Author Topic: TG  (Read 840 times)

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Offline Dale Eastman

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« on: October 25, 2020, 07:58:44 AM »
"Anarchists" -- begging the rulers   more of the king's tax funded welfare
That's not anarchy, that's neo- liberal communism

Link to with this headline:
Three Cities Deemed ‘Anarchist’ Will Take Legal Action Against Trump’s Threat To Cut Federal Funding
Trump has claimed the leaders enable “anarchy, violence, and destruction.”
Youre misleading your followers by making your Comment about anarchist.. NO Anarchist asked fir ANY money, it was Deblasio the mayor who filed suit!

Comments such as yours is whats always happened through history by idiots attempting to discredit Anarchist.
Quote from: Statism Is Slavery

Forbes made the claim, and commies aren't anarchists, dingbat
Funny... Says " Argorist " below the comment!
Dunno what point you're trying to make. I do know you shot yourself in the foot commenting on Agorist's nom de plume, showing you are lacking a clue. I looked it up for you: "Agorism
Agorism is a social philosophy that advocates creating a society in which all relations between people are voluntary exchanges by means of counter-economics, engaging with aspects of peaceful revolution.Wikipedia"
Oh, and you misspelled the name. Yeah, I know... Copy and past is so hard to do... Agori$t Agorist
Dude ... Don't come on here spewing your bullcrap if like you, yourself said... You dunno what point I'm trying to make. Tge Conversation was between " Argorist " ... Yes, thats what the admin calls himself, and myself. So, keep your idiotic comments to yourself if youre gonna come onto a thread that's a few days old! No one asked for your ill informed input on something you have no knowledge of about what our conversation was about!
and by the way numbskull... You spelled Paste incorrectly.. copy and past!!??? You got some damn nerve lecturing People on spelling... Now run along little boy, before i call your mom to go spank your bottom blue for being an idiot!
stated: "No one asked for your ill informed input on something[...]"

Did you think your discussion was private?

TG: "on something you have no knowledge of about what our conversation was about!"

As of this moment there are 9 comments in this thread.  I have read EVERY comment in the thread.

I clearly wrote: "Dunno what point you're trying to make." Perhaps you missed that as my admission that I don't understand... duh... the point you're trying to make. I still don't.

You were making a point that Agori$t posted some words... Because his name was under his link to Forbes' words.

Perhaps I made an error of not providing enough clarity in my comment. Thank you for showing me that I need to clarify my intended point.

Considering that the page is called "Statism is Slavery" and the fact that I have been reading a lot of Statist drek here, I do not understand if you are pro-Liberty or pro-Statism.

As for your claim that I am "spewing bullcrap"... Believers gonna believe.

TG: "ill informed input on something"

That's what Statists post about government & state. Like I wrote, Dunno if you're a Statist or not.

TG: "onto a thread that's a few days old!"


What's your point?

TG: "No one asked for your ill informed input on something you have no knowledge of about what our conversation was about!"

So you're clairvoyant and can read minds? What am I thinking right now?

⛒ ⛒ ⛒ ⛒ ⛒

Interesting that your method of discussion is to do name calling. I've some very tough internet skin. I suggest you grow some thicker skin if those few words I wrote disturbed you so much.

I don't care if somebody insists upon calling me by their maiden name. I note it and move on, attempting to have discussion of differing viewpoints regardless.

As to my comment about your typo - It sure looked to me like you didn't understand the connection between agorism and no stateism. Or the connection between agorism and Statism Is Slavery.

The OP was about STATIST actions. And the statist actions of misusing the word "anarchy". Which I don't know if you are using correctly or not. Because you have NOT made your point clear.

TG: "Comments such as yours is whats always happened through history by idiots attempting to discredit Anarchist."
In effect, you have claimed that anti-statism is anti anarchism.

So rather than bicker... What do you mean by "anarchy"? What do you mean by "anarchists"?
dude ... Like i said, this post is a few days old and Argorist and i already discussed the comment. What are you, bored with life and got nothing else to do but attempt to make corrections on everyone's comments which is irritating af, especially when you have someone making fun of my spelling and acting as if i dont know what Argorist means as a way of trying to act as though im not educated! Im fully capable of doing my own research and dont need someone who because of my last name thinks im uneducated like all Black and brown people. If you don't like being called names, dont come to a page and troll old comments or next time i can use other choice words to call you!
You fucking racist!
I don't give a shit about your genetics.

I don't give a shit about your choice words either. They show more about you than they will ever show about me.

What I do give a shit about is your apparent refusal or inability to use words to discuss concepts.

You claimed: "Like i said, this post is a few days old and Argorist and i already discussed the comment."

Uh huh. Discussed it where? I've read ALL 11 comments in this thread. You call those 11 posts a discussion?

I STILL don't know if you are a Statist or an Astatist.

I've some work to do today. So don't be surprised if I don't reply to you for another 2 days.
Dale Eastman just so you know, People of color CANNOT be racist... Nice try though!!! And... Who the hell are you, Argorist little bitch who has to check to see what he's talking about? Sorry you dont Understand English or you'd understand the short conversation he and i had... Not sure why you feel you have to add all your female mellow dramatics to a conversation that did not include you! And what i believe is none of your concern either, Mr thought police!
The "person whose skin color I don't give a shit about", the non-white racist wrote:
just so you know, People of color CANNOT be racist... Nice try though!!!

And for the record (verified by scrolling up) YOU posted, and I quote: "Im fully capable of doing my own research and dont need someone who because of my last name thinks im uneducated like all Black and brown people. " YOU brought race into the discussion. I did not.

I decline to follow that red herring off topic any further. Excuse me... I decline to follow that non-white herring off topic any further.

MY reason for continuing this discussion is to find out what your point was meant to be, All your distractions and avoidance attempts notwithstanding. Getting back on point...

You wrote: Comments such as yours is whats always happened through history by idiots attempting to discredit Anarchist.

What, specifically, do you mean by Anarchist?
What, specifically, do you mean by Anarchy?
Why do you claim an anarchist page admin is "attempting to discredit Anarchist"?
You Europeans can attempt to rewrite the meaning of words but the definition od what Racism is will never work, no matter where you put it on the internet... So nice try, yourself! 😂😂😂
Nice attempt to ignore the questions.
You wrote: Comments such as yours is whats always happened through history by idiots attempting to discredit Anarchist.

What, specifically, do you mean by Anarchist?
What, specifically, do you mean by Anarchy?
Why do you claim an anarchist page admin is "attempting to discredit Anarchist"?
dude... Can you not read???? Argorist and i had a short discussion and he explained himself ... Now is that ok by you.. and why in hell do you think i must explain anything to you??? Get a life and quit trolling pages and comments that have nothing to do with you!
You mean quit trolling pages and comments like you did?

How would you know that the Statism Is Slavery page has nothing to do with me? What criteria have you used to come to that conclusion? And for that matter, present your criteria for implying that the Statism Is Slavery page has anything to do with you.

Yes. I can read. Can you read and understand questions?
dude, you better go take your lithium and then throw your helmet on before you go play in the streets. Something is obviously wrong with you being you think i owe you some kind of explanation... Slavery days are over and you can keep wanting, yet youll receive nothing.. so scoot along little boy before I call your mother and have her spank your bottom blue for being such an entitled thinking brat! So long son... Im done responding to your childish comments!
Typical. Person makes comments spewing their opinions, I ask questions of said opinions, opinion spewer goes away never answering questions asked of their beliefs.

Don't let the door hit you on the ass on your way out.
« Last Edit: October 27, 2020, 03:51:28 PM by Admin »
Natural Law Matters