errantly claiming does not exist is in that public archive.
𝟚𝟙. On 16 September @ 19:01 I posted this: You just accused me of libeling The Introduction of Liberty group.
What exactly is the injury or damage you are claiming I have done to The Introduction of Liberty group?
𝟚𝟚. You did not explain or support your claim after I questioned your claim.
𝟚𝟛. On 16 September @ 12:46 you posted YOUR second emotional tirade.
𝟚𝟜. These ARE your words of your second emotional tirade saved in the public archive of this discussion: ➽ Dale Eastman, I'm not interested in your closet statism, passive aggressivism or your gutless dancing around Dave Champion being a STATIST TYRANT, you fking piece of shit, and you can come run your fk boi mouth in person about my emotion. Fk around and find out 🙂
𝟚𝟝. Calling me a fking piece of shit says more about you than it will ever say about me.
𝟚𝟞. In my 16 September @ 09:00 post, I corrected your error of not knowing the difference between Slander and Libel.
𝟚𝟟. In that same 16 September @ 09:00 post, I asked you to present the false statement that you implied I said about The Introduction of Liberty group.
𝟚𝟠. You failed to present my alleged false statement
𝟚𝟡. On 15 September @ 22:05 you spewed these words: ➽ Funny how you don't mention that part, you closet statist piece of shit.
𝟚𝟡. On 15 September @ 22:05 when you spewed those words, You ignored the words in the post you replied to.
𝟛𝟘. On 14 September @ 09:14 I posted these words:
Prior discussion can be found publicly archived here
𝟛𝟙. A copy of the entire discussion WOULD have the context you are ignoring.

I told you, "I am all about provable, verifiable facts."
The proof and verification of those 31 facts is in the record of this conversation.

Read 109 times
« Last Edit: September 18, 2024, 04:30:51 PM by Dale Eastman »
Natural Law Matters

Offline Dale Eastman

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